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Cryptocoryne Wendtii Green Help


New Member
22 Mar 2024
IMG_0001.jpegI have 3 Crypto. Wendtii Green that have been in my 29 gallon tank for 2-1/2 months. Some leaves are green, most have a brownish color. My fertilizer regimen seems good ; Nitrogen-10pm, Phos.-1ppm, Potassium-10 ml./week, Iron 8 ml./week, plus dosing micros. 50% water change/week. Lighting -Fluval3.0 @ 70% except for blue and cold white. CO2 @ 20%. Is it too much light?, Are the plants not fully acclimated yet? Too much water change? Is the pot causing it to be root bound and killing the plant?
Is the pot causing it to be root bound and killing the plant?

Crypts can be really hard and really easy... I have Wendtii Green in both my tanks. My guess is that it might be struggling/starving in that pot - there is no nutrient distribution around the roots etc.. - you need to root it in your substrate. Get rid of the dead leaves and re-plant it in the substrate. There is a good chance it will bounce back when you do so, but it will take a while... I've had Wendtii Green completely melted off (down to a couple of leaves) to bounce back and flourish. Don't give up on it!

What exact fertilizer product(s) are you dosing?

btw. I wonder if this could be a C. Affinis Brown of sorts. Did it start our all green?

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Not quite sure what I'm looking at here. Are the leaves just turning brown or are they all actually melting, or both?

In addition to @MichaelJ 's advice. C. wendtii is a highly variable species. It has a great deal of phenotypic plasticity allowing it to change its physiology/morphology according to environmental conditions. So you might end up with brownish leaves when it grows back.

Crypts are also a genus that has been messed around with a lot, hybridised and selectively bred, to the point that growers and suppliers aren't often sure what they're selling. So you may have some other variety.

Either way, if it is melting you can remove the old leaves which will encourage new growth.
What exact fertilizer product(s) are you dosing?

From his other thread.
I use Sachem Flourish ferts, the nutrient specific type not the all -in one. I also dose Trace (micro nutrients )as well using Seachems dosing chart for all ferts.

From what I can gather Nitrate and Phosphate levels are being determined via tests. Potassium and Iron weekly values can be worked out at K= 4.37 ppm, Fe = 0.73 ppm.

Is the pot causing it to be root bound and killing the plant?
Well, it's not helping the plant reach its full potential.
Best remove it and use the pot for the garden shed and grow a few Wendtii emersed.😉
The Fertilizer I use is Seachem Flourish, nutrient specific( nitrogen, phos., etc.) not the all in one. I read that if you wanted to keep the plant from spreading use a pot, I think that may be bad advice!
When I got the plants all the leaves were green. I put a fert. Tab in when I potted it, now it’s just water column fertilizating.
My experiences with bought and 'officially' tagged c green wendtti have been different trough all my years having aquariums.

From crispy green to green/red leaves.

Thats why i love cryptocorynes. ' you never know what you are going to get' 😉

Wendtti green atm in my riparium:


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