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120 gallon 450 litre - Quick pic update page 9

Re: 120 gallon 450l vision update with pics

Loving the new scape mate that big trunk is great wish I could find a bit like that:O)
Re: 120 gallon 450l vision update with pics

Saw this in the flesh yesterday, great tank! The trunk has some moss creeping up on one side and some riccia growing on the other!

cheers for the bits and bobs you gave me mate, going to check the bubble counter again tonight as it went off last night with the timer so couldn't check again.
Re: 120 gallon 450l vision update with pics

niknaksky said:
Loving the new scape mate that big trunk is great wish I could find a bit like that:O)

Cheers mate. The woods going to be with me a very long time lol.

Westyggx said:
Saw this in the flesh yesterday, great tank! The trunk has some moss creeping up on one side and some riccia growing on the other!

cheers for the bits and bobs you gave me mate, going to check the bubble counter again tonight as it went off last night with the timer so couldn't check again.

And who says Riccia doesn't attach of its own accord hey lol. I didn't out it their.

Hope the diffusers reet
Re: 120 gallon 450l vision Flowering Blyxa

Just a quick update. Have shuffled around the right side now since removing the small piece of wood. I'll be posting up a pic this week at some point, didn't realise how much crap could find its way under though. Crikey. I've done 4 gravel vacs from Saturday till today.
I've taken out alot of blyxa, and noticed six are sending up flower stems. Fingers crossed they flower under water. I did by chance leave one blyxa floating on the top and when feeding my fish this evening I noticed this, I'm pretty chuffed.

Quite proud of it actually
120 gallon 450l .....flowering blyxa japonica

Mate that's awesome! I have some appearing on my Blyxa also, the buds that is.
Re: 120 gallon 450l vision update with pics

Alastair said:
Ok ok here it is then lol. It still needs a good fair amount of planting to do, and not sure whether to pull the wood out on the right. Thoughts? Excuse the state of the right I've not concentrated on the bit yet


Hey Alastair... PLANT ID please 🙂 What are the tall, thin, crimped looking plants to the right of the wood ? Thanks.
Re: 120 gallon 450l vision update with pics

Antipofish said:
Alastair said:
Ok ok here it is then lol. It still needs a good fair amount of planting to do, and not sure whether to pull the wood out on the right. Thoughts? Excuse the state of the right I've not concentrated on the bit yet


Hey Alastair... PLANT ID please 🙂 What are the tall, thin, crimped looking plants to the right of the wood ? Thanks.

cryptocoryne balansae
Re: 120 gallon 450l .....flowering blyxa japonica

Cheers. Im liking that. As a crypto is it easy to keep ? Any particular place to source it from better than other ? I live down south and from what I have seen our choices of plants at LFS's is shocking !!!
Re: 120 gallon 450l .....flowering blyxa japonica

Antipofish said:
Cheers. Im liking that. As a crypto is it easy to keep ? Any particular place to source it from better than other ? I live down south and from what I have seen our choices of plants at LFS's is shocking !!!

The Green Machine sells them mate and they are pretty easy to grow and keep.
Re: 120 gallon 450l .....flowering blyxa japonica

Awesome. Or is there anyone on here who has some spare or some for sale ? 😳 :shock:
Re: 120 gallon 450l .....flowering blyxa japonica

Alastair said:
Hi mate. They're cryptocoryne balansae. They were just in their to keep them alive till I'd posted them off

To quote Henry Higgins in "My Fair Lady", "Damn! damn! damn! damn! damn!"

If you ever have any more you wanna post, I will give you my address, lol. 😱
Re: 120 gallon 450l .....flowering blyxa japonica

Alastair said:
Ha ha. They were huge too. I had more than that. I may have some small plantlets in which I'll have a snoop tomorrow and let you know. If so you can have them.
I need to update this journal too

Any luck finding any plantlets ? :shifty:
Re: 120 gallon 450l .....flowering blyxa japonica

Haven't updated this journal for a bit now, so will take some fresh pics tomorrow and pop up as made a few changes. However I'm over the moon. Was just having a quick nosey in the tank before I turned the lights off and happen to stumble across these little beauties........




These have come from my wild pair of panda Corys and am gobsmacked as I never clocked them turning on the Barry white music or anything. My albino Corys lay eggs every other week and never had any from them
Re: 120 gallon 450 litre - Unexpected surprise!

Mate that is fantastic & I know the feeling of joy you are experiencing as my pandas did exactly the same about two months back!
Never expected anything until I thought I was hallucinating while watching three tiny pandas mooching around the bottom! 🙂
120 gallon 450 litre - Unexpected surprise!

foxfish said:
Mate that is fantastic & I know the feeling of joy you are experiencing as my pandas did exactly the same about two months back!
Never expected anything until I thought I was hallucinating while watching three tiny pandas mooching around the bottom! 🙂

Ha ha thanks mate that's exactly what I thought I was doing when I noticed them. Felt surreal watching them. Über cute they are too. Excuse the crappy iPhone pics.

I do feel a tad guilty though as it was only yesterday I was using my gravel cleaner and giving the blyxa a good sucking through which Is where I found these little ones. I never even checked the bucket after when I threw the water away......I'm hoping I didn't suck any up :0(

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Re: 120 gallon 450 litre - Unexpected surprise!

Hey Alastair, amongst your black florabase, there are lighter coloured bits. What is it ? 🙂