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  1. bazz

    UKAPS Meet @ Horizon Aquatics June 15th

    Thanks to all @Horizon Aquatics for having us, the selection of plants is second to none including a few I have never even heard of before, and thanks to any UKAPS team involved with the organisation Including and especially @Geoffrey Rea and @Ady34. It was also good to catch up/meet with other...
  2. bazz

    Changing times for UKAPS

    Good luck for the future Paulo!
  3. bazz


    Welcome, sad news, hope you can locate the problem.
  4. bazz


    Welcome, tank is looking good!
  5. bazz

    Planting Technique Advice

    If you're talking about supergluing under water you can but you have to be quite quick, I get the plant ready in the tweezers to go straight in, add a drop of superglue gel and go for it, probably had about 60% success rate but if it fails just try again.
  6. bazz

    New Aquascaping

    Welcome, if you think you're going to be looking for plenty of advice it might be wise to start a journal where all the info people require will be in one place plus you will have a pictorial record of your journey (providing you upload photos that is).
  7. bazz

    Anyone ordered plants from pro shrimp?

    I used to have this site bookmarked but some reason it disappeared a couple of years ago (user error), glad to have it back. This one is also a reasonably good site for info, for anyone who is interested. http://aroids.palo-alto.ca.us/
  8. bazz

    Anyone ordered plants from pro shrimp?

    Nice one @John q , there you go @NathanB the full picture!
  9. bazz

    Anyone ordered plants from pro shrimp?

    I'm no expert but know that Crypt Crispatula comes in several forms of which Balansae is by far the most popular. Other forms Including Flaccidifolia and Tonkiniensis (Flowgrow) I have never personally seen for sale but I think Kubotai is starting to make an appearance on the continent and will...
  10. bazz

    Hello from London

    Welcome, look forward to seeing a few photos of your existing and future aquariums.
  11. bazz

    Anyone ordered plants from pro shrimp?

  12. bazz

    Anyone got (or want to give an opinion on) a Fluval Siena?

    I've seen one of the 332's set up in one of the MA's in Norfolk or Suffolk or probably Braintree Essex while out on a jaunt and was impressed. Having a 90x55x53 I was naturally drawn to it as a future upgrade, I love aquariums with more height and depth having a lot more volume with only a...
  13. bazz

    All stem plants shooting roots from the nodes

    Up the UKAPS! You could reduce the light a tad to slow down the growth, or slowly replace the stems for rosette type plants, the days of intensive trim/replant/trim/replant are over for me especially with a larger tank.
  14. bazz

    Galvanised trough help

    Also @zozo has experience of using them. Mission Bathtub 2023 - Azolla Mania
  15. bazz

    Newbie with a new project.

    Room for a few more Crypts! ;)
  16. bazz

    Question | Could a plant's routes bust out the sealant on my tank? Echinodurus Cordifolius

    I seem to remember @zozo encountered this problem but I cannot find the thread and it's also possible I maybe incorrect (old age).
  17. bazz

    Algae sanity check

    Hi, With all that oxygen being produced makes me think you may have your light too bright at this early stage of development. There's definitely some diatoms in there also which should dissipate with time. For now though I personally think manual removal by way of a toothbrush (or similar) on...
  18. bazz

    2nd Coming

    I think that is entirely up to what is most pleasing to your eye. It's the total intensity that will effect your plants one way or the other. A disclaimer, I do know some people are saying that for example, high blue light causes algae but for our intents and purposes I can't really see that...
  19. bazz

    Best time to water change?

    9 times out of ten I do mine in the last 1 1/2 half hours of the photoperiod after CO2 has switched off so as I can see what I'm doing in the tank i.e. cleaning the glass, removing any organic debris from the substrate surface, removing any senesced leaves etc... Occasionally when a visit to the...
  20. bazz

    Reignited an old obsession 😊

    Welcome, and you'll not be in better hands if you are heeding AG's advice.
  21. bazz

    90x30x30 low maintenance

    I wouldn't have thought you need any more filtration, if it's more flow you require the use of small powerhead would suffice and they're certainly no more obtrusive than a HOB. But maybe that's not what you're after so take it with a pinch of salt.
  22. bazz

    Hello from Newbury

    Welcome! :wave: Please do, and I look forward to seeing a few snaps.
  23. bazz

    Tropica Premium, Masterline Golden or APT Zero?

    Good morning, Have you not added your water report parameters to the Core Settings along with ensuring the tag 'Planning to use RO Water' is set to 'No' under the 'Tank and Dosing tag, I know your water contains very little but it will give a more complete picture? Cheers!
  24. bazz

    Started as High Tech - Transitioning to Low Tech

    No, I have a 40cm low tech cube with some sensitive fish of which I change 50% of the water each week with no problems at all. I know I'm old school but to me the tank always looks brighter and more healthy after them, I personally cannot see a problem with large water changes as long as the...
  25. bazz

    Hello from the Scottish Borders...

