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  1. Tim Harrison

    What, actually, is Stocking Levels?

    Yes it’s one of my scapes from a few years back. No longer running. https://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/naturescape-the-end.52807/page-31#post-587134
  2. Tim Harrison

    What, actually, is Stocking Levels?

    I think for many scapers, at least, plants come first and the fish are chosen to compliment the scape. It doesn't mean they are any less important in terms of husbandry though. For me less is definitely more. So overstocking or coming anywhere near is never really a problem. But like most of...
  3. Tim Harrison

    Twinstar..what is it?

    Or maybe it is. I was just paraphrasing the consensus. https://www.aquasabi.com/aquascaping-wiki_algae_twinstar#:~:text=The%20operating%20principle%20of%20the,effect%20for%20many%20years%20now.
  4. Tim Harrison

    Saltpetre for macros?

    morphic resonance
  5. Tim Harrison

    Twinstar..what is it?

    If you want to be a record breaker…yeah…
  6. Tim Harrison

    Twinstar..what is it?

    Roy Castle and Noris MacWhirter would have read it
  7. Tim Harrison

    Twinstar..what is it?

    Crikey, this thread just keeps going round and round in circles. I’m confused now though. I thought we’d reached some sort of consensus. It’s not an electrolysis machine, but produces nanobubbles of oxygen. Nanobubbles have unique properties that allow them to accumulate in water to create a...
  8. Tim Harrison

    Get your garden out

    Thanks. It's made from local granite, formed 450 million years BP. Its use as a building material is a fairly common sight in the area, not just the material but also the method of construction. The geology around here is both ancient and complex dating back some 600 million years to the...
  9. Tim Harrison

    Get your garden out

    Been a beautiful day, the first really dry and warm day of the year here. Took the opportunity to tidy up the front garden a bit. Don't forget the clocks go forward tonight. Love this time of year :)
  10. Tim Harrison

    Help stopping reflections in bare bottom tank

    I would also use a thin layer of sand too. Play sand is an excellent option. It's mostly inert silica and won't affect water parameters. It's also very cheap, so not very expensive to syphon out and replace. The volume needed for a thin covering will also be quick and easy to rinse through...
  11. Tim Harrison

    Cryptocoryne Wendtii Green Help

    Not quite sure what I'm looking at here. Are the leaves just turning brown or are they all actually melting, or both? In addition to @MichaelJ 's advice. C. wendtii is a highly variable species. It has a great deal of phenotypic plasticity allowing it to change its physiology/morphology...
  12. Tim Harrison

    Using heavy aquascape rocks on store bought tanks

    I use 20mm - 30mm polystyrene. As well as offering a good level of protection it also raises the scape so it doesn't become drowned out by substrate, and retains tension.
  13. Tim Harrison

    Post Your Pics & Videos of the Great Outdoors

    Autumn moon over a local reservoir
  14. Tim Harrison

    Critique my hardscape What do you think?

    Nice, good job. You've got a very decent sense of perspective and proportion, and have filled the canvas well. I wouldn't worry about the uneven substrate level at the front. If anything I'd make it more random. It adds to the tension. When you plant you could try and create a bit more negative...
  15. Tim Harrison

    Tank Tales: A 100cm x 100cm x 50cm Aquatic Adventure

    Awesome looking build 👍
  16. Tim Harrison

    UKAPS Meet @ Aquarium Gardens April 28th

    Me too, looking forward to it 🙂
  17. Tim Harrison

    Show your orchids!

    It’s actually a thing! I was only joking. And hand painted. There’s no hope.
  18. Tim Harrison

    Newbie here - hello!

    Welcome 🙂
  19. Tim Harrison

    Show your orchids!

    Jackson Pollock orchids. Why?
  20. Tim Harrison

    What could I do to improve this?

    There is that too 😉
  21. Tim Harrison

    What could I do to improve this?

    Patience is fine if it’s all going in the right direction and you’re happy with the progress. If you’re not change something or just start again. No point in persevering with something that doesn’t work for you. Where’s the fun in that? It’s a hobby right? It’s supposed to be fun. It’s also how...
  22. Tim Harrison

    What could I do to improve this?

