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  • Users: samc
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  1. samc

    Fish ID please

    its a german ram cichlid
  2. samc


    i personally would get between 500ml and a litre. others may disagree
  3. samc

    Black Harlequin Rasbora

    i cant see a pic :(
  4. samc

    Saintly's "purple rain' added HD vid

    Re: Saintly's "purple rain' ? they are nice harlequins. do they look as good as the normal ones in a group? i am thinking what fish to get :shifty:
  5. samc

    My Tanks

    i like the second tank layout very much :thumbup: if it were my tank i would plant it simple. hc and acicularis like the tanks in amanos gallery. very simple but effective :D
  6. samc

    sams reed frog tank

    thanks :D this is my first go at keeping frogs so i dont really know much about frogs. i have heard that PDF's drown easy too. i think they can swim quite well being more of a water edge frog rather than all land like PDF's. not sure how they would do in a riparium though. do the rafts move...
  7. samc

    sams reed frog tank

    thanks for the info maurits :D heres a few pics of mine. unfortunatly its not that tall :( i will give them lots of echindorus to climb though. all of which i still need to add. spraybar for rain effect/clean front glass i was thinking of getting some killifish for the water. would...
  8. samc

    sams reed frog tank

    hey maurits :wave: i forgot your the man for reptile and amphibians :D i have heard they like humidity low about 50-60%? do you have any other infomation about these? ever kept them? you are very welcome to post your tanks on here :thumbup: i wouldnt really call this a journal as such. but...
  9. samc

    sams reed frog tank

    MODS: if you dont want this here you can delete or move :D a few guys have been interested in these little guys so i though i would start a thread here for my tank. also for people who are interested in getting some. first off a few pics of them. they only grow to about an inch so idea if...
  10. samc

    60cm nature scape v2

    ill be getting some in a couple of weeks time. thats not mine, but they do come in a wide selection of colours. all very attractive. they are also very hardy and tollerate many conditions. the spraybar i have made out of acylic tube (same place james showed you) sprays the front glass to keep...
  11. samc

    60cm nature scape v2

    not yet mate :D i have a few things to sort out before i get them in. you wouldnt believe how small these guys are. heres a fully grown one :lol:
  12. samc

    60cm nature scape v2

    thanks tom, the wood does look a little strange at the moment i must admit. i should have lots of stems in the back corners soon, that should bring it together. thanks mark, i am liking crypts at the mo. still got a way to go yet. at least i am getting somewhere with this. i feel like its...
  13. samc

    60cm nature scape v2

    today i had a little trim of the crypts and took the hydrocotyle out as i could not put anyhting the other side that would look right with it. i did love the plant though. i still need to get some rotala for the back corners before: this was how much i have from 1 pot. after: i am...
  14. samc

    Saintly's "purple rain' added HD vid

    Re: Saintly's shrimp nano. 20L i like the different way of using the wood in this. very cool :D glad the fissidens is growing well for you. mine is in an emersed tank, so not sure what it will look like
  15. samc

    Clear acrylic tube lily pipes

    i did have a quick go but didnt really work for me. you might have more luck though
  16. samc

    Clear acrylic tube lily pipes

    as a little tip from my experience, heat the outside edge more as it needs to stretch more. if you heat the inside too much it creases :thumbup:
  17. samc

    Clear acrylic tube lily pipes

    i used the same stuff to make a reactor and my custom bends :D
  18. samc

    Plant ID please

    i got some moss out of my local river which also had some of these on. or similar. they got pulled up by the shrimp though after they got bigger. they looked like cress to start with with 2 leaves. were yours like that?
  19. samc

    Amano's hairgrass

    amano trims the plantlets off that grow at the ends. people have had problems with it dying when you do though
  20. samc

    Plant ID please

    i have had these too. they are part of the moss. dont know what they are though
  21. samc

    Name that plant!

    looks similar to acorus (spelling) which aquafleur have
  22. samc

    Shrimp scenes

    thanks mark :lol: thats a cool looking nano. i like the hydrocotyle i have to try it soon. i didnt see the mystery plant actually
  23. samc

