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Intro with pics. Hi from NI


New Member
1 Feb 2024
Hi folks.

Looks like an active board here so I'm excited to join in. Not new to the hobby but not particularly experienced either.

Here are my current tanks:


The 27L shrimp tank home to 10 red cherries, and an unknown number of ramshorns.


They meet weekly to discuss terms.

Next is my 30 something L cube with a few endlers:


And this is Marv. Part Betta, part dog.



Finally, I'm in the middle of setting up a 180L tank as a sort of forest fantasy scape.


In a few days I'll be hitting this bad boy with 3 million plants approximately.

So that's me. Looking forward to chatting with you all.



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Your ramshorn looks fantastic by the way.
Thank you!


Pinky isn't as big nor is she as active but she's also beautiful.

(Disclaimer: I don't know if she's a she or a he and at this point I'm too afraid to ask. Don't report me to the HR department).
I don't know if she's a she or a he and at this point I'm too afraid to ask.
watch out for those invertebrate pronouns matey!

I am thinking of getting ramshorns. I currently have nerites but I like the idea of a self-sustaining snail population. I don't overfeed the fish so I'm not that worried about the tank being overrun.
watch out for those invertebrate pronouns matey!

I am thinking of getting ramshorns. I currently have nerites but I like the idea of a self-sustaining snail population. I don't overfeed the fish so I'm not that worried about the tank being overrun.
So far it seems quite easy to manage. The food is the key.
There is definatley more than 50 babies in there but they are very small, easily missed, and I don't see many making it to adulthood.

They do a great job with algae and general gunk.
Hi all,
watch out for those invertebrate pronouns matey
Disclaimer: I don't know if she's a she or a he and at this point I'm too afraid to ask. Don't report me to the HR department
Definitely a minefield. I'm going for "they" or "them" because they are both hermaphrodites and capable of "self-fertilization" <"Planorbella duryi (Wetherby, 1879)">.
They do a great job with algae and general gunk.
I have them in all the tanks, they are a <"perfect tank janitor">.

cheers Darrel