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Absolutely classic filter drama :') Nothing more rage-inducing and stressful honestly. Glad you caught it before it was emptied!

Also 10000% on the botanicals!!!! It'll make it a vibe way quicker
Within 24 hours of setup, the wood was pumping out tannins and making a cup of tea out of my tank! Another 24 hours, and the wood was already coated in that cotton-wool like stuff and diatoms were forming. I'm not sure why this setup in particular has got going so quickly but I'm happy about it!

I hadn't considered it before but I'm thinking of potentially adding botanicals to this setup. Nothing major, just some small leaves. I think it will benefit the inhabitants and I've always enjoyed that faint amber glow.

Great scape as always @Courtneybst ! A good and perhaps subtle addition of botanicals will absolutely plus it up.

What's your plan for livestock?

Midnight Scaries

Right after filling the tank with water I had a total mare!

I noticed that the filter was purging a lot of air loudly and periodically but I was hoping this was because it had just been filled and was getting rid of the air trapped inside. However, after that initial 24 hours, I wasn't happy with the volume of it so I reached out to a friend who works at a fish shop and he told me what they do. Drill more holes in the pre-filter tube (mine already has more holes), and remove a few of the pre-filter sponges or replace them with wider pore sponges. Apparently the purging is something to do with a blockage?

I removed two sponges and the purging stopped to my delight, only for it to start again during the night. I was worried about how much noise it was making so I got up at 3am and removed another sponge, and it went quiet again. Queue to 5am and I'm hearing a trickling noise. I don't think much of it because I've had Biomasters make this sound before - it almost sounds like running water inside the filter. But something said to me 'this sounds a little too off'. I got up and shone my torch on it and the filter was leaking profusely from all 4 sides, all over the floor and the around the electrics!!! FML. I don't know how but somehow it must have not been closed properly. A few towels, several buckets and a drip tray later and crisis is averted. I couldn't actually deal with the problem though because it was too early still so I just unplugged the filter and left it on the tray until a more sensible time. I also didn't sleep much after that because I was so paranoid. Even the next day whilst I was out, all I could think was 'what if my filter is leaking everywhere at home'. 😭 It triggered trauma of my first ever canister filter (Eheim 2217) 14 years ago that leaked everywhere on initial setup and made my cabinet swell. As a result I only stopped sitting my canister filters in plastic totes in the last few years lol.

But anyway, it's fine now! The purging has stopped completely and the filter is running super quiet. So much so that I wake up in the morning and look at the water rippling to see if the filter is actually on.

View attachment 217020

Within 24 hours of setup, the wood was pumping out tannins and making a cup of tea out of my tank! Another 24 hours, and the wood was already coated in that cotton-wool like stuff and diatoms were forming. I'm not sure why this setup in particular has got going so quickly but I'm happy about it!

I hadn't considered it before but I'm thinking of potentially adding botanicals to this setup. Nothing major, just some small leaves. I think it will benefit the inhabitants and I've always enjoyed that faint amber glow.
Looking great!. Adding botanicals would definitely be a nice touch, would suit it perfect.
Wow, I would have thrown the oase away after this! 😅

Scape is looking cool!
Hahaha honestly I messaged a few people and said 'I'm done', 'I'm using a HOB instead'.

The initial frustration and panic has settled though and it's running without a hitch currently. Hopefully that remains the case long term.
Tank looks great. Antler vibes.
Thanks dude! I didn't see antlers before but now I can't unsee it lol.

Someone said it looks like the eagle emoji. 🦅
Absolutely classic filter drama :') Nothing more rage-inducing and stressful honestly. Glad you caught it before it was emptied!

Also 10000% on the botanicals!!!! It'll make it a vibe way quicker
Tell me about it!!! As you said, I'm just glad it happened whilst I was there. Otherwise that might have been the end of the road already for this aquarium. 😅

For sure! I'm gonna check out the selection at a local shop and see what I can harvest here too.
Great scape as always @Courtneybst ! A good and perhaps subtle addition of botanicals will absolutely plus it up.

What's your plan for livestock?

I agree!

So far I'm definitely getting Pelvicachromis taeniatus 'Nigerian Red', or failing that, 'Moliwe'.

I also really wanted to get a group of Dwarf chain loaches now that I've been reassured they are captive bred. I also saw them in person yesterday and they are so cute! They're like bigger pygmy cories in terms of behaviour.
Looking great!. Adding botanicals would definitely be a nice touch, would suit it perfect.
Some extra small updates...


I'm playing the patient game with this scape and allowing myself to be lead as it develops as opposed to forcing a square peg in a round hole. As a result, I've been enjoying looking at it without the light screen on. I quite like the contrast it provides and I think the fish will stand out against it better. They'll probably also appreciate the slightly dimmer rear. Not saying I'll get rid of it entirely but I'm trialling things without.