    60cm nature scape v2

    thanks :thumbup: i can now start to really get things growing in this tank. i have put a new FE on and put the co2 higher. i am also dosing more ferts. about 3x EI lol. and the plants are pearling like mad today.
  24. samc

    Shrimp scenes

    we need more videos mark. i dont think i would ever get tired of seeing these :D
  25. samc

    Saintly's 120cm 'hill's of desire'

    i hope mark didnt take affence to the comment :? it is one of the best on here. i was saying that it could have been even better as i know what mark can do when has more time on his tanks.
  26. samc

    Saintly's 120cm 'hill's of desire'

    i like this tank alot, but i feel that if you had this scape at home it could have been something special indeed. it hasnt got that saintly maintained look :D i am not saying its a bad scape at all but i know you could have done better. if you rescape this DO IT AT HOME! :lol: all your best...
  27. samc

    60cm nature scape v2

    sure thing :lol: i have tried to get some better photos today and i think they are getting a little better. the Hydrocotile leucocephalis has not grown up because of the halide. apart from i stem the most amazing plant. round pelia. i cant get a pic to do it justice though my shrimp...
  28. samc

    60cm nature scape v2

    thanks guys :D ill be very careful with the light. the new bulb is brighter too so ill keep an eye on it :thumbup: ill try and get a decent photo tomorrow as these latest ones were rushed as i had about 30 secs before the battery ran out :lol:
  29. samc

    60cm nature scape v2

    i have now installed the osram powerstar daylight. the tank has a different feel to it now and the green of the plants is amazing. the crypts have grown the most and are getting too big. the HM has not really grown up get, it crawling. i have also upped the photo period from 5 hrs to 7hrs and...
  30. samc

    Small, flat pebbles for moss rocks

    i use slate pieces from garden centres because pebbles are a PITA to tie without the cotton/fishing line coming off.
  31. samc

    do i need to add water conditioner to fish less tank?

    i have started using it again since i have read some arcicles by amano mentioning that it damages plants as well as the fish. not that i dont care about the fish.
  32. samc

    Shrimp scenes

    8) i would have loved to see autumn blush on video. i allways woundered what it looks like in motion the video looks better than the last mate :thumbup:
  33. samc

    Fish questions?

    whats you water temp? i had the same problem until i turned it up and i have not had one jump out since. it was quite cold water though.
  34. samc

    A macro cherry shrimp vid

    the detail in the videos are amazing. i am definetly gonna get myself a camera like yours.... when i have the money :lol:
  35. samc

    how to plant Hemianthus callitrichoides

    plant them evenly in the area you have. the more HC you have the closer together. or the smaller the area. plant in all directions it normally grows pretty quick anyway :D
  36. samc

    how to plant Hemianthus callitrichoides

    welcome to ukaps :wave: the easy way of planting HC is to split each pot into 4-5 smaller clumps then plant them. you can leave some of the rockwool on them, that way they dont come out of the substrate as easy. for a midground plant i would recommend micranthemum micranthemoides or...
  37. samc


    i am really looking foward to the results too :D
  38. samc

    New lens pics

    love the first one john. ace shots :thumbup:
  39. samc

    'Deep Rooted' - Andyh's 35l Nano

    love the emersed moss, it looks ace :D its actually given me a few ideas i must say its looking great. i forgot how small it is. i was thinking 60cm
  40. samc

    how do I know if the hanging halide is at the right height?

    there is no right height for them which is partly why they are so good. if you get algae put it higher and lower when you want. i would start at about 50cm and go from there
  41. samc

    Saintly's 120cm 'hill's of desire'

    sorry to hijack mark but could i ask you a question? my HM is growing side shoots out of every node but the stuff on the left gets blown back by the filter outlet on the top right. its crawling but crawling to the back of the tank because of this. i am woundering if the side shoots will grow...
  42. samc