    Plant vallis around the filter to hide it
  23. Tim Harrison

    Just joined

    Welcome 🙂
  24. Tim Harrison

    Can I see your black lava rock islands

    What are the dimensions of your tank? Post a pic of possible it’ll help folk visualise the possibilities
  25. Tim Harrison

    Get your garden out

    Not the best picture, but always good to see my magnolia tree in flower. It's been so mild this winter it flowered 2 weeks earlier than last year. I'm also hoping for a bumper bluebell display, there is literally a lawn of them growing in the boarder below the tree.
  26. Tim Harrison

    SPP Excuse my ignorance.

    Spp. is an abbreviation of the plural, meaning two or more species. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binomial_nomenclature#:~:text=The%20abbreviation%20%22spp.%22%20(,species%20of%20the%20genus%20Canis%22.
  27. Tim Harrison

    Finally joined up

    Welcome :)
  28. Tim Harrison

    PAR meter apps, android and iOS

    Perhaps it doesn’t give accurate PAR values, I’m guessing it uses some sort of proxy and algorithm. But if it gives consistent readings it could be used for comparisons. Say if you find the sweet spot through trial and error, it could be measured with the app and replicated.
  29. Tim Harrison

    PAR meter apps, android and iOS

    Anyone use an app to measure PAR? Or been thinking about trying one out? https://migrolight.com/blogs/grow-light-news/par-meter-apps-compared-for-accuracy#:~:text=The%20PAR%20meter%20app%20by,for%20this%20grow%20light%20spectrum.
  30. Tim Harrison

    Hi, my name is ..

    Welcome 🙂
  31. Tim Harrison

    Aquatic soil types

    Welcome. Back in the day I just used moss peat capped with sand. It’s not a particularly good environmental choice these days. Check these out https://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/is-there-a-peat-free-aqua-soil.66575/#post-658311...
  32. Tim Harrison

    Odd and unusual fish you find in your local fish store

    Oxydoras niger? About a metre long.
  33. Tim Harrison

    Surface Scum Again…….

    Surface scum is just bio film. It should become less of a problem as your tank matures and things settle down. Most of us either live with it or use a surface skimmer of some description. I have one permanently attached. Good surface agitation definitely helps. But when it’s really bad the...
  34. Tim Harrison

    New Tank Opinion - Superfish or APS

    Welcome to UKAPS 🙂 If those are your two choices, it’s a no-brainer. Superfish Scaper all day long. APS tanks can be a bit hit and miss in terms of quality. Or go for another make of optiwhite, rimless and braceless aquarium and the Twinstar RGB. For starters take a look at what our sponsors...
  35. Tim Harrison

    Building extension - what to do for fish tank?

    Take a look at this https://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/the-shed-tank.35077/#post-376157 @Ady34 might be worth contacting for advice if you’re thinking of having dedicated plumbing. Post in thread 'Re-education.....' Re-education.....
  36. Tim Harrison

    Cardinal tetras - More is more? More natural behaviours in larger groups. A sort of experiment unintended.

    Paracheirodon axelrodi, is my favourite, and often go to aquarium fish. It’s very underrated probably because it appears to be so common. Anyway, nice observations; I think you’re right @Dr. White. The bigger the school the more you’ll observe natural behaviour...
  37. Tim Harrison

    No tech nano

    Love those little fish. They’re highly intelligent and very entertaining to watch. Some folk, including me, have had trouble keeping them with adult cherry shrimp. Others haven’t. Post in thread '60l tank is ready...sparkling gourami or something else?' 60l tank is ready...sparkling gourami or...
  38. Tim Harrison

    No tech nano

    A small internal filter for biological filtration and water movement is always beneficial, especially in a small volume tank. It will help with stability and overall tank and critter health. It will also help keep things simple and low maintenance. If you want a thriving invert or live food...
  39. Tim Harrison

