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'Deep Rooted' - Andyh's 35l Nano

its all coming along really nicely andy and I like the range of plants youve got in there. sounds like the stump is going to get a moss treatment if matt is involved 🙂

Could I ask where you got the blue thingy that you attach to the hosepipe when filling? I could do with one for mine so i can watch it fill from a distance!
stuworrall said:
its all coming along really nicely andy and I like the range of plants youve got in there. sounds like the stump is going to get a moss treatment if matt is involved 🙂

Could I ask where you got the blue thingy that you attach to the hosepipe when filling? I could do with one for mine so i can watch it fill from a distance!

Stu- Dont spoil the magic! :lol: (matt may or may not provided moss type things! 😉 ) Its done though, just not taken any pics yet!

The blue thingy, is the most useful thing i have ever bought:

I bought it and forgot it took a few weeks to get here from Hong Kong, but does a great job, i also fit an eheim filter strainer on the end to help break up the flow so it doesn't disturb the substrate. That combined with my variable speed pump makes water changes rather more enjoyable and high tech. :thumbup:
andyh said:
Stu- Dont spoil the magic! :lol: (matt may or may not provided moss type things! 😉 ) Its done though, just not taken any pics yet!

The blue thingy, is the most useful thing i have ever bought:

I bought it and forgot it took a few weeks to get here from Hong Kong, but does a great job, i also fit an eheim filter strainer on the end to help break up the flow so it doesn't disturb the substrate. That combined with my variable speed pump makes water changes rather more enjoyable and high tech. :thumbup:
lol, ill say no more mate, get them pics up 😀

Thanks for the link. thats the one id see before like yours, i think it was on macforums but it was just a setup of a tank. time to get one ordered, just a pity no one in the uk sells them 🙁
Just keeping my journal up to date, nothing exciting.

i have just increased lighting period from 6 to 7 hours (still keeping 2 x 18w tubes)
Increased co2 by 30 mins earlier to compensate

Still dosing Brighty k every day but just started dosing ADA step1 (small amount) building up to proper dose.
HC looks a little rough! More lighting period and more co2 should help.

Also added Cherry Shrimp and 4 Ottos, as a clean up crew.

The Lilaeopsis Brasiliensis is starting to grow well, shoots are starting to appear which i am really happy to see.
Both of the Cryptocoryne's have fresh growth, and the mosses are starting to pick up. The Narrow fern also has lots of new shoots, cant wait for this to fill out more.

So here is the tank tonight at 15 days old.

The new growth on the Crypt and Lilaeopsis

My attempt at growing some mosses emerged on the top of the stump, not sure it will work but its worth a try!

Thanks for looking
Hi Andy,
its all going very well mate,i bet this looks well cool in the kithchen,the number of different plants in there is great,
love it,regards john.
john starkey said:
Hi Andy,
its all going very well mate,i bet this looks well cool in the kithchen,the number of different plants in there is great,
love it,regards john.

John thanks for your comments i really like to have lots of plants as i think it generates a lot more natural feel.

By the way this tank is not in my kitchen, its in my games room. I have two tanks the other being in the kitchen 😉
26 Days Old now

A fair few pics as always

Really pleased with everything, the growth seems nice and steady, The only thing challenge is that some of the HC aint growing that well, but i am sure it will get there. 😵

The lower light levels has defiantly impacted on the speed things grow, compared to my kitchen tank it feels very slow. Going to keep this lower light for now. (good Advice Mr Farmer!) :thumbup:

I added my new plants Anubias barteri var. nana 'Bonsai'/petite

I also added a few Pygmy Corydoras and a small shoal of Boraras brigittae (chilli rasbora).

B.Brigittae and my FIssidens Fontanus, which is growing incredibly well!

The New Anubias,( I super glued it to the rock as per Saintlys advice). I have Never had any Annubis
before, if anybody wants to share any top tips let me know.

End view

Moss will be getting a close trim later this week to keep the growth compact.

Complete tank shot, things growing very well

DAY 26

On the root sticking out of the water i am encouraging moss and fissidens to grow emerged, its quite tricky as the lights dry things out quite quickly, but it's growing now. This is about 10 days growth!

It should look cool once it covers the top completely. :geek: :thumbup:

thanks for looking.

