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Very Suspicious Anubias Rotting

Aqua Hero

8 May 2015
So I have had two types of Anubias (Anubias bonsai and Anubias nana Pettit) planted in the exact same spot and in both instances, the rhizome starts to rot and the leaves start to die.

I didn't glue the plant and I didn't bury the rhizome I just placed it on top of some wood. Nothing was covering the rhizome.

I have other anubias in places close to this spot and they are growing fine as usual (and these ones were glued down).

I should not that I do cut the rots of the anubias down before planting as they get in the way.

Does anyone have any ideas why this is happening?

For those who will ask - Tank parameters

1. 25L 40cmx25cmx25cm
2. Tank's been running for 6 week with plants
3.Ph: 7.5 (when co2 is off) 6.5 (when co2 is on)
Ammonia: 0ppm
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 40ppm+
4. Aquaclear 20
5. Chihiros A401 8hrs daily at alternating levels of 50% and 75%
6. Base layer: lava rock, Mid layer: Tropica Substrate, Top Layer: Tropica Aquasoil
7. Co2 dosing 2hrs before lights on
8. Drop Checker: Deep Green when lighta are on
9. Just started dosing ferts today. Using EI Method. Alternating 3 days between Macros and Micros
10. 1st week daily 50% waters changes, 2nd week 2 day 50% Water changes etc
11. Plant list:
Salvinia natans
Microsorum pteropus trident
Anubias bonsai
Anubias Nana Petite
Hygrophilia pinnatifida
Hydrocotyle verticillata
Bolbitis Heteroclita Difformis
Pogostemon helferi
Micranthemum monte carlo
Eriocaulon cinereum
Vallisneria Nana
Murdannia keisak
Weeping moss
Dwarf hairgrass
Jucen Repens
Helanthium tenellum 'green
Some terrestrial house plants in a breeder box, Substrate: Fluval Stratum
12. Inhabitants: 20x Malaysian trumpet snails, 2x Amano shrimp3fa88e68bd97f4f35731d40aff9f81f5.jpg3f5e37afe0e556271950a6d636955a57.jpgbb36ed08ca517becb778c8cabacdbd8f.jpg

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It's probably Anubias rot or melt. There's a few older threads on this somewhere here; one below. It's happened to me too fairly recently and many other members in the past. It's probably infected nursery stock and I don't think there is very much you can do about it, except perhaps try again with new plants. @G H Nelson came to my rescue with new plants and so far they're thriving.

It's probably some sort of systemic microbial disease triggered by a change in environmental conditions. In my case I went on vacation, and although I left my tank in the care of a house sitter I think the outcome is unfortunate but perhaps predictable and only to be expected.

It's probably Anubias rot or melt. There's a few older threads on this somewhere here; one below. It's happened to me too fairly recently and many other members in the past. It's probably infected nursery stock and I don't think there is very much you can do about it, except perhaps try again with new plants. @G H Nelson came to my rescue with new plants and so far they're thriving.

It's probably some sort of systemic microbial disease triggered by a change in environmental conditions. In my case I went on vacation, and although I left my tank in the care of a house sitter I think the outcome is unfortunate but perhaps predictable and only to be expected.

I see. Do you think I should buy my anubias from a different seller then?

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