Lets just get this straight ? You are NOT selling up as in giving up right ? At least you better not be
🙁 Just flogging bits and plants till you are ready to do the new tank ? Alastair, just get the Optiwhite on your plastic mate. You have spent enough moving I am sure so another chunk wont hurt
😉 Your current tank will sell eventually. You know you can't sit there twiddling your thumbs. Your last tank was awesome and I reckon you would do wonders with a decent size OW
🙂 But just dont sell all your kit at silly money until you know what you might need.

I have seen people sell all their stuff with the intention of getting all new, and then never get back into it to the level they were at !! (Actually I am talking about myself. When I moved to New Zealand I had just set up a 4'x2'x2' marine with Giesemann halides with moonphase and everything, a Deltec AP850 skimmer, tunze pumps, it was the gnats nuts. Flogged it all for half what I paid for it and never set another reef tank up again. Only now, 9 years on, am I able to start running a semi serious tank, and even this is kind of on a shoestring). Best of luck though, just dont make any rash decisions just to make the house move easier.