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  1. G H Nelson

    Hi from Indonesia

    Welcome to the UKaps! 🪴
  2. G H Nelson

    90l shrimp safe internal filter please.

    You could look at Eheim liberty hang on filter! It's sourcing them though.
  3. G H Nelson

    Amazon Sword Flowering

    The plant looks like Ozelot! https://www.aquasabi.com/Echinodorus-Ozelot-Green
  4. G H Nelson

    Hello from Malta

    Welcome to the 🇬🇧 UKaps!
  5. G H Nelson

    I wasn't going to post....

    Dear Members I would just like to say action was taken by a Global Moderation Team member as soon as Tim Harrison resigned as Adminstrator on Tuesday!
  6. G H Nelson

    Hello from Northampton

    Welcome aboard the UKaps train! 👍😊
  7. G H Nelson

    Hello Iam Newly joined member

    Welcome to the UKaps! 😊
  8. G H Nelson


    Welcome to the UKaps!👍 Please visit the other forum sections for suggestions and help!
  9. G H Nelson

    Fish dying when do a water change

    Cory's have the ability to breath air just above the water surface! This behavior is perfectly normal and is not an indication that anything is wrong with the fish. However, if this is done in excess, it can indicate poor water conditions. This leads me to believe you had low Oxygen levels prior...
  10. G H Nelson

    Fish dying when do a water change

    Did you lose any Cory's after a water change?
  11. G H Nelson

    Fish dying when do a water change

    How is the Cory reacting to these tank conditions?
  12. G H Nelson

    Fish dying when do a water change

    Hi @Myrkk I would purchase Drop Checker and monitor the Co2 level even though you are not injecting Co2! If it's green l would be careful when doing water changes and using Prime! There is alot of compressed Co2 in mains tap water! Remove any decaying leaf litter use an air pump/stone at...
  13. G H Nelson

    Changing times for UKAPS

    Best wishes for you Paulo and the family! You will be sorely missed my friend! Thank you for all the years of hard work you have dedicated to making the UKaps what it is today! Take care Paulo! Graham
  14. G H Nelson

    Fish dying when do a water change

    Prime depletes oxygen levels....therefore if you have very low O2 that could cause a problem if you are double dosing Prime!
  15. G H Nelson

    Fish dying when do a water change

    Hi I'm not a great lover of Prime...there has been reported issues with this water conditioner! Could well be a combination of dosing Prime and osmotic shock! Do smaller water changes over a longer period of time! That's my hunch....this issue can rear its head in low PH and long established...
  16. G H Nelson


    Welcome to the UKaps! 🌿
  17. G H Nelson

    Is this Crypt Melt?

    Thread 'Adding purchased plants into a New Set-up aquarium!' Adding purchased plants into a New Set-up aquarium!
  18. G H Nelson

    Help find part chihiros vivid mini

    Or someone with a 3D printer could try make you the bracket!
  19. G H Nelson

    Help find part chihiros vivid mini

    That would be called a bracket!
  20. G H Nelson

    RO Tap Adapter

    Failing that you may as well contact the seller of the RO unit, they will surely have the correct adapter/convertor!
  21. G H Nelson

    RO Tap Adapter

    Try eBay also! You might find a John Guest straight fitting!
  22. G H Nelson

    RO Tap Adapter

    Look on Amazon under RO tap connector! Something like this https://amzn.eu/d/i4jdIq9 Or there are others that are polypropylene...its finding the correct fitting? I use my RO unit connected to the secondary Shower head fitting.
  23. G H Nelson

    rotala blood red is blotchy?

    Hi Richard You can use the Trace/Micro mix from Planted Box! Use the same grams per water container volume! Light green leaves could be low Nitrate levels for these plants? Or just new growth plus some plants are naturally lighter green 💚 in colour.
  24. G H Nelson

    Hello from the Scottish Borders...