Nice one Andy, this is turning into a really great nature scape. If the HC doesn't work out, planting some Lilliopsis up front would look good. Anubis really fills that gap nicley, would you consider braking up the lines of the big rock with some anubis on the other side?

Regards - Tom
Looks great Andy.

At this point, I would be considering trimming all the old/original leafs off the Microsurm. The leaves that we see are doing nothing for your plant, or your layout, and you would be doing the plant a favor, encouraging it to put new growth out.

Same goes for the crypts too. Your far enough along to start pruning out now pal!

Good work!
Graeme Edwards said:
Looks great Andy.

At this point, I would be considering trimming all the old/original leafs off the Microsurm. The leaves that we see are doing nothing for your plant, or your layout, and you would be doing the plant a favor, encouraging it to put new growth out.

Same goes for the crypts too. Your far enough along to start pruning out now pal!

Good work!

Thanks G :thumbup:

Ref the Microsurm, Do i cut them at the very bottom? is it the same for the Crypts?

You know i get scared about pruning, its hard enought to grown these buggers, never mind cut them back :lol: :lol:
Both plants can, if need be, be cut right back to the base.

Having said that, you wont want to do that with your crypts, just cut all the emersed leafs out and leave the lovely new ones. With the Java furn, cut all the old leaves off, and again leave the newer leaves. It will look so much better a few weeks down the line.
I have often cut all the leaves off a Java fern and what comes through is much nicer and vibrant.

Pruning is the secret to good plant growth and a great looking scape.
Graeme Edwards said:
Both plants can, if need be, be cut right back to the base.

Having said that, you wont want to do that with your crypts, just cut all the emersed leafs out and leave the lovely new ones. With the Java furn, cut all the old leaves off, and again leave the newer leaves. It will look so much better a few weeks down the line.
I have often cut all the leaves off a Java fern and what comes through is much nicer and vibrant.

Pruning is the secret to good plant growth and a great looking scape.

Ok, b4 the prune

After trimming the Microsorum, the crypts and one large one removed. (bad positioning by me!)

Is that better Mr G? 😵

Plan to do the moss, trim at the weekend with a water change to get all the bits.
The Lilaeopsis Brasiliensis, is growing really well runners all over the place!
Thats way better Andy. Now you will only see nice new growth come through, which will make the scape fresher.

Trim your moss hard back to, the harder the better at this stage.

Good work.
So the scape is 45 days (just over 6wks) old now. Its had a couple of prunes, i have added some more HC, due to some die back. Overall i am happy, its not growing as quick as my other setup but the light on this is no were as intensive. I cant wait for the the Microsurm to grow a lot more, and become the main feature as intended. After the harsh pruning i gave it its grown lots of lovely new shoots and in a couple of weeks should look excellent. In case people hadn't worked this out i really like the nature style scapes 😉

I am still dosing ADA step 1, Brighty k and easycarbo every day. Although now adding ADA Green Gain once a week with water changes.

I am really loving the Boraras brigittae, the colours have come good now and they are deep red with a green shimmer, and shoal so well.



One plant i am really loving in this setup is the Fissidens Fontanus growing on the left handside on the wood, its growing really well,considering its a slow grower. i am really chuffed with the way it looks and the shrimps are forever cleaning it.

The Stump!
5th Dec

Today, 3rd Jan 2010

The christmas moss surrounding the stump also started to grow emerged, which is cool. :thumbup:

The incredibly difficult to photograph Boraras brigittae

The moss on the wood is really starting to look great, i struggle to believe i pruned this back hard to the wood 2 weeks ago, its ready for another trim already.

Complete tank shot

Plant question!
These are my first real crypts are the new leaves meant to be brown? (i know that the leaves can grow in a variety of colors) or is something wrong or is it fine?

Thanks for looking as always :thumbup:
Nice work! this setup is getting better and better. That emersed moss is pretty cool.
hydrophyte said:
Nice work! this setup is getting better and better. That emersed moss is pretty cool.

Thanks Hydrophyte! I cant wait till this setup matures a little more and i can start shaping it a little more. I pleasantly surprised with the emersed moss. The small star shaped leaves are fissidens, which i got from A1matt. :thumbup:

That's looking great Andy, the Boraras brigittae compliment the scape really well :thumbup:

James Marshall said:
That's looking great Andy, the Boraras brigittae compliment the scape really well :thumbup:


Cheers James, they are excellent fish, so red! :thumbup: