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  1. G H Nelson

    Hello from Midlothian!

    Welcome to the UKaps! :happy::thumbup:
  2. G H Nelson

    Superfish Filter Floss Warning!!!

    Thanks for giving members the heads up! 👍
  3. G H Nelson

    So…. Have I made the biggest newbie mistake yet?

    Hi @Jimmyc use the below tutorial. https://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/using-stem-plants-as-a-filtering-aid-at-start-up.62966/
  4. G H Nelson

    Satisfying and Effective - share some random tips

  5. G H Nelson

    Plant list for new tank setup

  6. G H Nelson

    Please help

  7. G H Nelson

    Please help

  8. G H Nelson

    Resolved! Redirected to download

    Hi There was a slight issue with the server earlier today, it was reported to hosting company and they resolved it! If the issue still occurs in certain circumstances, just delete your browser cache and that should fix the problems.
  9. G H Nelson

    Mold in DIY fertilizers with potassium sorbate

    Hi Folks My Two Pennies worth! I had a sneaky suspicion for some years, that the amounts are insufficient for both ascorbic acid/ potassium sorbate to stop mold! I added 1 teaspoon of each and got good results.......the problem with doing this is the solution needs to be filtered through a good...
  10. G H Nelson


    Hi They are all very similar.....but I would always purchase a larger-sized item such as a Filter/CO2 generator! This covers upgrading to larger aquariums. Have a look at this video....below...
  11. G H Nelson

    Plant ID request. Buce

    It could be several Buce It looks like Bucephalandra "red" or Bucephalandra "Blue Green" https://www.aquasabi.com/Bucephalandra-sp-Blue-Green hoggie
  12. G H Nelson


    Hi I have a couple of Citric Acid/Bicarbonate Soda generators similar to the above-mentioned without the Solenoid. I run a 2-litre 24/7 there is no fish/shrimp in this planted aquarium. The pressure in the Cylinder depends on how much of the Citric Acid/Bicarbonate Mix you add to the cylinder...
  13. G H Nelson

    Java ferns. Brown leaves?

    Hi Yes....good stuff!
  14. G H Nelson

    EpiWeb & Hygrolon alternatives?

    Great tip......you could add it here> Satisfying and Effective - share some random tips
  15. G H Nelson

    Java ferns. Brown leaves?

    Hi @valevelo It's early days yet! Especially when using slow-growers like Java Fern/Anubias/Bucephalandra. Remove the Carbon, it's removing the fertilizer. @9 API Leaf Zone is a Potassium/Micro only fertilizer! Purchase an NPK fertilizer and dose per instructions. Direct the small filter...
  16. G H Nelson

    Crypts being eaten by something or Crypt melt?

    Hi @4 What filter/filtration are you using? Yes! I would still do Macro.....Nitrate/Phosphate/Potassium. Thats good continue adding Micro. Add root tabs/sticks/balls to the substrate. hoggie
  17. G H Nelson

    Hi from Galicia, northwest Spain

    Welcome to the UKaps! :thumbup::happy:
  18. G H Nelson

    Plants not living long :(

    Final thoughts....implement the below Tutorial. https://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/using-stem-plants-as-a-filtering-aid-at-start-up.62966/ Cheers
  19. G H Nelson

    Plants not living long :(

    Hi @Sirkavu I would advocate water changes as soon as possible, starting with 2 small water changes per week at 15% and increasing to 50% once every two weeks! As you have London tapwater....this will increase nutrients for plants and improve water quality. I would advise purchasing an All in...
  20. G H Nelson

    Hi from S.Wales

    Welcome to the UKaps! :happy::thumbup:
  21. G H Nelson

    Reverse Osmosis System

    This RO unit is hooked up in my bathroom to the hair shower hose! Therefore reasonably removable. https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0862D81JZ?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_fed_asin_title&th=1 hoggie
  22. G H Nelson

    Crypts being eaten by something or Crypt melt?

    Hi @petr nehyba This looks like a classic Crypt melt due to various factors. Imbalance of nutrients, temperature swings, or too high an aquarium temperature. Remove any affected leaves. Reduce the temperature slightly, start dosing All in One fertilizer, and ditch the Liquid Carbon dosing. hoggie
  23. G H Nelson

    Crypts being eaten by something or Crypt melt?