    Back to nano after a break

    Welcome 🙂
  40. Tim Harrison

    The Art of Nature Aquarium

    1800mm NatureAquarium layout
  41. Tim Harrison

    All the things I did not think I would use or buy

    I don’t own anything fancy or laboratory grade. I’m old school, mostly just wing it when it comes to fertz, and don’t test. Don’t think I ever imagined I’d own a pair of wave or sprung scissors though.
  42. Tim Harrison

    Pro shrimp awful plants

    I’ve seen Pro-Shrimp’s plant set up and it’s perhaps not the best. The dry goods and equipment are usually very good and at reasonable prices though. AG, uses ebb and flow hydroponics so plants continue to grow and stay very healthy. When it comes to planting, plants are in peak health with...
  43. Tim Harrison

    What other hobby's do you have?

    How about the forest moon of Endor? Post in thread 'Return of the Shallow' Return of the Shallow My other hobby, when I get time… Thread 'Adult Fans of Lego, AFOL' Adult Fans of Lego, AFOL
  44. Tim Harrison

    Southern UKAPS meet this spring

    I’ll definitely be there, complete with sticky labels for name badges so we can all put faces to names. Hope to see as many members there as last year, both new and familiar 🙂
  45. Tim Harrison

    Any ideas on the cause?

    Not sure what could have caused that. Really looks like something has been munching on them. Doesn’t look like any melt I’ve ever seen. If there isn’t any other possible culprit I’d have to guess the Cherry barbs have developed a taste for your plants. From what I can gather it’s not...
  46. Tim Harrison

    new face & new to the hobby

    Welcome 🙂
  47. Tim Harrison


    Looking great @Courtneybst. And all the best in your new country. Hope you settle in okay.
  48. Tim Harrison

    Scarlet badis female?

    There is this too Thread 'Has anyone ever seen a female Scarlet Badis?' Has anyone ever seen a female Scarlet Badis?
  49. Tim Harrison

    Gantry Water Ripple Generator

    Love these innovative projects, they add a completely different dimension to the hobby and UKAPS.
  50. Tim Harrison

    New aquascaper

    Welcome 🙂
  51. Tim Harrison

    fire extinguisher safety

    That’s exactly what I do too. I once made the rookie mistake of using electrical tape, it was all I had to hand. Of course it stretched over time and slowly but surely throttled the CO2.
  52. Tim Harrison

    hello there :)

    Welcome 🙂
  53. Tim Harrison

    Hello everyone

    Welcome @DCAquatics 😉
  54. Tim Harrison


    Welcome 🙂
  55. Tim Harrison

    Hi everyone

    Welcome 🙂
  56. Tim Harrison

    Hello 👋

    Welcome 🙂
  57. Tim Harrison

    Mysterious red ring stain

    It thrives in low light.
  58. Tim Harrison

    Maq's Substrate Experiment

    As Paulo has said we are evaluating the situation. Unfortunately, this member’s behaviour has often been in violation of the forum rules. We also received several complaints from other members. Further our continued efforts to moderate this behaviour were ignored. These decisions are never...
  59. Tim Harrison

    Nano thank recommendations

    Nicely laid out scape. Personally I wouldn’t add fish to a tank less than 30 litres in volume. Not just because of swimming space, but also small tanks are notoriously unstable in terms of maintaining water quality and other parameters like temp etc.
  60. Tim Harrison

    Mysterious red ring stain

    Crikey @tiger15 you should be so lucky. It’s very rare. I can understand how it might be a pita if it grows on the glass though. But at least you know your water quality is good 😊
  61. Tim Harrison

    Hi from new member

    Welcome 🙂
  62. Tim Harrison

    Royal Mail

    Is that irony?
  63. Tim Harrison

    Creeping in quietly!

    Welcome 🙂
  64. Tim Harrison

    TNC Complete dosing

    I’ve had tanks as heavily planted as yours and needed a weeks stated TNC Complete dose every day. I wouldn’t put too much stock in online or retailer info. The later is a rough guide. Just observe your plants closely. They will tell you what they need.
  65. Tim Harrison

    Royal Mail

    I guess it’s always been the same. But it seems particularly bad atm. All these public services should never have been privatised. They should be run as nonprofit organisations, with surplus reinvested in the service and used to keep prices low. Instead the profits are used to pay exorbitant...
  66. Tim Harrison

    Theatre - Why so Expensive

    It’s not just the theatre. We all know everything is much more expensive. It’s the cost of covid crisis. Everyone from major corporations down are just transferring the cost to consumers.But I doubt the price hikes reflect the real cost of living. I’d hazard it’s mostly just greed. Everyone is...
  67. Tim Harrison

    Can this substrate be re-used?

