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california dreaming - nano 30l


2 Apr 2010

Im starting my new nano scape and thought I'd get some feed back on a couple of layouts. Im finding pretty hard to get some nice shapes going what do u guys think?

Ill be planting: hc, Hemianthius micranthatmoides riccia, Pogostemon Helferi possibly dwarf hair grass and H.zosterifoila

Re: california dreaming

The tank is 30cm x 30cm x 35cm which is a little awkward to scape.

I like number 3 best, I agree it could probably take one big stone but I haven't got one? and I dont know anywhere around here (east sussex) that sells it. I got this from the TGM ages ago.

Three is my favourite but i think it could tolerate some bigger rocks - with the carpeting plants you might lose some of the rocks and it could look a touch "flat"

So do you think its worth holding on for a bigger stone?

i would however slope the substrate alot more. its a quite tall tank.

I find it hard to slope the substrate is there a trick that can be used?

Re: california dreaming

I find it hard to slope the substrate is there a trick that can be used?
Start low at the front and build it up to the back 😀 I found using damp substrate works well, then filling very, very slowly using 6mm airline.
TGM, AE and plantedbox.com all do rocks on mail order, and if you talk to them i'm sure they could post you out a suitable piece.
What light have you got? I knwo George Farmer recommends 1 wpl for nanos to grow anything, and your's looks like an 11w.....
Like 3 the more i look at it - the whole "hollow" thing is really nice, and a break from the "one big rock" school (never been an iwagumi fan 😀 )
Re: california dreaming

Well i was just messing for now taking picture to document. Im going to give it another clean tonight to get sticky backing off previous background.
I found using damp substrate works well, then filling very, very slowly using 6mm airline.
makes sense really this stuff budges way to much under the weight of the rocks.
Like 3 the more i look at it - the whole "hollow" thing is really nice, and a break from the "one big rock" school (never been an iwagumi fan )
so do you think i should just go for it or wait for a better rock? Im not so fussed if the rocks start to blend out... might look nice thats the think its hard to tell. Well for amateurs like me anyway.
Yes I have an 11w but I have another one as well.
Re: california dreaming

Ah, good stuff with the lights.
I'm most DEFINTIELY an amateur mate! It's just much easier to critique the work of others 🙂!
Personally i would hang on for a bigger "focal" rock to place in the position of the present largest stone, then shift everything round a bit, should just scale it all up abit an fills ome of the height
Re: california dreaming

Well you gotta start somewhere right? 🙂

I was kinda thinking the same thing, doesnt look right so I photo-shopped a picture and sent it to TGM. Hopefully they will get back to me fairly quickly. I was hoping to make do as I've spent all my money ! but It will just annoy me down the line.

At 11w I found that my HC grew very slowly if anything but the bonus was the algae was down. 2x11 much more algae but much better plant growth all round and quick.
Re: california dreaming

Well I visited the GM and got my rock, I got a big bit that I had to brake up. I've added the substrate and done the hardscaping, I just went with gut instinct, I think it looks alright. Ive planted a few bits of HC that I saved from old tank set up. Most died in holding tank as I haven't had time for it. The bits of hair grass I saved and Heteranthera zosterifolia I have just put in for recovery as I figure out the planting. I have ordered Pogostemon erectus and should be here by friday, think it will look good at the back some where. 🙂
Re: california dreaming

Woke up this morning and the tank was cloudy so gave it a 50 % water change. Going to plant it a bit more tonight so will post pic when im done.
Re: california dreaming

I have had a bit of time today to add a few plants and take a pic of progress. My tank is still along way from what im trying to acheive. Im waiting for Dennerle to bring out their new external filter. Thats my next big spend, just wanna see what the reviews say as I rate their stuff. When I eventually get a external filter i will inline the co2. hopefully it may accommodate the heater aswell...Clutter free. I'm a bit unsure what to do next in terms of planting though.

Ive tried my best but still think it need something?? Im thinking maybe a red plant would look nice? I dont know much about red plants but presume they need more light than my 2 x 11w lights? if so then its a no go.
Im not totally happy with the hairgrass🙁 just in-front of Erectus. may just turn that bit into a big riccia bolder? any Imput would be good.

I wanna grow my erectus 🙂 (back right), short and squat, On wednesday im going on holiday and was wondering should i prune it before I go?

Re: california dreaming

i missed this one 🙁 .

love the rock layout.will look great when grown in 😉 .
Re: california dreaming

thanks nelson, its pretty tricky as my tanks fairly tall, tried loads of combinations /layouts of rock but had to keep it quit simple. HC is starting to take off after a week. No Algae problems yet... fingers crossed. Cant wait for it to grow-out, May have to do my riccia rocks again as i think ive tied the cotton too tight. Apart form that so far so good.

Still looking for help with the erectus pruning ??
Re: california dreaming

Thanks for that, it would explain why not much comes up in google. Love to see what it looks like grown out, so i get an idea how big it gets🙂
Re: california dreaming

Aquascape looking really good - just needs a few CRS 😉

I'm sure they'll be happy in their new home 😀
california dreaming

samc said:
looks cool. nice and different :thumbup:

i am growing erectus in my 60cm. its slow growing even under my 150w halide

Yeah it's really nice, i pruned mine and it seems to be getting bushier. I think i should have left it on the back right? You'll see what I mean when I photography it.

Been having a bit of trouble with the hc and hair algae again. I may knock an hour off the lighting and have already upped co2 slightly and added some excel today. The problem with the hc was the ottos... They kept coming to the front corners of the tank and messing up the soil disturbing the hc. I've now popped them in my naff 20l tank for now.

Basil, cheers mate not too bad is it. I totally agree I need some shrimp. I'm still getting fairly high readings of nitrate so maybe another week and I can add them... How they looking?