  24. G H Nelson

    Anubias Rot

    I would move it and monitor its health for the time being!
  25. G H Nelson

    Anubias Rot

    @MoFish Hi, I would move it from the present position and leave it in an open area of the aquarium, where the rhizome can receive more flow from the filter! Where did you purchase the Anubias from?
  26. G H Nelson

    Satisfying and Effective - share some random tips

    Use a dining fork 🍴to remove rock wool from potted emersed plants! 😉
  27. G H Nelson

    Stunted growth and hair algae with reading being okay

    Hi @Nikxan sorry for the late response! @4. Fluval U3 Filter 600lph. The rule of thumb in a planted aquarium is 10X the turnover of the volume of the aquarium. Therefore you are below the desired approximate turnover, some say this is for C02 aquariums but I dont agree with that. There seems to...
  28. G H Nelson

    Plants not living long :(

  29. G H Nelson

    Stunted growth and hair algae with reading being okay

    Hi @Nikxan Welcome to the UKaps, please provide more information per the request below! https://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/please-read-the-guidelines-for-plant-help.60671/ Cheers hoggie
  30. G H Nelson

    I just cant keep plants healthy!

    1. Size of tank - 100L 2. Age of the system approximately - 18 Months 3. Tap water parameters - PH:7.9 / KH: 8-9 / GH: 10-11 / Nitrate: 10PPM. Temperature around 23 degrees. 4. Filtration and Media - Biomaster 350, all sponge at 20/30PPI. Bladed powerhead for flow. 5. Lighting and duration -...
  31. G H Nelson

    Feedback Aquatic Plant Order #1059.

    The Sponsor Website Dennerle Plants UK only despatches to UK customers.
  32. G H Nelson

    Orchid and plant ideas

    Hi @louis_last I take it out of the water for a few hours, it doesn't seem to affect the Phalaenopsis as far as I know.
  33. G H Nelson

    Orchid and plant ideas

    Hi @Brad123 This is a Phalaenopsis with some roots in water. You could try some roots in the aquarium and some out of the water! hoggie
  34. G H Nelson

    Feedback Aquatic Plant Order #1059.

    Hi DPT Thank you for the email you sent me, I tried to reply but was unsuccessful in sending the response!
  35. G H Nelson

    Tropica CO2 System Bio

    Did you soak the diffuser before use?
  36. G H Nelson

    Rotala Macrandra and wallichi in hardwater

    Rotala sp does better in lean-dosed fertilized aquariums and high light with a long duration. RO is the way to go if you want nice-looking Rotala sp's, purchase a TDS Pen.....check the TDS, ideally, you want about 150/250 TDS. Cheers hoggie
  37. G H Nelson

    Amazon Sword plants going black and rotting please Help meeeee please

    @Orandalover API Leaf Zone only has Potassium and Iron in the bottle!
  38. G H Nelson

    Amazon Sword plants going black and rotting please Help meeeee please

    Indeed.....if you trim the roots some of the new growth will be diverted to leaf growth! How much depends on a lot of variables ......:meh: That's what I found. Cheers
  39. G H Nelson

    Resolved! For sale thread archived / can’t post in forum assistance

    Hi Simon Depends how long a go the For Sale item was posted as they are automatically deleted after 12 weeks. Hope this helps! Cheers!
  40. G H Nelson

    Amazon Sword plants going black and rotting please Help meeeee please

    Look at Java Fern..... it is not suitable for planting...but you can attach it to cobbles and rocks! https://www.flowgrow.de/db/wasserpflanzen/microsorum-pteropus
  41. G H Nelson

    Amazon Sword plants going black and rotting please Help meeeee please

    Hi If you are going to have the plants in containers/pots.....get open messed pond pots or similar for your sized tank! These will be far more beneficial for the plant roots.
  42. G H Nelson

    Amazon Sword plants going black and rotting please Help meeeee please

    Hi @Orandalover You can keep Amazon Swords but not in containers long term....try planting them in a 2-inch substrate with lots of heavier stones/smooth cobbles about the stems! They are heavy root feeders.....if they don't have sufficient nutrients they will wither away and die eventually...
  43. G H Nelson

    Amazon Sword plants going black and rotting please Help meeeee please

    Hi @Orandalover Firstly I would remove the plants from enclosed tubs.....Amazon Sword plants will not appreciate that enclosed space! Remove/Cut any discoloured roots then replant in a deep substrate! Poor leaves can be removed....but not enough to compromise the bulk of the root.
  44. G H Nelson

    Diatoms in new aquarium

    Hi You need to get some surface plants....be it fast-growing stems left on the surface or floating plants! It's a method I always use, and I reap the benefits later as the aquarium matures. 4 weeks is not long for a new set-up aquarium.
  45. G H Nelson

    Bonsai / Penjing / Hòn non bộ

    What a great thread! :thumbup:
  46. G H Nelson

    Bonsai / Penjing / Hòn non bộ

    Looks great Geoff......you have the patience of a UKaps Moderator!😎
  47. G H Nelson

    Odd Java fern tips?

