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Colour added to the cryptocoryne garden.

Think the rotala to the right will become a nice addition :thumbup:
What are the pink species to the left? C. Beckettii Petchii pink?
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Nice looking tank, I'm surprised those Crypts haven't started randomly popping up all over the substrate.
Thank you! Have noticed a couple of crypts have popped up in the middle of the other crypts but not in the monte carlo yet! I'm sure they will in time lol.
Back to green and the leaves are huge! Think there is some different types of rotala growing from the cuttings purchased. Still cool though I guess.
What are those super dark small crypts on the left at the front? They're really nice, beautiful tank!
Cryptocoryne wendtii brown. Purchased them as green wendtii brown and cut 90% of the green leaves off and they have compacted growth. Biggest leaves are about two inch long. Thank you for the nice comment 😁