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New Member
13 Apr 2014

,In all my old aquariums I had pressurized co2.
Turns out I don't have any space nearby to refill the cylinders, which gets annoying whenever I run out of co2.

This time I decided to try BIO CO2, namely the FLUVAL BIO CO2 125L kit, and I thought it was horrible.
The instructions are not clear about the mixture, I messed up the mixture a few times, then the co2 is not constant. It seems like you don't have enough pressure.
When I disconnect the diffuser the bubbles come out at an enormous speed. In short, I hated this kit.I didn't want to go back to the pressurized ones but I also didn't want to waste money.

I currently have the NEO CO2 and it is a better experience compared to the fluval.

So, anyone here who has used the ARKA MYSCAPE CO2 2.4L or FZONE BIO 2.5L KIT who can give an opinion? Which is better between the two?For a 45P or 60P tank, can I get constant pressure for 1 month and a half or 2 months?

Thank you to those who can give their opinion!
I have a couple of Citric Acid/Bicarbonate Soda generators similar to the above-mentioned without the Solenoid.
I run a 2-litre 24/7 there is no fish/shrimp in this planted aquarium.

The pressure in the Cylinder depends on how much of the Citric Acid/Bicarbonate Mix you add to the cylinder.
"Do not go above the recommended mixture weights"

How long it lasts also depends on how much you are injecting "bubble rate" therefore it could run for two months at a low bubble rate!
These Citric Acid/Bicarbonate generators are a decent introduction to CO2 with a reasonable amount of control.
I used one in the journal below!
I have a couple of Citric Acid/Bicarbonate Soda generators similar to the above-mentioned without the Solenoid.
I run a 2-litre 24/7 there is no fish/shrimp in this planted aquarium.

The pressure in the Cylinder depends on how much of the Citric Acid/Bicarbonate Mix you add to the cylinder.
"Do not go above the recommended mixture weights"

How long it lasts also depends on how much you are injecting "bubble rate" therefore it could run for two months at a low bubble rate!
These Citric Acid/Bicarbonate generators are a decent introduction to CO2 with a reasonable amount of control.
I used one in the journal below!
Hi G H Nelson,

Thanks for the answer.

So in your opinion, and based on your experience, is the ARKA 2.4 system a good buy?
For a 45P which is the aquarium I have at the moment, or for a 60P which I may purchase in the future.. I can guarantee 1 month and a half or 2 months of constant CO2 with medium demand plants
They are all very similar.....but I would always purchase a larger-sized item such as a Filter/CO2 generator!
This covers upgrading to larger aquariums.
Have a look at this video....below!