    Saintly's 120cm 'hill's of desire'

    no stems :shock: how will you cope :lol:
  43. samc

    Memorable Night / My 20 liter ADA Nano

    the java fern looks really good viktor. just need the carpet to fill in now and it will look even better
  44. samc

    Has anyone used this site?

    plantedbox our sponsor sell aquafleur :thumbup:
  45. samc

    Shrimp images.

    fish and shrimp allways look amazing close up. shows what we miss out on. great shots mark
  46. samc

    how is "putting diffuser undeaneath the intake" different...

    alot of people use this method , but alot dont because they say it sometimes get stuck in and comes out in 1 big bubble. i think thats only a problem with low output filters though. i have not used this method because i read an amano article saying that the high amount of co2 in the filter can...
  47. samc

    Sakura Sencha - Neil W's Nano

    Re: Mountain Stream Nano it would grow out your tank i would say heres a pic of aquafleurs in emersed form i got some from a guy a while back that was huge though must have been 8 inch long. on the other hand you could use any echinodorus behind some acicularis. have a look on plantedbox at...
  48. samc

    60cm nature scape v2

    thanks aaron i will have to try it also :thumbup:
  49. samc

    Has anyone used Osram 5200K halide bulbs?

    will do :thumbup: my journal is called nature scape v2 i am struggling to get decent pics at the moment but i will keep it on the same settings for both pics so you get an idea. my current bulb is a marine one about 14,000k i think so it will be quite a difference
  50. samc

    1000 litre Low Maintenance

    good plant choice :thumbup: although you may struggle to find willow moss around here i would add more light myself but thats up to you. 0.5wpg on a tank so deep maybe hard to grow some plants with. discus are messy fish so they might be hard to look after if you dont want to do much...
  51. samc

    Removing rio 125 background

    if you use a new stanly knife blade it should'nt scratch the glass at all :D
  52. samc

    Sakura Sencha - Neil W's Nano

    Re: Mountain Stream Nano looking good :thumbup: for the back i would probely use e acicularis which would grow to the top, or maybe e tennellus which would also be about the right height if you didnt trim it. if you buy it in emersed form and big enough you could plant it with the emersed...
  53. samc

    Has anyone used Osram 5200K halide bulbs?

    i just bought on myself. they sent the wrong one though so it will be swapped soon. ill tell you when i get it, ill put a pic on my journal anyway. :D viktor has used the same 5200k bulbs on big tank. but they are T5. i guess they will be a similar colour.
  54. samc

    60cm nature scape v2

    i will try that mark :D the thing with my camera is that it only lets you do a hand full of things yourself even on manuel mode. you have given me something to think about for sure. thanks :thumbup:
  55. samc

    60cm nature scape v2

    BINGO! i can lock it :thumbup: i just hold the button half down :D
  56. samc

    60cm nature scape v2

    mark. your a star :angel: i normally use manual mode and its not in 'spot' mode so that could be why. although i cant lock it on mine. i dont think so anyway :? ill have a look tomorrow as the battery is flat now. i think it changes the exposure on its own though :crazy:
  57. samc

    60cm nature scape v2

    cheers mate :D its the best i can do with the camera anyway i have been playing with backgrounds to try and get better pics. i have pulled the tank away from the wall a bit more so the light can get behind. i also added some frosted backing and white paper. tomorrow i will paint the wall :D i...
  58. samc

    60cm nature scape v2

    i have had a little go on the macro setting on my compact today. something to make me feel a bit better about my photography :lol: the annoying snails are breeding like mad. thats there eggs :evil: i am loving crypts at the moment although not pearling much today as the FE is about empty :(
  59. samc

    60cm nature scape v2

    they are in the filter section http://www.naturalaquario.com/products.php?pageNum_rs_products=1&totalRows_rs_products=21&id=4 they must have gone up about £30 now though :(
  60. samc