    This is new growth for me!
  48. G H Nelson

    CO2 ran out, fish super active!

    Most local fish stores.... don't add CO2, fish are all active due to high aeration and regular water changes! That's why we must be mega careful when adding new fish into a high-energy C02 Aquarium.
  49. G H Nelson

    Jungle in a glass box

    Ever thought about cheap off cut kitchen worktop....at least its reasonably sealed and tough and strong!
  50. G H Nelson

    Jungle in a glass box

    Sorry @FrozenShivers I'm not the best person to ask, as Ive never built a stand you could ask the questions below in DIY! https://www.ukaps.org/forum/forums/hardware-diy.20/
  51. G H Nelson

    Jungle in a glass box

    Lovely stand be a shame to cover most of it up! 😉
  52. G H Nelson

    Green spot algae question

    http://www.theplantedtank.co.uk/EI.htm Nitrate 20–30 ppm Phosphate 1-3 ppm Potassium 20-30ppm CO2 30ppm https://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/dosing-of-csm-b-and-fe-dtpa-11.37480/
  53. G H Nelson

    Hello from this new member in coastal Rhode Island, USA

    Welcome to UKaps! :thumbup:
  54. G H Nelson

    Algae Problem

    Hi @okla03 The plant health looks good although the young plantlets on the Pistia Stratiotes look a tad pale! I always associate BBA with high flow and filters needing attention. Have a look at the filter/sponges and give them a clean....Matrix removes Nitrate plus the floaters will also do the...
  55. G H Nelson

    Newbie after advice on Wavemaker!

    Hi @Mossy You would be aiming for 20ppm to 30ppm Nitrate level. Switch back to the Tropica Specialised Nutrition 3 pumps per 50 litres every week!
  56. G H Nelson

    Newbie after advice on Wavemaker!

    @Mossy Plants need food, especially if you are dosing Co2!
  57. G H Nelson

    Hello From Florida

    Welcome aboard the UKaps! 🚂
  58. G H Nelson

    New Nano set up advice

    Sorry for my mistake! Indeed, remove the disintegrating part of the stem! I would leave it on the surface and monitor its health before replanting.
  59. G H Nelson

    New Nano set up advice

    Hi Dave The brown algae is diatoms this algae sometimes appears in new set-ups! It usually disappears after the aquarium fully matures. The Anubias roots are a concern....can you remove the plant and inspect the rhizome for decay or rotting? Continue as you are with water changes and...
  60. G H Nelson

    Hello from St Albans!

    Welcome to the UKaps!....:happy::thumbup: You can add posts in the Algae section for advice! Cheers
  61. G H Nelson

    Plants to stabilize 2 Gallon tank and prevent Algae growth?

    Apply the below tutorial or get some floating plants! https://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/using-stem-plants-as-a-filtering-aid-at-start-up.62966
  62. G H Nelson

    Possible nutrients deficiency?

    If it is heavily planted I would add Nitrate!
  63. G H Nelson

    Feedback Aquatic Plant Order #1059.

    I would like to thank Dennerle UK for their great service. It was only a small order but the Plants look great and the packaging is excellent. Collected a 10% discount for signing up for the News Letter earlier in the week...Postage/Packaging was also very reasonable. Hopefully, the plant...
  64. G H Nelson

    Journal Bucephalandra/Crypt Bins!

    If I attempted this Buce Bin again, I would use a mix of Tropica Soil, gravel, and Lava rock! Plus I wouldn't bother with the Osmocote balls.
  65. G H Nelson

    Buce box

  66. G H Nelson

    How to store RO unit while away

    Purchase a straight connector as above. Connect the wastewater tube with the RO-filtered water tubing using the straight connector, this will seal the unit up! Flush the unit for 30 minutes when back in use!
  67. G H Nelson

    Dried tropica soil

    I wouldn't cap it with sand......as it will mix eventually.
  68. G H Nelson

    Help with ongoing battle against BGA

  69. G H Nelson

    Dried tropica soil

    @Mattant1984 You do not need to soak the soil, do water changes for the first few weeks!! Try not to disturb the soil as it can cloud the water column. On another note. Depending on how long the soil was used, it could be low in nutrients, adding root tablets/balls/sticks would be beneficial.
  70. G H Nelson