    Welcome to the UKaps!:happy::thumbup:
  25. G H Nelson

    Where To Purchase Inexpensive Glass Bowls, Glass Vases and Glass Cube Tanks?

    You could try looking for large Salad bowls or Punch Bowls also...in retail supermarkets.
  26. G H Nelson

    Dennerle deponitmix questions

    Hi DD mix will cloud your aquarium for a few days as it is not washed of dust! You could use root tablets as an alternative! I wouldn't alter the dry dosing routine unless you have specific plant deficiencies!
  27. G H Nelson

    Very Suspicious Anubias Rotting

    Best ditch the compromised Anubias. Try purchasing replacements from the Wanted/Sale forum!
  28. G H Nelson

    My plant problem

    Rotala could be sold to you in the emersed form...therefore need time to transition to aquatic life! Rotata macranda really need Co2 to do well. Black marks and leaf degradation are a consequence of low Co2 levels! hoggie
  29. G H Nelson

    Colour added to the cryptocoryne garden.

    Looks like Crypt Flamingo!
  30. G H Nelson

    APT zero/1 DIY solution

    Higher lighting levels and longer lighting duration...will increase the chances of turning both plant sp's red...l don't bother with limiting Nitrate! As this could have a negative affect on other plant species that l have in the aquarium. Only thing you need to watch out for is Green Thread...
  31. G H Nelson

    Should the drop checker turn blue overnight?

    You could slow the Co2 injection bubble count to 1 BPS... and monitor the Co2 Drop checker!
  32. G H Nelson

    My plant problem

    Use the below article. https://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/using-stem-plants-as-a-filtering-aid-at-start-up.62966/
  33. G H Nelson

    My plant problem

    Hi I would stop using the water purifier. Use the local tap water. Rotata Macranda...is a difficult plant to keep healthy! It does best in a soft water and Co2 enriched aquarium. Blyxya japonica needs similar in requirements!
  34. G H Nelson

    New to this......

    Welcome to the UKaps! :thumbup:
  35. G H Nelson

    Should I keep doing daily water changes?

  36. G H Nelson

    rotala blood red is blotchy?

    They look okay to me!:thumbup:
  37. G H Nelson

    Air Sponge Filters compatible with Aquael Mini Pat!

    Hi Just purchase a piece of Silicone tubing....there are various sizes on Ebay. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/225977022984?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=0mumziogrj6&sssrc=2047675&ssuid=Zmcx0rkOScG&var=525076886264&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  38. G H Nelson

    JBL M001 Regulator Working Pressure

    Hi What type/make of diffusers are you using? 1.5 bar isn't enough pressure to run some diffusers! hoggie
  39. G H Nelson

    Murdannia Keisak help, yellowing old leaves with small holes

  40. G H Nelson

    Murdannia Keisak help, yellowing old leaves with small holes

  41. G H Nelson

    My plant problem

  42. G H Nelson

    Should I add ferts to my tank or continue to wait?

    @Aqua Hero My take on this is if you are doing regular water changes you don't need to at the start-up stage! Caveat.... it depends on what's in your Tap-water. hoggie
  43. G H Nelson

    Algae support

    Filter cleaning of sponges and media will help!
  44. G H Nelson

    Algae support

    https://www.aquariumgardens.co.uk/the-aquascaper-complete-plant-food-1000ml-4676-p.asp You could start with the above then make your own in the future.
  45. G H Nelson

    Algae support

    Hi API Leaf Zone only has Potassium & Iron in the solution! You will need Macro/Micro all in one fertilizer to cover all the plant requirements.
  46. G H Nelson

    Algae support

    Hi Is it API Leaf Zone you are dosing?
  47. G H Nelson

    White leaves

    Nitrate level could be low? Try upping the Tapwater ratio.
  48. G H Nelson

    Plant ID

    @eminor....my mistake thought these were in the aquarium a few weeks.....must be the reflection off something!
  49. G H Nelson

