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Crypts being eaten by something or Crypt melt?

petr nehyba

Thread starter
18 Sep 2013
Hi all my crypts getting hammered by something and I don't seem able to figure this out. Would anyone be able to advise me please? It's only the crypts affected, mainly those on the top water column. The tank is co2 dosed, I also use liquid carb occasionally. I thought initially my angels perhaps nipping on it which would be ok, but it looks like something more complex? Nematodes? Appreciate your expertise here folks. Thank you in advance P


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Hi all,
my crypts getting hammered by something and I don't seem able to figure this out. Would anyone be able to advise me please? It's only the crypts affected, mainly those on the top water column
I'm not entirely sure it isn't (at least partially) <"a nutrient issue">. I've found, with Amazon Frogbit (Limnobium laevigatum) that often the <"first sign of nutrient deficiency"> is that the snails start eating the leaves, something they don't do when they are healthy.

Do the Crypts have a reticulated look (green veins, yellow between the veins) to the older leaves (like below)? I know it is difficult to tell with some species.


cheers Darrel
How widespread is this problem? I can't really tell from the photos. Have you been removing affected leaves and it keeps showing up at a rapid rate? I get older leaves that have damage like that from time to time and I just take it as a sign to remove it rather than a larger problem.

How long have they been in this tank? (They seem well established, but I'm just checking.
Hi all,

I'm not entirely sure it isn't (at least partially) <"a nutrient issue">. I've found, with Amazon Frogbit (Limnobium laevigatum) that often the <"first sign of nutrient deficiency"> is that the snails start eating the leaves, something they don't do when they are healthy.

Do the Crypts have a reticulated look (green veins, yellow between the veins) to the older leaves (like below)? I know it is difficult to tell with some species.
Hi Darrel and thanks for coming here trying to help. Much appreciate that!
1. No I don`t think I can observe those veins you mentioned. The whole leave is the same colon, no yellowing edges.
2. I`m usually (I do think at least) able to spot the nutrients deficiency when the leaves colour fades and from the full vivid it gets kind of "transparent". But to be honest my dosing here is only sporadic as I`m on low light here. I`m rather confident it`s not the nutrients deficiency as I know it but it could be as I don`t know it 🙂 I`ll bring that dosing up and see if that helps.
3. It indeed looks almost like snails eating it but I`m not aware of having any in this tank. Its a well established tank and those crypts are about 7 years since planted. Died off couple of times and did re-grow back.
Thank you so much!
How widespread is this problem? I can't really tell from the photos. Have you been removing affected leaves and it keeps showing up at a rapid rate? I get older leaves that have damage like that from time to time and I just take it as a sign to remove it rather than a larger problem.

How long have they been in this tank? (They seem well established, but I'm just checking.
Hi Elle, thank you
yes well established tank. plants about 7 years since planted.
You are correct, the plants with the described damage on leaves die off and the whole stem falls of. The I take it away.
The rapid rate is a good point also. It appears rather quickly, almost like over night then starts developing. I`ll keep an eye on how fast it is exactly happening and update here. Will remove all affected leaves and watch from the start again.
Thank you so much for your help
In my experience Crypts aren't a fan, especially if you spot dose near them , the leaves can get holes and melt.

As Darrel says though, it also looks like potential nutrient deficiency - what is your dosing regime?
Interesting. I had obviously experienced Valis melting away using liquid but never had this issue with crypts (on the contrary actually)
Learning every day, I`ll try and see if it appears again with no liquid carbon.
Thank you
Thank you for moving the thread to the correct forum and bringing up the guidance.
Just to add little more info about the tank
low light
anubias, crypts, echinodurus
dosing micro once a week only, not macro at this point. Dosed phosphates and nitrates in the past (salts directly to the tank) to deal with green spot resp cyano bacteria. Co2 pressurised plus liguid daily (more or less). Sometimes liguid directly applied treating bba
soft water area. ph 7 before co2 dropping 1 with co2 in the tank.
temp 28C
mixed white&black sand and gravel high on nutrients (cant remember brands anymore
tank established, running like this (with little changes in terms of planting) for about 9 years
Angels, Microgeophagus, otos, rummynose

Thank you so much everyone for trying to help, much appreciate your input and this forum indeed.
Hi @petr nehyba
This looks like a classic Crypt melt due to various factors.
Imbalance of nutrients, temperature swings, or too high an aquarium temperature.
Remove any affected leaves.
Reduce the temperature slightly, start dosing All in One fertilizer, and ditch the Liquid Carbon dosing.
start dosing All in One fertilizer, and ditch the Liquid Carbon dosing.
Thank you again Hoggie! I have not used liquid for some time and got bba issues back. I`m doing water changes 2x a week but feeding the tank rather heavy as I got breeding pairs there. The liguid seems to help with my bba, even though its been ok now for a while (apart of isolated areas). I do feel its not the best thing dosing it into the water especially as the pressurised co2 in place. But the bba was the reason I got back to it, thats what I wanted to mention. I`m not sure what exactly is behind it ( I assume the heavy feeding as it improved with increased water changes) but the liguid seems to help to keep it under control. I might try to ditch it for some time and see how it goes.

All in One, means macro&micro together? I do not dose macro at this moment (low light tank and I do think no need due to heavy feeding and rather big stock). But in general thought its not the best tactic? so I always used to split macro and micro dosing (morning, evening) I don`t have such tank at the moment. In terms of micro, I dose profito (micro) which is all the micro in one.
what are your thoughts? thanks
Hi all,
I thought I`ll give you a bit of an update. Started dosing micro&micro daily as suggested. Lifted light higher above the tank. Increased water changes 30-50% 2x a week. The crypts seem to stop melting. Completely. It`s interesting how getting back to basic, we all know, works. Again and again. Thanks guys for your feedback. Much appreciated.
Best P