    Rinse and reuse. Stick in some root tabs or scatter a small handful of slow release Osmocote before adding the substrate. But neither is really necessary if you’re going to water column dose fertz. Although both root and foliar feeding makes sense.
  68. Tim Harrison

    Hi from leicester

    Welcome 🙂
  69. Tim Harrison

    What books are you reading?

    Nothing like a nice bit of light reading before bedtime.
  70. Tim Harrison

    preventing lower substrate from mixing with top sand

  71. Tim Harrison

    The temperature for Fish

    I think at the lower end a degree can make huge difference. Personally wouldn’t go below 23 degrees. At the middle to upper acceptable end I think there’s perhaps a little more wriggle room. But obviously extremes at either end are not a good idea, especially for prolonged periods.
  72. Tim Harrison

    Get excited and make something.

    Amazing place. It’s come up in a previous discussion regarding clear water habitat 🙂 Post in thread 'A Brief and Incomplete History of Aquascaping' A Brief and Incomplete History of Aquascaping
  73. Tim Harrison

    A pine root planted randomness

    It has that look usually only achieved in a long term scape when the plants have been allowed to mature and grow in to one another. Excellent work, well done. I’d definitely enjoy it for a while longer yet 🙂
  74. Tim Harrison

    Need help to find this fish

    Crikey, that is a stroke of good luck, not to mention a freaky coincidence. Maybe the universe is benevolent after all and there is something to this manifestation business.
  75. Tim Harrison

    Male or Female German Blue Ram

    I don’t think it’s easy to tell any more back in the day it was pretty obvious. https://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/ram-male-or-female.73716/#post-742945
  76. Tim Harrison

    Small tank on big stand?

    Can’t really tell from the info in the link. If you’re concerned you could always add some sort of vertical bracing in the middle. I’d use a couple of timber pieces.
  77. Tim Harrison

    Journal Pondering it all…

    Fantastic, beautiful amphibians.
  78. Tim Harrison

    Those Pesky Plecs.

    I can understand the attraction. I kept an Ancistrus dolichopterus way back in the day. But I wouldn’t put a plec in a planted tank now. I cringe watching this
  79. Tim Harrison

    Not an expert

    Very nice 🙂
  80. Tim Harrison

    Hello everyone

    Welcome 🙂
  81. Tim Harrison

    Houseplants next to aquarium.

    It’s a calm and leafy oasis in the capital city 🙂
  82. Tim Harrison

    Intro with pics. Hi from NI

    Welcome 🙂
  83. Tim Harrison

    New member

    Welcome 🙂
  84. Tim Harrison

    Josh Sim workshop at Horizon Aquatics

    Crikey that’s a great attendance. My invitation must have got lost in the post 😁 If only I’d know I might have made the schlep to your end of the country for a change Ady.
  85. Tim Harrison

    Get excited and make something.

    Anyone got excited and made anything recently, or just come across something worth sharing in the spirit of this thread? Be great to get it going again 🙂
  86. Tim Harrison

    Start Up Co2 Set

    By far the most convenient and cost effective way is the fire extinguisher method Fire extinguisher CO2 For the hardware check out our sponsors. They offer some decent solutions, and will be happy to talk you through it if you give them a call.
  87. Tim Harrison

    Thinking of a big change and moving from my current set up to my first planted tank

    You don’t have to be an artist, you just need a little creativity and imagination. You’re an engineer, I bet you come up with creative and imaginative solutions to problems all the time. Take a look at the Planted Tank Gallery, especially the 2 sticky threads, find a scape you like the look of...
  88. Tim Harrison

    Hello everyone

    Welcome 🙂