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  1. Mrmikey

    making el solution

    whos the daddy... totally agree I read all his prophets and print them, this 18 pg beast is gonna take some time though. One day to digest this before my salts turn up.
  2. Mrmikey

    Joke of the day

    Re: Joke of the day apollo here i come!
  3. Mrmikey

    making el solution

    yep i have looked at it before but i think id have to read it a few times for it to stick. I hope this is the final piece of the puzzle for me, got my lighting in check, co2 and flow so I think this will make real difference. I got it from this website because they do a starter pack with a...
  4. Mrmikey

    Joke of the day

    Thought i'd start a thread so we can post some jokes. I'll start with a shocker :) I'm just getting in to snail racing. I bought a special snail but it wasn't fast enough, so I removed the shell to save weight. If anything it just made it more sluggish. Told you it was good!
  5. Mrmikey

    making el solution

    Alright clive, thanks for that just put an order in so I'll just have to wait untill it shows up and then the laboratory is officially open. Looks easy enough. thanks for the heads up again, may get back to you just to double check. I'm tellin you, destroy the matrix and do a book:)
  6. Mrmikey

    Solenoid part ?

    Re: Solenoid part ? nice always good to know, thanks again jas, saved me some headaches ! :)
  7. Mrmikey

    making el solution

    hello goin to order some dry salts to make my own fertilizer. I only have a small 30l tank so dont need much. I found a tread to aquaessentials but the links in-bedded are out of date. Could someone please tell me exactly what i need (links if poss). Another question trace mix, on...
  8. Mrmikey

    Planning for tank in january

    Well I'm going to get a bigger tanking in January and just want to ask a couple of questions so I don't regret/waste any money. The tank will be an opti-White from aquariums limited. 26lx12hx15w inches that is. If that's more expensive than the one of their standard 24x12x15 i don't know...
  9. Mrmikey

    Need a Photo Editing Please

    Realistically 1 week lol If you know Photoshop well enough it would take about 2 hours.
  10. Mrmikey

    Changing times for UKAPS

    I think there should be a Heath warning thread/ section lol When I first bought my nano tank I thought yeah great it's only £90 and a get a nice nano. Then I found this site!, that £90 turned into 100's! New lights, new filter, new co2, new plants, more new plants, new fish/shrimp, dead...
  11. Mrmikey

    RE: My association with PlantedBox.com

    Good luck to you pal, hope the new year continues to bring you good health....and an opti-White:) defo set up a tank it's a great thing to do.
  12. Mrmikey

    Need a Photo Editing Please

    Hi gill, it is possible to do it and would look fine just depends on your skills in photoshop and how much time you want to spend on it. It is a case of masking all the hair, easier using a drawing tablet ( digital wacom pen ). If I were doing it I would use the airbrush tool to mask it sofens...
  13. Mrmikey

    Solenoid part ?

    Hi jas, I must have looked on eBay and other sites for ages but couldn't Find a thing! Didn't help that I didn't know what they were called! Yeah I'm sure your are right that it's a standard fitting so I'll be on those links today and get one ordered. Always good to know that the company sends...
  14. Mrmikey

    Solenoid part ?

    Hi I've stupidly lost a part to my solenoid:( typical just as my new co2 has turned up. I don't even know the make of the solenoid? Or the name of the part that's lost. Can anyone point me in the right direction, or better still sell me yours :) By the way it's the Two silver bits and the washer.
  15. Mrmikey

    Luke's TMC 8L Nano

    Hey luke not looking to bad, it's pretty Tricky getting the balance in a narrow but tall tank. Took me a while and a few £££ to get the right rock. I personal think you should try and get a taller piece if poss. If unsure wait a little longer because it will only annoy you long term. Good...
  16. Mrmikey

    Luke's TMC 8L Nano

    Yeah sounds like you are gonna be skint, but hey join the club. All tha cal aqua and do! Aqua stuff is really nice and probably works really well. See your point with the slate better to wait and be sure then mess it all around which is what I used to do. Forgot u said you might try something a...
  17. Mrmikey

    Nano tank recomendation please

    I agree with luke, get the best your budget will stretch to. An opti white tank would look really good. If you get in to this hobby you will probably Want to upgrade everything anyway, do buying things in seprates is probably the way to go. But again all depends on your goals.
  18. Mrmikey

    Luke's TMC 8L Nano

    Hey luke nice to see you've got all your stuff ready for the tank. Bet you can't wait to get it all set up. Your wood looks great and a bargin at 50p. The rock you're suggesting will look good broken up, I think I have some of that from my old scape so I'd go for it if I was you. I'm going to...
  19. Mrmikey

    arcpod any good.

