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  1. Ross

    Eheim Classic 2217

    Does anybody have one?After tearing my hair out with my leaky Eheim 2073 I have decided to ditch it and order a 2217. I fancied something different,part from having to prime it yourself it seems to be a very good filter that just seems to keep going.
  2. Ross

    Enough Flow now?

    I have a 200 liter tank and I have an Eheim 2073,Eheim 2012,JBL 900 external filler,Hydor 1500 LPH powerhead and a New wave 3100 LPH powerhead which went in on Monday and has made a big improvement :D I was wondering if its plenty now?
  3. Ross

    Cleaning your Filter Pipes

    How often do you do yours?I have started cleaning mine every month or so and it never fails to shock me how much gunk builds up in there :D I use one of these and fine it very simple but it works very well http://www.charterhouse-aquatics.co.uk/ ... p-978.html
  4. Ross

    Eheim 2073 Leaking

    Well I cleaned my filter the other day and the next morning it had filled my cabinet with water :oops: I ran it and watched it and when it gets going the water starts gushing out around the 4 clips around the head but I have checked the seal and it seems fine,there is no water coming from the...
  5. Ross

    JBL Filter Bargain

    http://www.zooplus.co.uk/shop/fish/filt ... jbl/102999 I know some will not be keen on it being a 2 pin plug you you get an adapter.I have had my 900 one for a fair few months and its been faultless :thumbup: But the price they have for the 1500 one is a steal IMO because its very easy to set...
  6. Ross

    JBL Cristal Profi E-Series

    I am looking to buy another external Filter on my 200 liter tank I have a Eheim 2073 and I used to have a Tetra Tec EX 600 but I want to change it because the flow from it is poor.I have been looking at the JBL ones and see they get good write ups and I was thinking about the 900 LPH one I know...
  7. Ross

    Seachem Purigen

    Is this safe to use with Tetra Aquasafe?I have read that some products with a slime coat aid can render the Purigen toxic?
  8. Ross

    What size of KORALIA pump to get?

    I have a 180 liter tank and need some more flow on it I have two filters doing 1500 lph.I was thinking about the KORALIA 1 because I don't want too much flow but I want to get the plants swaying a bit more to get the CO2 and nutrients distributed better.
  9. Ross

    Eheim 2073

    I just wanted to say how pleased I am with my one I have it running on my 200l tank along with a Tetratec EX600 since adding the 2073 the water is much clearer no dead spots and the fish are more active too.