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60cm nature scape v2

What make is that Lily pipe? It really looks the part, I'm not looking forward to dropping £100 on some lilys for my new tank. 🙁
Hmmm, not so bad. I've been calling around about getting some custom made glass wear but all the places I've called (5 so far) have wanted a minimum order of 5 Pieces before they consider making anything, there was me thinking I'd get superior product and a low low price. 🙁
Yeah, not great, I got a quote for £58 per inlet/outlet pair from a glass blower but that'd be entirely custom and be better flow but they expect a minimum order. I'm certain if I ring round some more I could get cheaper.
i have had a little go on the macro setting on my compact today. something to make me feel a bit better about my photography :lol:


the annoying snails are breeding like mad. thats there eggs :evil:

i am loving crypts at the moment although not pearling much today as the FE is about empty 🙁


aaronnorth said:
Thos are some good shots Sam :thumbup:

cheers mate 😀 its the best i can do with the camera anyway

i have been playing with backgrounds to try and get better pics. i have pulled the tank away from the wall a bit more so the light can get behind. i also added some frosted backing and white paper. tomorrow i will paint the wall 😀

i think the photo is a little better.


although the camera automatically makes the photo darker 😵 do you photogaphers know how to stop this?
samc said:
do you photogaphers know how to stop this?

my guess is your in auto mode and the metering system is metering the bright wall behind, thus under exposing. set the metering to 'spot' point it at the plants (these are what need to be correct exposure) lock the metering and re focus.

or shoot manually. 😀
samc said:
i think it changes the exposure on its own though :crazy:

so, experiment in manual. move the focusing point around the tank and see what settings are required for a correct exposure. it's a great way of learning. 😀

when shooting outdoors, metering the grass is a half way house for a good exposure. think in terms of dark-bright. this is where moss can mess things up a treat. under expose, and it looks dull, to much exposure and you blow the high lights in HM, HC etc.....

you'll find that correcting the exposure for plants will 'blow' the background! good in my book, amanoesque.
An easy way to spot this is to get a black piece & white piece of card. If you can see the shutter speed on the camera, when you focus on the white the shutter speed will be really fast (lots of light reflecting off it) but when you point it on the black it might be 4seconds.
I have found this handy for my SAEs as I focus on the white strips either side of the black line lol.
i have now installed the osram powerstar daylight. the tank has a different feel to it now and the green of the plants is amazing. the crypts have grown the most and are getting too big. the HM has not really grown up get, it crawling.

i have also upped the photo period from 5 hrs to 7hrs and in a couple of weeks it will be 10hrs.

i havent got the stems for the back yet but it should be soon 😀 they should make the scape.

old bulb


osram have changed the bulb itself now. they call the new one HQI-excellence


and the new bulb


sorry for the crummy pics 😀