    Reactor mentioned is actually a bubble counter :) oops
  20. Mrmikey

    arcpod any good.

    Ha bloody hell you use 2x18 ! Now I see why you said on a knife edge. I thought you were using 2x11w ha i don't think I'm experianced enough to go that high. I may just start with an 18w and see how I get on. Sorry, yes I was refering p. Helfri. I only judge my ferts on the plants really. It's...
  21. Mrmikey

    arcpod any good.

    ok so if I went down the road of 2x 11w like you did I would be running the risk of high algae and if I want to keep shrimp high dosing could be a problem? I use tpn+ probably about 5ml in two 2.5ml doses a week and easycarb everyday, any thoughts on this? ( haven't looked on James planted tank...
  22. Mrmikey

    arcpod any good.

    Haha, I see your point, Best stick to one or the other got wanna smoke myself out! Well my goal at the momment is to get my hc like other peoples tanks, you had good hc if I remember! Mine always seems to start well then growth slows, and stays a little patchy. I don't think it could be flow...
  23. Mrmikey

    arcpod any good.

    Well you've defiantly sold them to me, shouldn't be long now before i put an order in. Didn't realize they do an 18w version. Should I get one 18w or 2 x11w? also does the 18w bulb fit in the 11w lamp?
  24. Mrmikey

    Steve's Opti-white Nano - Ikita Kaseki

    Hi, like what you've done with this tank be great to see it in a month or so. I'll be interested to see how you get on with the HC under the superfish 18w. Im thinking my 2x11w arcpods arent really that good on my 30l.
  25. Mrmikey

    california dreaming - nano 30l

    Wicked, bet you can't wait for that nano tank to turn up. All your equipment listed sounds really good, the nano drop checker looks really neat when in place, I love mine. Have you decided on your substrate yet, I've heard Oliver knott stuff is good for shrimp thanks. I'm still undecided on my...
  26. Mrmikey

    california dreaming - nano 30l

    Is the tank going to be ADA as well? If you've got the full set up I'm sure you can't go wrong, I've seen some of the full ADA setups on here and they look class. As for your scape I like the sound of hihg tech with moss, only because that's what I want to do. I was thinking a bit of redmoor, a...
  27. Mrmikey

    california dreaming - nano 30l

    I thought this myself, that it was going to be hard to make it look good as everyone seems to have a 30x30x30. I think you'll be fine with one though, looking at your tank im pretty sure you'll come up with something nice. Also ive heard its not the easiest to scape a cube so if you can get them...
  28. Mrmikey

    Luke's Nano - Updated with Pictures 1/10/10 ~ 2 years on

    Hey luke nice tank to, I'm going for a moss tank next bit jealous of all yours. I have one bunch of java moss in my 20l tank which I'm growing in preperation. It's looking really good over all, I kinda like the last pictures you posted with the dingy light. I kinda like that look as it looks...
  29. Mrmikey

    california dreaming - nano 30l

    Nice one luke thanks a lot, I'm pretty happy with it at the mo. Glad u agree the sand looks better I think it's really brought it to life as well.
  30. Mrmikey

    Krish's 60cm Rescape - 31 Week Old - Countdown to AGA

    Krish's 60cm Rescape Sounds really good, If I could make one suggestion it would definatly be more moss :) That was ment as a joke but thinking about it I'm half serious as I'm doing a moss tank next and I'm going to be very intrested in how you get on. Good luck
  31. Mrmikey

    california dreaming - nano 30l

    heres a photo update of my tank after the scaping alterations. Im going to smash a bit more rock up and shape the path a little better. I really need to sort out my dosing, i just put 2ml of tnp+ every other day and a about 1ml of excel trace, and about 0.5ml of iron one a week. This is an area...
  32. Mrmikey

    california dreaming - nano 30l

    Well it's been a few weeks and I had to change a few things around in the scape. The erectus in the left corner was blocking the intake thus reducing flow. I think this and the fact my nano co2 isn't being that reliable has resulted in some hair algae still growing in the hc. I did trim it right...
  33. Mrmikey

    do people run carbon in there nano planted ?

    I have a dennerle cube as well, I struggled with their filter for a year as I was reluctant on getting an external filter as I don't really have space. In the end I had enough, water didn't stay clean that long and the flow was poor. Bite the bullet and get an ecco pro 130 or next size up...
  34. Mrmikey

    arcpod any good.

    Ha I have the same problem with my arc pod lights, one is ice White one is a bit pinky, the greens in the White half look best. This is what got me wondering if they are any good? Why is the superfish light so good is it the whole unit or the bulbs? If it is the bulbs is possible to put a...
  35. Mrmikey

    arcpod any good.

    i have two 11w arc pod lights over my 30l dennerle nano cube and am wondering weather these lights are any good. I've heard that they're a bit naff, the dennerle 11w light I've had since bought (2 years old) is still nearly as bright as both of them put together and kind looks a nicer light...
  36. Mrmikey

    which is better? aqua medic or jbl?

    Hi, On my quest for the perfect tank i am looking to upgrade my dennerle nano co2. Although it works well enough it runs out quickly enough, once a month. now at 13£ a bottle over a year thats £156. £468 over 3 years so thought this was mad! I am looking at for a regulator that fits the...
  37. Mrmikey

    first tank above 100l (70x40x40)

    Very nice so far you must be pleased? glosso will look really good when grown out.
  38. Mrmikey

    Getting Pogostemon helferi to grow?

    This plant grows best in my 20l tank that has no co2 and i don't really dose it at all. It grows slow but is a lovely green. In my co2 tank that has hi co2 good flow it seems a little yellow around the tips and isn't as green looking. I'm using flourish iron to see if that helps.
  39. Mrmikey

    california dreaming - nano 30l

    Well it's something for them to think about lol Tank update still growing well, PH is still a little under par, bit yellow still. Is this a case of upping co2 ? Maybe it's the easycarb ? Hc is ok, may let it grow a bit more then trim it right down and see if it grows thicker especially on the...
  40. Mrmikey

    california dreaming - nano 30l

    Re: Dreaming of Utah - nano 30l haha i wont dont worry:) but you never know. like the name your right looks like the link... utah it is.
  41. Mrmikey

    california dreaming - nano 30l

    Cheers sanj. Your right the titles rubbish should change it to something else like "hell and back"!
  42. Mrmikey

    california dreaming - nano 30l

    Hi nelson, yeah lm a bit confused I'll just keep it turned down and gradually turn it up over the week should be ok. Thanks by the way, things are looking up. I will be intrested to see what it looks like when the erectus grows up from behind the big rock. Also hc is going alright!! Still...
  43. Mrmikey

    california dreaming - nano 30l

    anyway this is were i am at with my nano
  44. Mrmikey

    california dreaming - nano 30l

    Help needed with my co2. Hi I've have now had my eheim running a week and a bit now and the water seems nice and clean no probelms with it at all. I had the green inlet/outlets in for this period, with my co2 on at 1 bubble per second, loads of bubbles big and small, drop checker showed yellow...
  45. Mrmikey

    1-2-LETS GROW!

    As I only got into this hobby about 1year ago all I've had/got is a 30l dennerle. I would like a slightly bigger tank but as I rent its a bit awkward and still learning. Really refreshing to see a proper set up on a cube, wish it was on here when I started. £150 pounds for the light is...
  46. Mrmikey

    Uncontrollable Escape of CO2

    Hi I had this problem a couple of times when I first had it. It's a bummer espically when they're 13 quid a refill. I found the best thing to do is get to the point of resistance, then possition your hands so you can do the fastest biggest turn you can and then do it again really quickly untill...
  47. Mrmikey

    1-2-LETS GROW!

    Cool tank, Looks really good. I wish my tank was algae free! Nice to see another cube layout, you don't see many and I'm loving the cabinet & light.
  48. Mrmikey

    Lily pipes - what size

    Thanks guys really appricate that. I've had a look at both tgm and eBay links and decided the tgm ones were a bit expensive... Especially with my luck I'd prob break them on opening like I did with my diffuser! I decided to get both sizes to save on packing as Im thinking of getting a 60cm tank...
  49. Mrmikey