    Welcome! :wave:
  26. bazz

    Oase Styleline 125 thoughts?

    Hi, If you're thinking of buying the Aquascaper 600 then you could also consider the Aqua One AquaSys 150. It's the same length, 5cm more depth and 17cm higher giving you 33% more real estate, it's £20 cheaper at the moment and is made from 12mm glass rather 8mm. Just a suggestion.
  27. bazz

    Tropica Premium, Masterline Golden or APT Zero?

    I must stress this is what I do and it works for me, others will have far different methods and opinions. I find it easier to give you an insight rather than trying to explain. To remin my water change water to a 3-1 ratio of Calcium-Magnesium I add CaNO3 and then bring it up to the desired...
  28. bazz

    Started as High Tech - Transitioning to Low Tech

    It appears you are doing everything correctly and I'm sure given time when the tank has matured and all the beneficial microbes have made an appearance things will settle down. I totally agree with this for long term maintenance but would always default to a couple of large extra changes if any...
  29. bazz

    Started as High Tech - Transitioning to Low Tech

    Looks like BBA but could be staghorn if the fronds start branching. No one knows what ultimately causes it but organic waste and varying CO2 levels are two of the culprits often cited. Could have been triggered when you turned off the CO2. I personally would cut those leaves off for starters...
  30. bazz

    Tropica Premium, Masterline Golden or APT Zero?

    This all depends on whether you want lean dose or go full EI. I personally go fairly lean and target/achieve 7ppm NO3, 1ppm PO4, 3ppm K and 0.15ppm Fe with the addition of 1 root tab/week placed in different areas of the tank. Your plants will tell you what they are lacking/require. Ultimately...
  31. bazz

    Do I need to increase stocking level in 30L nano tank?

    Is the tank a 30cm cube? If so that would approximately equate to 20l of water after hardscape displacement and as such I would certainly not add any more fish. Stick with what you have and use a comprehensive fertilizer to feed the plants.
  32. bazz

    Week aqua A430 pro, I'm disappointed?

    I'm currently using a P900 (which I would imagine uses the same app) and after going through all the presets on the first day I settled on a basic custom mode which suits my taste and most probably the plants and tank's, R=32% G=41% B=41% UV=32% Fan=100% Power=54% with a half hour...
  33. bazz

    Week aqua A430 pro, I'm disappointed?

    Looks good to me, you could try moving it slightly further forward and lowering it will enable you to reduce the power, looks like you have a few cm's before making contact with the wood. Not sure this will be aesthetically pleasing but I hope it works out ok for you, you could always get a...
  34. bazz

    Hello - I'm New To Aquascaping

    You'll be alright, we all start somewhere and some of the bottle keepers on here will be able to offer you advice.
  35. bazz

    Storage of Tap water at room temperature for 50% weekly water change.

    That's exactly where I got my 130l from, they appear to offer all different shapes and sizes for almost any space, here's a pic of mine, the pump has a hose pipe connector on it, perfect.
  36. bazz

    Estimative Index, is it still relevant?

    I dosed EI for quite a few years in three different aquariums when I was wanting rapid plant growth, never had an algae problem. I have now become a more relaxed aquarist and as such lean dose (to keep the TDS down for the fish and restrict plant growth), run 15 mg/l CO2 approx, run medium...
  37. bazz

    Hello - I'm New To Aquascaping

    Welcome! Look forward to hopefully seeing some of your creations.
  38. bazz

    Oase vs Eheim Externals with Thermal

    I have no experience of the larger Oase filters but from reading on here i think one of the main benefits is the easily accessible pre filter but a good few people have reported that they can be noisy and are prone to purging air...
  39. bazz

    Invert stocking 180l tank

    Good morning and welcome, The only advice I could offer at this early stage would be to add a fair few bunches of fast growing stem plants even if it's only temporary (they can be removed later if they do not fit in the final picture). They do not even need to be planted and can be weighted or...
  40. bazz


    Welcome! :wave:
  41. bazz

    Tropica Premium, Masterline Golden or APT Zero?

    This is what I do but after adding the desired amount of CaNO3 I then bring the calcium level up to the target level 50/50 with CaCl2 and CaSO4, and then deduct the nitrate from from the fertz recipe. The fabulous IFC Aquarium Fertilizer Calculator does all the hard work (maths) for you.
  42. bazz

    Hello from London

    Welcome! :wave:
  43. bazz

    Things you don't see everyday.

    My first legal road vehicle, on the road for my 16th birthday back in 1976 although it was the 1 year earlier model. This photo was from a few years later after I had given it to my sister.
  44. bazz

    Journal on my new 200L low tech with Under Gravel Filter

    Hi, I'm not trying to be negative here I just have a genuine interest in what you might think will happen with the substrate once plants are being removed/moved around? The majority of the pumice from the ADA Power sand that was laid down as a base layer in my tank now lies on the top of the...
  45. bazz

    250l filtration advice. Sump?

    I know there will be plenty of folks on here who will say it's perfectly acceptable to clean it with bleach and it is, but for me, for the sake of 20 quid (eheim) I would replace it. The hoses in time will generally start to become opaque and permanently stained. That's all just me though. You...
  46. bazz


    Condolences Courtney. Tank, plants, shrimp and fish are looking good!
  47. bazz

    Advice on KH

    https://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/ifc-aquarium-fertilizer-calculator.63045/ @Zeus. is a sound method for raising kH but I personally would not even go as high as 4, I run mine at less than 1 although I would not advocate this for a newcomer to hobby but 2's plenty. You can also feed additional...
  48. bazz

    Colour added to the cryptocoryne garden.

    Nice looking tank, I'm surprised those Crypts haven't started randomly popping up all over the substrate.
  49. bazz

    Hello from Worthing ,west Sussex

    Welcome! :wave:
  50. bazz

    Macro alge

    Have you seen this? Journal - The Mermaid’s Rockpool Garden, not solely macro algae but well worth a read.
  51. bazz

    55l medium tech

    That's the most important thing! For me it's nice to see small fish hiding in the plants just coming out occasionally, makes them more interesting when they do, I'm sure before long though they will recognize you as a food source (not personally). That tank looks perfect for those fish (and...
  52. bazz

    Anyone growing Bucephalandra Kishii a.k.a Skeleton King?

    It's possible that their journey did to a degree take it's toll and weakened them, it looks from the photo that they had already dropped a few leaves, it wouldn't be until they started growing some new ones along with new roots that you would be back in business. As long as they are provided...
  53. bazz

    Critique my hardscape Dipping toes into aquascaping, criticism welcome

    Always like to see this and having a pictorial history with all information in one place is a boon!
  54. bazz

    A Tale of Two Roma's

    Tut tut John!
  55. bazz

    Little 20l AIO

    Hobbit looking nice, still fairly small in comparison to the other plants.
  56. bazz

    New Tank Bloom and CO2

    I agree with everything @Scaperinc has said, looks like it could be sand dust and should disappear in a few days although I can't be 100% sure at this stage. Moving forward, as also mentioned and if you can afford it, would be the beneficial addition of a couple of bunches of fast growing stems...
  57. bazz

    New Tank Bloom and CO2

    Yes, if you can give us some more information and preferably a photograph we might be able to identify, be more specific and help you through it. https://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/please-read-the-guidelines-for-plant-help.60671/
  58. bazz

    Hello from Hampshire

    Welcome and look forward to seeing a few snaps of your tanks.
  59. bazz

    Need help getting HOB Filter positioning right for best flow distribution

    I'd be tempted to push it as far back as you can on side it is on now and to try and get a circular motion going with it being an island scape, but the obvious answer is move it about and see which position is the most effective including flow and aesthetics.
  60. bazz

    Attaching in-vitro anubias

    If you haven't bought them already I'd also hang fire for a month or two until your tank is a little more mature and any risk of a high ammonia level has been removed.
  61. bazz

    Hello 🌿

    Welcome! :wave:
  62. bazz


    Welcome, and I look forward to seeing what you come up with.
  63. bazz

    Superfish 50 high tech

    Hi, What's the name of the plant on the bottom right with the red stripes on the underside of the leaves please? Cheers!
  64. bazz

    Low tech cobbled together 33/27l aqua one nano cube

    Not sure what the gH is but appears to be perfect tap water in my book, many people use RO/rainwater to reach this value.
  65. bazz

    Fert dosing in a 30l cube

    Welcome! For a start I wouldn't believe the Nitrate test as the results are notoriously inaccurate. Secondly looking at the contents of your fertilizer it doesn't appear to contain any Nitrate or Phosphate which are two of the Macro salts required for healthy plant growth AQUADIP Plant Food+. I...
  66. bazz

    CO2 levels after trimming

    Hi, I'm no expert but I would imagine this becomes more of a problem the smaller the tank volume but the simple way round it is to just trim one or two plant species per week (depending on size of the tank) rather than decimating all of the plants in one foul swoop. This has always worked for me...
  67. bazz

    Journal The Green Dream _ My Cryptocoryne infested riparium

    You're soon going to need a bigger cupboard!
  68. bazz

    ADA 60F : The valley iwagumi

    Looking at your next post with the Coral Reds I suppose they could be Pencil Fish but I noticed a lack of the Adipose Fin 🤷‍♀️
  69. bazz

    ADA 60F : The valley iwagumi

    Looks good my friend, what Rasboras are they please?
  70. bazz

    Algae problem: please help

    As @hypnogogia says above, not to trust your Nitrate test and dose full Macro, I see no mention of Potassium here. Being high tech I would also up your water changes to at least 50%/week slightly more would be better, a couple of back to back changes would be a good to begin with and while doing...
  71. bazz

    New to this......

