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california dreaming - nano 30l

you're right nelson. i'll leave it for a bit and hope my hc starts growing a little more and losses the algae on it. Going to drop the light to 6 hours a day and easycarb it for a bit. Hopefully the path will become more evident. Maybe when that has grown I will give it a try.
Well it's been a while since I last posted as I've been pretty busy with on thing or another and have been in America for a couple of weeks.
Anyway Before I went away I had been doing what I thought was right, changing the water regularary, one 11w light on 6 hours a day, good co2 injection and ferts every other day tnp+. One thing I still haven't sorted though is the filter. A eheim ecco 200 should be here by Friday ( gives me time to order my lily pipes so that's alright 🙂
Now this is what I don't understand!!!
How come that when I was doing everything right or thought I was the plants never really grew, algae got all over the glass/rocks, I had hair- algae in my HC which looked terrible. After coming back from holiday after 14 days the plants have gone wild, hc looks very heathy and is pearling which I have never seen it do, hair grass is nearly 30cm long, the riccia which was turning yellow before I went and covered in algae, now looks amazing. The one thing that is bad is the water... Looks like a pond, it's so green I can't see the back of my tank, fish or shrimp🙁 I've done a 50% water change today and it's still looks like Shrek has melted in there!
I'll probably do a couple more water changes over the week and maybe a 4 day black if that doesn't work.

What the hell is going on can anyone explain how this has happened? A few things I'm confused about are these.

1/ co2 circulation is poor, filter is really weak and hardy moving the water, also the ceramic diffuser is producing large bubbles not mist. Drop checker is almost blue not the usual yellow.... Why is my hc still alive?

2/ i haven't been adding ferts - how come plants haven't suffered and seem to be heathy?

3/ if the water clarity is so poor how is the hc pearling I would have thought it would have blocked at least 50% of the light reaching the bottom?

This hobby continues to baffle me 🙁 I knew I should have just got a hamster!
Help needed with my co2.

Hi I've have now had my eheim running a week and a bit now and the water seems nice and clean no probelms with it at all. I had the green inlet/outlets in for this period, with my co2 on at 1 bubble per second, loads of bubbles big and small, drop checker showed yellow. definite yellow. shrimp and fish seemed fine.

Yesterday morning I added my glassware I got of ebay, a 9mm inlet and a 12mm outlet. I set my co2 up as normal 1bps and put it exactly in the same poison as before under the inlet.

when I checked later all my fish and shrimp were at the top gasping. my drop checker was showing green. I sorted it by pulling the inlet out the water to create oxygen so they were ok.

Once the fish seemed ok i turned my co2 right down, now its doing probably 1 bubble every 7-8 seconds, there is a fine trickly of really small bubbles much much less than last week however its still gassing my fish, drop checker is green not yellow....i cant understand.

Could it be that the new glassware is distributing/dissovling the bubbles much better? still weird i dont full understand has anyone got any ideas?

anyway this is were i am at with my nano

Hi nelson, yeah lm a bit confused I'll just keep it turned down and gradually turn it up over the week should be ok.

Thanks by the way, things are looking up. I will be intrested to see what it looks like when the erectus grows up from behind the big rock. Also hc is going alright!! Still growing, gone greener and hair algae is at bay... Get in!
Cheers sanj. Your right the titles rubbish should change it to something else like "hell and back"!
Re: Dreaming of Utah - nano 30l

haha i wont dont worry🙂 but you never know.

like the name your right looks like the link... utah it is.
Re: Dreaming of Utah - nano 30l

Mrmikey said:
haha i wont dont worry🙂 but you never know.
:lol: .

don't think the mama's and the papa's had a song called Dreaming of Utah though :lol: .
Well it's something for them to think about lol

Tank update still growing well, PH is still a little under par, bit yellow still. Is this a case of upping co2 ? Maybe it's the easycarb ?
Hc is ok, may let it grow a bit more then trim it right down and see if it grows thicker especially on the right.
Well it's been a few weeks and I had to change a few things around in the scape. The erectus in the left corner was blocking the intake thus reducing flow. I think this and the fact my nano co2 isn't being that reliable has resulted in some hair algae still growing in the hc. I did trim it right down about a week and a half ago to try and get more growth, but hasn't really worked.
I've got a co2 500g bottle, jbl reg coming tomorrow fingers crossed this really should help. One thing I don't have is a solenoid. I'm going to post an ad in the sale forum.
I also have added sand to my path just to see what it looks like, I think I like it better actually.
I've also added a few red cherries I got, they are small but seem to have settled in well. If I can get my co2 to be more constant I wouldn't mind some high grade crs.
Now, this is a question, I have never bought or even tested my water using a kit. Do you think it's about time I started to give my crs a chance?
heres a photo update of my tank after the scaping alterations. Im going to smash a bit more rock up and shape the path a little better. I really need to sort out my dosing, i just put 2ml of tnp+ every other day and a about 1ml of excel trace, and about 0.5ml of iron one a week.
This is an area of the hobby i really need to address as i think my algae problems are a direct link. Also P.H in the corner is yellowing a little, this may be a co2 issue or again my lack of dosing/understanding.
Course of action: set up my new JBL co2, get a solenoid!
: learn about dosing
Nice one luke thanks a lot, I'm pretty happy with it at the mo. Glad u agree the sand looks better I think it's really brought it to life as well.
Mrmikey said:
Nice one luke thanks a lot, I'm pretty happy with it at the mo. Glad u agree the sand looks better I think it's really brought it to life as well.

Yep it's looking very nature aquarium now 🙂. What are the dimensions of this tank because I'm getting a similar proportioned tank soon, allbeit about 3 times smaller but this gives me faith that a good scape can be made out of a cube taller than it is wide.
Luketendo said:
but this gives me faith that a good scape can be made out of a cube taller than it is wide.

I thought this myself, that it was going to be hard to make it look good as everyone seems to have a 30x30x30. I think you'll be fine with one though, looking at your tank im pretty sure you'll come up with something nice. Also ive heard its not the easiest to scape a cube so if you can get them looking good i suppose the worlds your oyster. But believe me when you look at my first scape before I even knew about this forum/hobby it looked crap ha
Yeah well the tank I'm getting is 17cm wide at 22cm tall by 17cm front to back (not including the filter comparment), still puzzled on whether to bother with Iwagumi or get a nice bit of red moor wood or something and moss it up with some high tech plants I've not used before. Going to go all out on it though, CO2 and the lot, probably gonna use the full ADA system if I can afford the initial layout, well dosing isn't a problem as the tank is only 8L max.
Is the tank going to be ADA as well? If you've got the full set up I'm sure you can't go wrong, I've seen some of the full ADA setups on here and they look class.
As for your scape I like the sound of hihg tech with moss, only because that's what I want to do. I was thinking a bit of redmoor, a few rocks and loads of moss. I'll probably wait till the new year before I change it, maybe longer as it's take ages just to get it like this! And £££ ! In the mean time I may move my nano co2 onto my dennerle 20l and properly scape that. At the mo it's just holding my galaxy rasbora, a couple of shrimp and some ottos.
When are you thinking of getting your scape up and running?