    Welcome to the UKaps! :thumbup:
  71. G H Nelson

    Tank options

    Dennerele Scaper's Tank....various sizes! https://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/dennerle-scapers-tank-35-litre-the-red-ring.62166/ I have the Fluval Flex 34L and added a supplementary light in this thread >Hagen Fluval Flex Aquarium 34 Litre, hood light quick hack!
  72. G H Nelson


    Welcome to the unique UKaps!.... :greenfinger:
  73. G H Nelson

    New 60P aquascape

    Looks great...:thumbup:
  74. G H Nelson

    Floating plant

    Plus Ceratopteris thalictroides In fact, you can use a whole load of stem plants as floaters....as per the tutorial below! https://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/using-stem-plants-as-a-filtering-aid-at-start-up.62966/
  75. G H Nelson

    Floating plant

    You can also use Hygrophila difformis - Water Wisteria
  76. G H Nelson

    Hi from Bedfordshire

    Indeed, the introduction threads can run out of control and become very disjointed when seeking various pieces of advice! Best to start a journal or ask questions in the designated forums. hoggie
  77. G H Nelson

    Japanese co2 bottle refill

    Obviously, you want a cylinder that fits into the ADA tower.....have a look at Adams Gas CO2 for Aquarium Plant Growth - Adams Gas Or if you can find a Micro Brewery or Soft Drinks maker in the area they might be able to re-fill your ADA Cylinder.
  78. G H Nelson


    That is my kind of aquascape! Looks great :thumbup:
  79. G H Nelson

    Hi from Bedfordshire

    Welcome to the UKaps! :thumbup:
  80. G H Nelson

    Is this blue- green algae?

    The smell will tell you.....disgusting!
  81. G H Nelson

    Long time lurker, Hi?

    Welcome to the UKaps! 🪴
  82. G H Nelson

    Fert dosing vs water change vol for new setup

    Hi If you are doing regular water changes for the first few weeks and replacing with London tap water, everything should be fine! You won't even need expensive TNC -C...till later down the road when cutting back on water changes! One thing you could add is Epsom Salt/MgSo4...as the tap water is...
  83. G H Nelson

    Just starting out....200 litre!

    Welcome to the UKaps 🪴
  84. G H Nelson

    Diatoms, BBA, something else that isn't even algae related!?? Argh!!

    Hope you get to the bottom of the algae problem! Below is one of our most read articles, further down there is a piece on Test Kits. https://www.ukaps.org/forum/pages/dosing-with-dry-salts
  85. G H Nelson

    From the Philippines

    Welcome to the UKaps 😊🪴👍
  86. G H Nelson

    Diatoms, BBA, something else that isn't even algae related!?? Argh!!

    In my experience the more turnover the better!
  87. G H Nelson

    Diatoms, BBA, something else that isn't even algae related!?? Argh!!

    I go along with @PARAGUAY and @Iain Sutherland regarding BBA. There are hundreds of types of algae if not thousands! I would suggest a ammonia spike after some changes causing this algae. Remove all affected leaves as these will not recover. Peel off affected Anubias leaves. You should be...
  88. G H Nelson

    Diatoms, BBA, something else that isn't even algae related!?? Argh!!

    Thread 'Please read the guidelines for plant help!' Please read the guidelines for plant help!
  89. G H Nelson

    How can I get rid of this?

    Hi I would purchase some fine filter floss or JBL SymecMicro, Microfibre fleece... https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B000H6SSSS?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share and add that to the top of the canister!
  90. G H Nelson

    How can I get rid of this?

    Hi As you are not dosing Co2 I would remove the Rotala....and swap with Ludwigia Mini Super Red or similar. When was the last time you cleaned the filter? What filter media are you using in the canister?
  91. G H Nelson

    Dosing Start

    Hi Personally l dose some fertilisers but half the recommended dose or even 25% of the dose of a All in One fertiliser. You will need to increase the dosing as plant mass increases. Purchase some floating plants and use the What is the "Duckweed Index" all about to help monitor plant health...
  92. G H Nelson

    Been A While!

    Welcome back! I purchased a few cuttings of this plant below! https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/156273564391?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=DyY2N4mST52&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=Zmcx0rkOScG&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY This could be a better choice!
  93. G H Nelson

    Hi All

    Welcome to the UKaps 🇬🇧 🪴👍
  94. G H Nelson

    Hello from South UK

    Welcome to the UKaps! 🪴🇬🇧👍
  95. G H Nelson

    Plants to photograph for my book

    Above image taken from the "Valley of Colours" Featured journals forum.
  96. G H Nelson

    What plants r these

    Second tub looks like a Rotala sp.
  97. G H Nelson


  98. G H Nelson

    Hi from Indonesia

    Welcome to the UKaps! 🪴