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  1. Tankless

    Show & Tell Maintenance Equipment

    Just wanted to start a thread where everyone can share their maintenance setup and favourite tools that they use during their weekly / bi-weekly / monthly aquarium maintenance sessions. (The real reason for this thread is for me to look at what else I can buy to make water changes, trimming...
  2. Savi_g

    Little visual advice about plant trimming within first month.

    Hi there guys. So this is my first PROPER attempt at a big beautiful planted tank with lots of thought, buying all at once and everything IN the tank being new or clean and so far it’s going great. Fish are happy, plants seem happy, tests are coming back clear. Started off as a 100ltr...
  3. Andy Pierce

    Lobelia cardinalis 'wavy' full-grown - what to do now?

    Now that the plant is settled in and well-established (5 months) it’s at 17 cm and while the tops are attractive, it has an exposed bare understory layer with plentiful “aerial” roots – at least that’s what they’d be called if the plant weren’t underwater – that are somewhat unsightly. I’m not...
  4. Bumblefish

    Trimming Utricularia graminifolia

    Hello everyone, I have a 10 litre nano tank a few months old in which I've been growing a UG carpet. It's starting to get pretty dense at the front and is finally beginning to look fairly good. At the last trim I took it down to about 3cm at which point I exposed some patches which were...
  5. D

    New Aquascape Best Way To Trim

    Planted my first higher tech aquacape a few weeks ago. The plants are doing well so far and algae is for now at least minimal (may not stay this way but so far so good :). Back ground plants are ludwiga repens, tiger lilly and pogostemon stellatus. The growth is much quicker than in my older...
  6. Bufo Bill

    Christmas Moss Trimming

    Hi, I have superglued some Xmas moss onto some bog wood. When is the best time to start trimming it back so that it spreads over the wood? Immediately? Wait for new growth first? Any help appreciated. Many thanks from Bill. :D
  7. George Farmer

    Moss trimming, no mess - now with video

    Hi all, I love moss. Only recently have I used it properly in aquascaping and I've realised the biggest PITA for me with it is dealing with the trimmings. They usually sink to the bottom of the tank and require siphoning. Any leftovers usually get entangled with carpeting plants and end...