    Lily pipes - what size

    Well I'm about to get my first external filter tomorrow an ehiem ecco 200 for my 30l nano cube. I've looked at the 13mm lily pipes avaliable and they seem they might be quite intrusive. Most measurements suggest it would stick out 6-7 inches which is half the width/depth of my tank. There are...
  50. Mrmikey

    california dreaming - nano 30l

    Well it's been a while since I last posted as I've been pretty busy with on thing or another and have been in America for a couple of weeks. Anyway Before I went away I had been doing what I thought was right, changing the water regularary, one 11w light on 6 hours a day, good co2 injection and...
  51. Mrmikey

    buying ready made EI solution

    Haha that's a good way of putting it, i can make a mean cup of tea so this shouldnt be hard at all! I'm going to do a bit of shopping and give it a wirl. Thanks for the 'pg' tips :)
  52. Mrmikey

    buying ready made EI solution

    I agree if it's as easy as you say it is I'm going to give it a try. If it saves a bit of cash it's got to be worth it:)
  53. Mrmikey

    california dreaming - nano 30l

    you're right nelson. i'll leave it for a bit and hope my hc starts growing a little more and losses the algae on it. Going to drop the light to 6 hours a day and easycarb it for a bit. Hopefully the path will become more evident. Maybe when that has grown I will give it a try.
  54. Mrmikey

    california dreaming - nano 30l

    cheers nelson, yeah i think it looks better as well. Should leave it as it is or smash up little bits of the fossil wood rock and fill it in with that? grading it from bigger bits to smaller bits at the front? what do you think?
  55. Mrmikey

    california dreaming - nano 30l

    heres a photo after a bit of jiggling around. Not the best photo and tank looks shabby but you'll get the jist. Still waiting for the riccia to take off then i will have a better idea of where to go from here.
  56. Mrmikey

    help new external filter for 30l

    Hi thanks for this info Chris really is very useful. Can i ask what polishing pads and floss are used for? If I did get the pro 130, would it work if I put it behind the tank or does it have to go low? And to throw a curve ball in the mix have you heard anything on the dennerle external nano...
  57. Mrmikey

    help new external filter for 30l

    Thanks peter this is the type of thing you cant read on the box and if you do its hard to believe. I heard of the guy in the shop the the ehiems are pretty silent so i know it will be one of theirs. If you think yours is under-powered then i may have to rethink my space and go for the next size...
  58. Mrmikey

    california dreaming - nano 30l

    Hi, haven't replied for a while and a few things have changed. I wasn't happy with the balance in the layout (plants), so I've tied Riccia to rocks and moved the odd thing around. I decided against planting the whole forground with HC....for now! I've also opened up the path a bit more like in...
  59. Mrmikey

    help new external filter for 30l

    Hi the time has final come for me to upgrade. I have a 30l denerale nano tank 30x30x35 and im currently using a Fluval 1 Plus Internal Filter . It says it does 200 so imagine it does half of that. I absolutely hate the heater, filter and even the co2 in the tank! What i want out the the filter...
  60. Mrmikey

    Robinson's Bay 20L Nano - now with pictures

    Nice chose of plants really like it, Riccia looks heathy. cool tank
  61. Mrmikey

    Robinson's Bay 20L Nano - now with pictures

    Sick tank Mate I like it a lot, what's the plants near the front. If looking at the photo does it go riccia left, hc middle and mc on the right?
  62. Mrmikey

    california dreaming - nano 30l

    Im think of filling out the forground, should i keep the path-way and fill in with more HC or should i make it look like the Riccia is spilling out the middle, making a simi circle and fill around it with HC?
  63. Mrmikey

    TA Nano tribute

    Yeah I should get a few books that's probably next on my shopping list, do u have any good books with modern scapes in. I like the Riccia, it grows quick and has a good colour, I don't mind if it's old skool it's a good plant for a beginner like me.
  64. Mrmikey

    california dreaming - nano 30l

    heres a little update photo, Its not the best but tonight im doing one with the new blue back light. hope it looks good when it goes dark.
  65. Mrmikey

    california dreaming - nano 30l

    Re: california dreaming Well, I have trimmed the hair grass right back... my curved scissors off ebay are crap, may have to re-think them. You pay peanuts, you get monkeys right! Anyway looks ok I did this 2 days ago and some bits have already started to grow. I've been a bit bad and put my a...
  66. Mrmikey

    TA Nano tribute

    I really like it. Im thinking of filling out the front of my tank in riccia, looks lush. not bad considering you've knocked it together.
  67. Mrmikey

    california dreaming - nano 30l

    Re: california dreaming Amazing thanks for the help as usual nelson and saintly. Maybe i should have done it before i put it in as its all at the back and my 20cm scissors are hard to maneuver. I think Im going to add a couple of shrimp today, this may help with my algae around the tank. Cant...
  68. Mrmikey

    california dreaming - nano 30l

    california dreaming How come nelson , will this encourage more growth? Have u every found that once u prune it, it starts to curl over and goes brown at the tips?i thought u had dome shrimp in yours:( my mistake. Basil ( member ) has 15 crs shrimp for me, but don't think they eat hair algae. I...
  69. Mrmikey

    california dreaming - nano 30l

    california dreaming Hi nealon forgot to ask... What's the secert to tall hairgrass In ur nano tank?. I think if I got that height in mine it would help a lot?
  70. Mrmikey

    california dreaming - nano 30l

    california dreaming Cheers nelson, my planting is pants but suppose comes with experance. I'll move the dc down a little and see how it goes, I'll aim for yellow. I've just upped co2 as suggested and think it may help a little. I'm dosing excel as well but have to be careful as I have ten...
  71. Mrmikey

    california dreaming - nano 30l

    Re: california dreaming Ive been looking at the tank and didn't like the erectus, it looked shabby at the bottom. So in a state of madness i ordered to pot of hairgrass. So today I've been giggling things around a little at the back. I think it looks ok. Still struggling with hair algae on...
  72. Mrmikey

    nelson's nano 1

    nice one nelson, Im going to do a bit of research and see where i can get some. would you say its longer than 15cm?
  73. Mrmikey

    nelson's nano 1

    Hi Nelson, loving the Nanos, thanks for the links, been reading through and all tanks look great. Loving this one though. whats the tall grass at the back? I wouldn't mind swopping that with the erectus. My riccia and HC are covered in hair algae! glad im not the only one with problems:)
  74. Mrmikey

    california dreaming - nano 30l

    california dreaming I have at the moment ten galaxy rosbora...trouble is I never see them coz they are so shy. Can I add more? Would say 6 harliquins be ok or something else? Actually totally open to sugestion... I am planning on adding crs so nothing that can munch them up:)
  75. Mrmikey

    california dreaming - nano 30l

    california dreaming Yeah it's really nice, i pruned mine and it seems to be getting bushier. I think i should have left it on the back right? You'll see what I mean when I photography it. Been having a bit of trouble with the hc and hair algae again. I may knock an hour off the lighting and...
  76. Mrmikey

    california dreaming - nano 30l

    Re: california dreaming Thanks for that, it would explain why not much comes up in google. Love to see what it looks like grown out, so i get an idea how big it gets:)
  77. Mrmikey

    My Private Island - 240l tank

    your tank looks sick!! very nice. I wanna do a jungle tank next after seeing this. only just mine up haha
  78. Mrmikey

    california dreaming - nano 30l

    Re: california dreaming thanks nelson, its pretty tricky as my tanks fairly tall, tried loads of combinations /layouts of rock but had to keep it quit simple. HC is starting to take off after a week. No Algae problems yet... fingers crossed. Cant wait for it to grow-out, May have to do my...
  79. Mrmikey

    california dreaming - nano 30l

    Re: california dreaming I have had a bit of time today to add a few plants and take a pic of progress. My tank is still along way from what im trying to acheive. Im waiting for Dennerle to bring out their new external filter. Thats my next big spend, just wanna see what the reviews say as I...
  80. Mrmikey

    california dreaming - nano 30l

    Re: california dreaming Woke up this morning and the tank was cloudy so gave it a 50 % water change. Going to plant it a bit more tonight so will post pic when im done.
  81. Mrmikey

    california dreaming - nano 30l

    Re: california dreaming oops
  82. Mrmikey

    california dreaming - nano 30l

    Re: california dreaming Well I visited the GM and got my rock, I got a big bit that I had to brake up. I've added the substrate and done the hardscaping, I just went with gut instinct, I think it looks alright. Ive planted a few bits of HC that I saved from old tank set up. Most died in holding...
  83. Mrmikey

    california dreaming - nano 30l

    Re: california dreaming Well you gotta start somewhere right? :) I was kinda thinking the same thing, doesnt look right so I photo-shopped a picture and sent it to TGM. Hopefully they will get back to me fairly quickly. I was hoping to make do as I've spent all my money ! but It will just...
  84. Mrmikey

    california dreaming - nano 30l

    Re: california dreaming Well i was just messing for now taking picture to document. Im going to give it another clean tonight to get sticky backing off previous background. makes sense really this stuff budges way to much under the weight of the rocks. so do you think i should just go for it...
  85. Mrmikey

    california dreaming - nano 30l

    Re: california dreaming The tank is 30cm x 30cm x 35cm which is a little awkward to scape. I like number 3 best, I agree it could probably take one big stone but I haven't got one? and I dont know anywhere around here (east sussex) that sells it. I got this from the TGM ages ago. So do you...
  86. Mrmikey

    california dreaming - nano 30l

    Hi Im starting my new nano scape and thought I'd get some feed back on a couple of layouts. Im finding pretty hard to get some nice shapes going what do u guys think? Ill be planting: hc, Hemianthius micranthatmoides riccia, Pogostemon Helferi possibly dwarf hair grass and H.zosterifoila
  87. Mrmikey

    first aquascape 30l nano

    The end has come!! time for something new. I realized as I steeped the bank of gravel/substrate so high in the beginning over time it had slowly moved to the front. This resulted in about 2 and half inches of gravel at the front. Also Hc started to look scruffy so ive taken most of it out...
  88. Mrmikey

    first aquascape 30l nano

    Things still going alright but its starting to look shabby. I cant seem to get the algae off the rocks for love nor money! The groves in the stone make it hard to get to and my wire brush cant cope. As for plant grow, the HC doesnt seem to have grown at all, well its not sending runners anyway...
  89. Mrmikey

    help with tank 30l

    This is my tank after reducing lighting to 11w only, adding TNP+. A little hard scaping and re planting along the way. Thanks to Ceg & Gaurf for the input! mucho appreciated.
  90. Mrmikey

    first aquascape 30l nano

    Heres a few more pics. Next thing to tackle...good photos.
  91. Mrmikey

    first aquascape 30l nano

    Thanks John thanks Dan. Im going to take a side photo and add it as well just show you see the view I get from my desk.
  92. Mrmikey

    first aquascape 30l nano

    Cheers Ceg I also like these money saving tips :) Ok I ditch the iron and stick to excel & TPN+. It should look alright in two weeks when the HC grows in. lets see what happens!
  93. Mrmikey

    first aquascape 30l nano

    Thanks Garuf everything seems to be going ok. Growth in the HC isn't amazing but after the reshuffle it's starting to settle in. There is a bit of hair algae making a come back in the HC and a darker algae covering the leaves lower down. I'll try and do a close up shot so someone can give me...
  94. Mrmikey

    first aquascape 30l nano

    Hi ceg yeah it is H.zosterifoila. The more i look at it The more It looks way to big. I think the corner definatly needs something but what? got any ideas on plants that would suit my tank? This plant wont go to waste ill put it in my 20l with no co2. Ha don't worry about the drop checker I...
  95. Mrmikey

    first aquascape 30l nano

    Here's my tank after the bomb was dropped! its cleared up nicely thanks to Luke my neighbor,he lent me his fluval filter from a tank he used to have. what do you think of the plant back right is it a little big?
  96. Mrmikey

    first aquascape 30l nano

    After getting the plants in the post today I took a bit of a radical act and up rooted the MC and hair grass and swopped them around. Then I went mad and took another risk by pulling the big rock forward to fit the Heteranthera in behind, just to give it a bit more space. I then decided to move...
  97. Mrmikey

    first aquascape 30l nano

    Cheers mate, not bad for £80 with glassware is it? made a massive difference to my plants they actually grow. Just checked your nano out i like it a lot... looks lush. Unfortunately I had a like problem when my new plants came, bit dissapionted to be honest, the Heteranthera zosterifolia is a...
  98. Mrmikey

    first aquascape 30l nano

    Ok I will defiantly give that ago as all algae seems to have disappeared from the HC just the rocks left. Im planing on giving it a bit of a clean tomorrow when hopefully my Heteranthera zosterifolia and TPN+ turn up. I'm putting it behind the big rock and maybe taking out all HM so it would...
  99. Mrmikey

    first aquascape 30l nano

    safe ceg, You're right i should be looking at the the glass being half full not empty! All thanks to you. There is a little still lying around, Should I excel directly using a syringe? or should I trim it? I've been using dental brushes to get the longest bits out... works pretty well:) Do...
  100. Mrmikey

    first aquascape 30l nano

    Since my last post four days ago nothing really has happened. I think the battle with the algae is working but lets give it another week with just one 11w light. co2 has been increased with a bit of excel every other day. Tomorrow I get the TPN+ I think it will make a big difference as HC...