    60cm nature scape v2

    i just had a look and they have gone up a bit :shock:
  61. samc

    60cm nature scape v2

    hi garuf. they are natural aquario ones. they cost about £50 inc postage. or would have if i didnt buy the tank as well :D they will take a weeks or 2 to get here though. the ones i have are really nice quality :thumbup:
  62. samc

    60cm nature scape v2

    :lol: it is really hard to photograph. and does look dead. i think i am going to put a white background on, or paint the wall. then see if the light helps too :D
  63. samc

    60cm nature scape v2

    Re: 60cm nature scpae v2 i have been practicing photography on this tank and its incredibly difficult with my camera as the light is so bright. i still have the marine bulb in so its quite white. i had to use a piece of board to cover the light and some card 8) :lol: the pictures were...
  64. samc

    Moss...A sense of scale.(large files warning)

    sweeeeeet! 8) i really like the last one. although i wouldnt know what it was without the other shots
  65. samc

    partition substrate: what to use?

    i use the same sheets they use for overhead projectors. the stuff i used in my pico. this stuff it really good for smaller tanks although for a bigger tank than nano i would use something more substantial like the garden edging saintly uses. he use smilar stuff to this. or did. but...
  66. samc

    anyone tried this bacteria?

    i was looking for some live bacteria to help my filter mature quicker when i came across this http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Live-Bacteria-for-Sludge-removal-Aquarium-Pond-250-ml_W0QQitemZ120503394494QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Pet_Supplies_Fish?hash=item1c0e8fe0be seems very cheap in comparison to tetra...
  67. samc

    why do i allways get diatoms?

    i have all the standard stuff in the filter with new filter floss along with purigen. i have done a water change most days. mainly to remove diatoms :lol:
  68. samc

    why do i allways get diatoms?

    in my new opti-white i am on my second scape as the other was covered in diatoms. i could never get rid even with 1wpg of t5 at a foot above the tank :( now in my new tank everything is going brown again before i can even grow anything. why is this happening. apparently is goes after a...
  69. samc

    Legalities of non-native plants?

    if you wanted you could post them back to your home address in an envelope :D
  70. samc

    echolaris parvula ? invasive how to control

    TBH i dont think there is an easy way to control it apart from inserting barriers. but that may be impracticle at this stage. if it could be done, find some clear plastic strips and insert them into the substrate to stop it. if not then you will have to trim the runners off if they are above...
  71. samc

    Filter options for a 60L

    i would use a ex1200 myself, as like you say a koralia arnt the best looking piece of kit. you could pick a second hand ex1200 up for about £40-50
  72. samc

    Growing Plants in Blackwater

    found this, which is just been put on aquajournal. http://www.aquajournal.net/na/water/black_water.html
  73. samc

    hard water and nutrient uptake

    hi darrel :wave: thanks for the reply i have allways had a slight FE deffiency with my stems so that may well be the cause :thumbup: i do have an ro unit. but i am on a meter so my uncle uses it for his reef tank and runs me off about 30l when needed so i might get him to do that every couple...
  74. samc

    Aquatic Moss Hunt in outback Australia (photo heavy)

    looks great around there :D the moss on the last pic lookslike zipper moss. i love the look of that moss. we dont get it here. i should'nt imagine it would ship well ether. a whole carpet of the stuff would be amazing!
  75. samc

    hard water and nutrient uptake

    just as a reference, this is a average amano tank with 'hard' water --------------------------------amanos---------mine TH ----------------------------50mg/l--------112.8mg/l :shock: NH4 (amonnium)------------0mg/l----------0.5mg/l <---i have ammonia before i start :lol...
  76. samc

    hard water and nutrient uptake

    thanks for the replies. i thought knowone would have any ideas on this one. just looked on the online water report and its 16 deg. but then a mile up the road its 21 deg :lol: anyway its pretty high so i am going to try mainly soft water and see if it has any inpact. other views would be...
  77. samc

    hard water and nutrient uptake

    i have just read an article by amano which suggests that hard water prevents a plants uptaking max nutrients. seeing as i have the hardest water area in the uk (very hard) this may be affecting my plant growth. i have never been able to grow stems to look 'lush' they allways look as if they are...
  78. samc