Most of the Bolbitis leaves were melting away slowly so I've trimmed 95% of them off and will allow new ones to regrow that should be better suited to their current environment. In doing so, I actually quite like the more hardscape-focused look with the botanicals. I don't know if the Pelvicachromis would appreciate it so bare but we'll see. I'm itching to get some fish in there...


I've also started a little art wall behind the tank. I had something similar behind my desk on the UK with my terrarium and want to recreate it here. Any little bits and bobs that add to the aquatic vibes can earn a spot.

Green Gain
After several weeks I've noticed new leaves sprouting on the Bolbitis rhizomes and new (clean) growth on all of the other plants. It's been a pleasure to keep - slow motion but easy and healthy.


I'm currently fertilising with Aquario Neo Solution 1 and 2 and Neo Essence at water change time (or once a week if I skip it). It was given to me for free by a friend and seems to be working so far. Once it runs out I'll likely switch back to APT Complete.

A different friend of mine moved house recently and had lots of yellow Neocaridina going spare so I added around 100 or so. I'm not sure how they'll fare with Pelvicachromis taeniatus but sometimes cichlids surprise me!

I was also able to collect my own leaves to add to my supply.

I'm not sure whether to wait for the plants to grow in a bit more before adding fish or to add them now. Overall the vibes are good and maintenance is easy, so no complaints from me - it would be nice to have some fish though!
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Really like the look of this. Sounds like you had a rough night! Botanicals look great.
Thank you! Yeah I hope those nights are behind me lol. I wake up at 5am now so there's a chance I'll spot it before distaster strikes at least.

I agree on the botanicals. They really weren't planned for this tank at all, but now they're in there it makes complete sense.
Since my last update life has thrown curveballs like they were confetti! I couldn't find the fish I was after but it was the least of my worries. Unfortunately both of my Grandads passed away in the last month and I'm certain it influenced my decision to make this low tech tank even more low tech. I certainly did not want to be stressing about CO2 and water changes at a time like this. As a result it has become progressively more 'tinty' and I'm doing more top offs as opposed to large water changes. It also meant that this tank has become a source of mindfulness and peace from life, even more than usual. I'm so grateful to have it.


In terms of inhabitants, I knew I still wanted Pelvicachromis taeniatus and managed to find a really beautiful and healthy male on a trip to Finatics made possible by @VarunA . I also had an itching for some more unusual surface dwellers. I thought about marbled or pygmy hatchetfish but the stories of their olympic jumping skills kinda put me off. I then fell down a Pencilfish-shaped rabbit hole and came across Nannostomus eques. I love the way they swim and seem just a little bit more sentient than tetras as @shangman told me about her experience with pencils.


So far no joy finding a female Nigerian Red yet and could only get 7 eques but I'm on the lookout to make the school up to 12 or so.



The plants are filling in nicely. My plan to keep everything 'epiphytic', even rooted plants like cryptocoryne, seems to be working well. I've been adding more and more leaf litter and now red root floaters and the fish seem really at ease. Also have some cling film on for now as a precaution but they haven't been skittish at all (except when I open the drawers).


I'm really having fun with it and I'm glad I listened to my instinct to give up partial control and let the tank find its own direction.
Condolences Courtney.
Tank, plants, shrimp and fish are looking good!
Thank you Bazz!
Really sorry to hear about your losses.
The tank is looking superb. What kind of leaves are the botanicals?
Thanks Cazza, the botanicals are a mix of Red Oak and Texas live oak (green and brown - first time I've seen dried green botanicals!).

Loving this man! Thank you for sharing. For sharing everything actually.
Your tank is really important right now, so enjoy.
Sometimes it is hard to find things that can help you forget for a moment, or even really help how you feel. I am very aware of its importance and your tank is reflecting this.
Ha ha I heard George speaking on the Green Aqua YT Channel the other day and I think he said to even enjoy a bit of Algae, so I have taken that to heart!!

Hey on a more serious note, how did you attach your Crypts to the wood? I imagine they don't attach themselves to something like others would?

Stay strong dude.

Loving this man! Thank you for sharing. For sharing everything actually.
Your tank is really important right now, so enjoy.
Sometimes it is hard to find things that can help you forget for a moment, or even really help how you feel. I am very aware of its importance and your tank is reflecting this.
Ha ha I heard George speaking on the Green Aqua YT Channel the other day and I think he said to even enjoy a bit of Algae, so I have taken that to heart!!

Hey on a more serious note, how did you attach your Crypts to the wood? I imagine they don't attach themselves to something like others would?

Stay strong dude.

Thank you Si, it really is and I'm glad that I have this outlet. Some may seek more damaging escapes so I'm glad that aquariums are my distraction instead!

In terms of the the crypts, I didn't attach them at all! I just tucked them into crevices where they would hold. They're essentially 'floating'.