    Plant ID

    The midrib looks prominent!
  50. G H Nelson

    Plant ID

    Could be Hygrophila sp?
  51. G H Nelson

    Plant ID

    @2: Not sure need a better image!
  52. G H Nelson

    Plant ID

    It's probably aromatica .......as hippuridoides isn't that often available for sale.
  53. G H Nelson

    Plant ID

    Image 3: Bacopa Caroliniana https://www.flowgrow.de/db/aquaticplants/bacopa-caroliniana
  54. G H Nelson

    Plant ID

    1: Pinkish underside gives this plant ID away!
  55. G H Nelson

    Plant ID

  56. G H Nelson

    Hello from Brazil

    Welcome to the UKaps! :thumbup:
  57. G H Nelson

    rotala blood red is blotchy?

    Hi Continue with water changes and dose 25% of the recommendation. New leaves need to mature before colour increase's. Green thread algae = too much light usually?
  58. G H Nelson

    Co2 cylinder

    Best if you reduce the duration and the intensity by 50%.
  59. G H Nelson

    Looking for a sturdy stem

    Or this https://www.flowgrow.de/db/aquaticplants/hygrophila-corymbosa-kompakt
  60. G H Nelson

    Looking for a sturdy stem

    This might be an option? https://www.flowgrow.de/db/aquaticplants/limnophila-aromatica-mini
  61. G H Nelson

    How to! Upload Images Directly to Forum

    Image could be too large! I took a Screenshot and loaded it that way;)
  62. G H Nelson

    Solubility of CSM+B?

    Or one level Teaspoon approximately to 500ml.
  63. G H Nelson

    Solubility of CSM+B?

    3g to 250ml....is the standard mix!
  64. G H Nelson

    A Tribute to the Plants I’ve Killed

    Indeed, I've inflicted death on various plants especially Invitro.:inpain: I tend to stay away from them as much as I can....:rolleyes:
  65. G H Nelson

    Best sub 100$ light for small tank!

    Have a look at Twinstar lights! Its finding stock in the UK that is the issue. https://www.aquasabi.com/aquarium-lighting-top-lights
  66. G H Nelson

    Nano Garden Experiment

  67. G H Nelson

    rotala blood red is blotchy?

  68. G H Nelson

    rotala blood red is blotchy?

    Yes, Indeed..... Add to the aquarium water column not in the vicinity of the Rotala Blood Red!
  69. G H Nelson

    rotala blood red is blotchy?

    @Planted Box said! Please check the label for the guaranteed analysis provided by SGS and the EU.
  70. G H Nelson

    rotala blood red is blotchy?

    Are you dosing straight into the water column? If you are, best mixing the fertilizers with a jug of aquarium water.....then tipping it in. Rotala are very susceptible to leaf burn if the fertilizers are dosed too near them.
  71. G H Nelson

    rotala blood red is blotchy?

    @dIggO Keep us posted on the progress of the Rotala. Out of curosity how are you dosing the fertilizers when adding them to the aquarium?
  72. G H Nelson

    rotala blood red is blotchy?

    Hi Richard As I have said.....stop all dosing for 4 weeks as you have an abundance of Micro/Iron in the water column! You can do multiple large water changes if you do not want to wait that long. You can follow @Happi's recommendation....when you see new growth on the Rotala that is not affected...
  73. G H Nelson

    rotala blood red is blotchy?

    I wouldn't dose Potassium as you want to reduce all fertilizers in the water column. A prune of the affected stems as @Cor stated will be beneficial to encourage new fresh growth.
  74. G H Nelson

    rotala blood red is blotchy?

    @dIggO Hi Richard Yes, stop all fertilizing......Micro/Iron will probably be the real cause of leaf damage on the Rotala!
  75. G H Nelson

    High Nitrites and filters

    Use this below Tutorial. Using stem plants as a filtering aid at Start Up!
  76. G H Nelson

    rotala blood red is blotchy?

