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New Tank Bloom and CO2


New Member
Thread starter
6 May 2024
Hello everyone,

So I just set up my tank yesterday which is planted and overnight the bacteria has bloomed.

I'm aware this will settle in time, but would you still run CO2 during the bloom?

Yes, if you can give us some more information and preferably a photograph we might be able to identify, be more specific and help you through it.
Thanks Bazz,

Picture below. I have a layer of Tropica substrate in the deeper back areas topped with WIO Wetland Artist.

I used Prodibio startup after filling and parameters as below.

Ammonia - 1.0
Nitrite - 2.0
Nitrate - 40
PH - 7.5

Currently 1 bubble per sec on the CO2 and 8 hours on the light.

Currently fishless.


View attachment 1000023432.jpg
The sand settled down within a couple of hours. Filter is running full of activated carbon it came with. Will change out in a month or so.
Also i dont think you have any fast growing stem plants in there so 8 hours of light at start up is just asking for trouble , i would go down to 6 and then increase weekly after 2-3 weeks 15-30 mins at a time
I agree with everything @Scaperinc has said, looks like it could be sand dust and should disappear in a few days although I can't be 100% sure at this stage. Moving forward, as also mentioned and if you can afford it, would be the beneficial addition of a couple of bunches of fast growing stems even if they're not part of the final picture, they can be removed at a later date and don't even need to be planted in the substrate just weighted down or left floating, Limnophila Sessiliflora and Hygrophila Siamensis 53b are my go to fast growers and are easily available but the choice is yours. Using stem plants as a filtering aid at Start Up! The light looks a tad bright to me too (although it is difficult to tell for sure from photos) so the addition of some floating plants will help in that respect and will also aid the ecosystem.
I like the scape and will hopefully get a chance to see it when it's more mature and grown in.
All of the above is just what I would do, others may well offer differing advice and it's your scape and as such do what you want.
Thanks all for your advice. The plant idea is a good one and I'll be placing some on order shortly.

Whilst the light is bright, I was reading that the wavelength means that in respect of the plants, its weake than what the human eye picks up - could be waffle. Either way I've cut that down a few hours a day.

Also its already cleared up somewhat.


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