    Welcome! :wave:
  72. bazz


    Welcome! :wave:
  73. bazz

    something bigger, now even bigger

    At least your membrane will have a good lifespan.
  74. bazz

    Journal The Green Dream _ My Cryptocoryne infested riparium

    They take a bit of trial and error to get going but once running on song I don't think you'll look back.
  75. bazz

    Started as High Tech - Transitioning to Low Tech

    I suspect flow and distribution to be the main culprit here, have these problems arisen since reverting back to using the duck bill outlet? Could also be due to the plants growing in restricting flow. Looking at that BBA I would imagine there's a build up of organics too, I assume you are...
  76. bazz

    Ripple Tank

    I was just wondering if you ever find the time to sit down?
  77. bazz

    Adding CO2 to an established tank

    It would not be difficult to overdose CO2 in a 30l aquarium, as already mentioned take it very slowly and only make small incremental adjustments when you are at home for the day to keep an eye on proceedings. I personally don't think you need to be dosing towards the higher end of the scale...
  78. bazz

    Started as High Tech - Transitioning to Low Tech

    Hi, As well as a deficiency there appears to be quite a lot of detritus built up on the leaves. For starters I would get in there and trim off any dead or decaying plant matter, have a good hand waft about/manual swirling of the plants and then water change ensuring any detritus on the substrate...
  79. bazz

    Hello, New member here!

    Welcome and look forward to seeing what you come up with.
  80. bazz

    New Member.

    Welcome! :wave:
  81. bazz

    Adding CO2 to an established tank

    Are you going to be using pressurized or one of the home brew methods?
  82. bazz

    Little 20l AIO

    Could you not clear a small space for it at the front, from your photos it's a lovely little plant that would be worth it?
  83. bazz

    High tech with low maintenance- looking for inspiration

    As all of the above have said, I just have Crypts and Buce (with a tiny bit of Anubias and Coral/Phoenix moss) and in tank maintenance consists of removing the odd dying outer leaf, occasionally pulling up a Crypt runner to stop to stop it from taking over, having a waft about/turkey baste...
  84. bazz

    90x30x30 low maintenance

    I'm sure there would be similar branded with the same function thermostats available to you, a little Google work should do the trick. I'm not sure without researching again (getting old) but I think there's a basic model which has one socket and variable high/low temp setting, but the one I...
  85. bazz

    Journal The Green Dream _ My Cryptocoryne infested riparium

    Morning, How is your Hobbit doing, I've just been talking about it in another thread, I struggle with it but need to find out why? Cheers!
  86. bazz

    Little 20l AIO

    I've tried again, I split the pot into three, put one in high tech which has practically disappeared and two in a small low tech which seem to be just about holding on at the moment, I can only assume (probably wrongly) that they need high light and lots of CO2. I would imagine it would fare a...
  87. bazz

    Little 20l AIO

    How is the Hobbit faring?
  88. bazz

    Hello from London!

    Welcome (back)! :wave:
  89. bazz

    PURE Aquarium

    Cynics! :rolleyes:
  90. bazz

    Should I add ferts to my tank or continue to wait?

    Hi, My personal take on it is to fertilize from day one just as the photoperiod commences. It will take the best part of a couple of weeks for the plants to show noticeable signs of growth (from initial planting) and I can't really see the point of stressing them out all over again by vastly...
  91. bazz

    Delicate sound of Cryptocorynes

    Yes, also looking forward to seeing some more photos!
  92. bazz

    Help identifying this Cryptocoryne

    How long has it/they been growing in your tank? Mine grew as a large rosette but it was planted singularly it also developed a reddish tinge. I had to brutally attack it as a mother plant in the end as there were plantlets appearing all over a 90 x 55cm footprint I think it would have taken over...
  93. bazz

    Plant ID

    Yes, be a lot easier to identify in a few of weeks when they have transitioned and are actively growing, not that I will be able to tell then either. Good to see you back!
  94. bazz

    Best sub 100$ light for small tank!

    Looking good, the plant above I believe is Hygrophila Polysperma 'Rosanervig'.
  95. bazz

    Hello from Brazil

    Welcome! :wave:
  96. bazz

    Hi from Marquette, MI - USA

    Welcome and I look forward to seeing your endeavors!
  97. bazz

    PURE Aquarium

    I put one in my tank at start up but could not tell as to whether it made any difference or not, and similar to what @hypnogogia experienced above, I think it took 3 or 4 months to disappear from view.