    Hi @dIggO Do a water change and don't dose fertilizers for 4 weeks.....and monitor the situation! Rotala react pretty quickly to changes.
  77. G H Nelson

    rotala blood red is blotchy?

    Hi Rotala sp can be a temperamental plant for some! Personally, I have found that cutting back or stopping the dosing routine for 4 weeks can tell you a lot about this plant. Members have had issues with Potassium affecting Rotala growth patterns. My take is too much nutrients in the water...
  78. G H Nelson

    rotala blood red is blotchy?

  79. G H Nelson

    Why aren’t my Java Ferns thriving?

    Hi The recommendation level is 20ppm to 30ppm. I don't test regularly....using Solufeed High K I dose 5ml approximately every few weeks.
  80. G H Nelson

    EI fertilizer salts uk?

    Have you tried Amazon!
  81. G H Nelson

    Why aren’t my Java Ferns thriving?

    # Java Fern/Microsorum really need decent water movement around the rhizome and the plant as a whole. Additional Potassium dosing is also recommended.
  82. G H Nelson

    Bubble counter help

    Yes, attach a non-return check valve below the bubble counter and one on the Co2 tubing after the regulator!
  83. G H Nelson

    Cryptocoryne Wendtii Green Help

    Well, it's not helping the plant reach its full potential. Best remove it and use the pot for the garden shed and grow a few Wendtii emersed.;)
  84. G H Nelson

    Help stopping reflections in bare bottom tank

    You could use slate tiles....might be lucky and find a size that fits the width of the bottom. You will still have to remove them periodically to clean under them. Or drain the tank and use a piece of Yoga mat underneath.
  85. G H Nelson

    Help stopping reflections in bare bottom tank

    I wouldn't use this as it could well leach chemicals!
  86. G H Nelson

    Neo Co2 biological system with fish?

    Yes, Co2 gas concentration may well affect fish! You can run 24/7 put you will need to have gas exchange from a filter outlet of some sort, or a small air pump. Best purchase a Co2 drop checker....although this has a lag time for the actual reading.
  87. G H Nelson

    Hagen Fluval Flex Aquarium 34 Litre, hood light quick hack!

    Hi I'm using it on a slow growing planted tank....so can't vouch for growing carpet plants as this light is situated at the back of the hood! It's pretty bright at the back of the aquarium on full power. No fish in this aquarium;)
  88. G H Nelson

    Is this a potassium deficiency on the Anubias?

    https://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/please-read-the-guidelines-for-plant-help.60671/ https://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/anubias-disease.65862/
  89. G H Nelson

    Fluval Bio CO2 Pro system.

  90. G H Nelson

    Remineralising RO water with waste water

    Hi How much Prime are you adding? How are you adding it?
  91. G H Nelson

    Help with Elodea densa

    Hi 6. Substrate......Inert black painted quartz gravel. I would add root tablets/balls/sticks to improve plant root development! Purchase a TDS Meter/Pen....and check TDS is not too high!
  92. G H Nelson

    Super fish home

  93. G H Nelson

    Help with Elodea densa

    This looks like high lighting reaction! Similar to Blyxa japonica under intense lighting.....so not a deficiency, as others have mentioned likes lower temperatures.
  94. G H Nelson

    Resolved! Post avatar

    Hi Left click on your "D" top Right Hand Side of the Page! Left click on your "D" again......this will open up edit Avatar Page below!
  95. G H Nelson

    Unusual Cory deaths: hari kari by sponge filter

    Hi Folks Sad to hear about those deaths! Sponge insert isn't really the answer as it will clog up eventually. I know there is some members have 3D printing, maybe they could print a cover to fit over the outlet pipe, you would need to ask in the Wanted Forum...
  96. G H Nelson


    Welcome to the 🌿UKaps!
  97. G H Nelson

    Your my last hope people!

    The above should be posted at the start of each help request. Why do we ask these questions? It will stop the member posting multiple times and helpers don't need to scroll through a whole thread to find them.
  98. G H Nelson

    Your my last hope people!
