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Amano's hairgrass


13 Aug 2008
Surrey, UK
hi, often in amano's tanks i see a type of hairgrass in the background. Its taller than the usual acicularis and parvula that are commonly used in foreground scaping. He uses it in many scapes. i have posted some pics to help the ID process.



is it vivipara, or montevidensis, or just acicularis left to grow? but im pretty sure acicularis gets to around 15cms so its not tall enough really.

anyone able to ID the plant he's using, and provide some info on it etc? i have 2ft of height to utilise now, and i like the hairgrass he uses!
thats what i thought, but doesnt vivipara grow small bulbs or nodes of each piece of 'grass' so surely it would look unsightly, amano doesnt seem to have this.
wow, i guess that puts me back to square one for a background plant. i dont want loads of stems, im going to use a few bits of pogostemon stellatus but thats about it.
my other options seem to be vallis or cyperus helferi 🙁
ive just realised how big that tank in the first pic must be. to be using rocks that large, they totally dwarf the cardinals, impressive, the depth must be about 2ft.

ive had a think about my tank, and im going to keep this one simple, i need to brush up on my trimming. so its back to basics. 😀