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first aquascape 30l nano

Things still going alright but its starting to look shabby. I cant seem to get the algae off the rocks for love nor money! The groves in the stone make it hard to get to and my wire brush cant cope.

As for plant grow, the HC doesnt seem to have grown at all, well its not sending runners anyway.

The hairgrass is is starting to curl over and some of it is going brown at the tips.

What's happing here, the leaves are starting to brown at the ends and this plant was doing so well.

Im thinking I may need to up my ferts as plants have grown but am scared to poison my shrimp?
The end has come!! time for something new.

I realized as I steeped the bank of gravel/substrate so high in the beginning over time it had slowly moved to the front. This resulted in about 2 and half inches of gravel at the front. Also Hc started to look scruffy so ive taken most of it out. (notice the roots were really long and heathly. I've saved most of it for my next venture).

Another problem is the position of tank... as summers come round more and more light (direct sun) has been in my tank. I have no blind you see. So Gonna get one as i figure its been getting sun from rise till about 8 am, so that with the lights on is about 12 hours a day.

I kindly got sent some riccia from Hogan, I said 'enough to carpet a few rocks,,,, he sent me enough to carpet the flat! Top Man!! This is now in my little dump tank 20l which I'm kinda liking,

The rocks in my 20l are the same used in the TGM tank done by oliver knott. Has anyone seen a nano with this in I'd like to see what they did. Is it dry wood stone ? I dont know?

Anyway Im going to start a new scape probably this week, I would love some links to good nano's with the same tank dimension 30x30x35 cm for a bit of inspiration.

help mucho appreciated, mike