    60cm nature scape v2

    Re: 60cm nature scpae v2 so i have raised the light. :D it does not look much different which amazed me :lol: i have ordered a new bulb :D osram 150w daylight. which is the same colour as viktors so i am looking foward to it. there is some melting going on with the crypts, and i have cut...
  79. samc

    Merry Xmas

    merry christmas john and everyone :D
  80. samc

    Comp_Nov09: sams opti pico

    just put a new close up on. i have found a macro setting :P
  81. samc

    co2 drop checkers.

    what measurements of 4dkh and bromo blue did you use? i use 1.5ml 4dkh and 3 drops of bromo.
  82. samc

    Comp_Nov09: Fell's Crag

    thats a little beauty james :D the plants look amazing! good luck with the comp also :thumbup:
  83. samc

    Comp_Nov09: sams opti pico

    thanks alot guys :D this tank has been enjoyable to look after. and to tell you the truth i only did a water change every few days :shh:
  84. samc

    Comp_Nov09: sams opti pico

    thanks :D i thought the same about the stone :thumbup:
  85. samc

    Comp_Nov09: sams opti pico

    final 3 pics 8) sorry for the photos, the camera focus is pants
  86. samc

    5D mk2 random test shot

    they are amazing! 8) i really like them both but the second one is my fav
  87. samc

    60cm nature scape v2

    Re: 60cm nature scpae v2 thanks mark :D i was going to put it about a foot higher today. does it reduce the light alot?
  88. samc

    60cm nature scape v2

    Re: 60cm nature scpae v2 thanks :D the aqua medic halides (which is what i have) go pretty cheap second hand on ebay. normally £50ish ill get some more pics up soon. i really want a new bulb :( . the crypts were pearling nicely today but there is some melt
  89. samc

    60cm nature scape v2

    Re: 60cm nature scpae v2 thanks garuf :thumbup: the tank dimentions are 60x40x40
  90. samc

    60cm nature scape v2

    Re: 60cm nature scpae v2 cheers guys :D the light is second hand from ebay. it was £40 with postage. the light doesnt look very bright on the pic but trust me it is. i also need a new background too. the old one was only paper and got wet :(
  91. samc

    60cm nature scape v2

    Re: 60cm nature scpae v2 as promised pictures of the halide which was put up today :D the light has a marine bulb which will need changing soon. you can see here that it shows the greens well when warming up but when warmed up the colour changes to very white i really like the light...
  92. samc

    out door moss. spore bearing organs...i think

    cheers mark. i am putting the beast of a halide up tomorrow :D i held it over the tank and it looked 10x better already. the greens looked awsome
  93. samc

    out door moss. spore bearing organs...i think

    great photo mark. :D interesting to see how you do things too
  94. samc

    driving test success

    congrats :thumbup: got a car yet?
  95. samc

    60cm nature scape v2

    Re: 60cm nature scpae v2 thanks tom. ill post some pics up :thumbup: no mate, used cotton :crazy: :lol: what a painfull job
  96. samc

    'Deep Rooted' - Andyh's 35l Nano

    looking good andy :D everything is growing really nicely. hope mine grows as well
  97. samc

    60cm nature scape v2

    Re: 60cm nature scpae v2 thanks andy :thumbup: i will hopefully get the light mounted tomorrow. it will be about 2ft+ to start with
  98. samc

    60cm nature scape v2

    Re: 60cm nature scpae v2 yesterday i recieved my order from plantedbox :D the plants were very good and i had to many crypts. 2 pots too many if anyone wants to buy them? anyway a started as soon as i got home and didnt finnish at midnight so filled it today :lol: my halide also turned up...
  99. samc

    My Private Island - 240l tank

    Re: 240l tank rescape (name coming later) looking really good viktor :thumbup: looks better every time i see it
  100. samc

    UKAPS Baby!!!

    congratulations sam :clap: