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ZoZo's Wabi Kusa?

I hear you! They are super difficult to emerse unless it's very high humidity and temperature. Makes sense though.
It took me a year to get new growth on a rhizome and slowly make it take living room climate. It can be done, but it will be a multi year project to get a somewhat adult fern out of it.. And young leaves are so fragile, the slightest mistake burns the crap out of them. It will take months for it to come back again. Well lesson learned again, don't jugle with the fert bottles. :lol:

Thisw is what a fert overdose does to a Pogostemon stellatus..
DSCF7694 (Kopie).JPG

And it does this with a java fern
DSCF7697 (Kopie).JPG

🙁 just a little bit to much of Potassium phosphate..

The whole WK still is in good shape, flushed it out ASAP before to much damage was done..
But it wasn't enough for Java i'm afraid.. Not sure but deep in there there still could be a healthy leaf.. Dunno yet.. Need to dig in deeper for that..
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At the time, i wouldn't know, rather high, we have a very hot damp late summer this year and all all doors and windows are open. My hygro battery is empty.. . It's not the room humidity 100% sure, i saw it shrink within 30 minutes after applying the ferts, the leaves went soft and week.. Typical burn from fert poissoning what was damaged beyond repair dryed out a few days later.. I guess it's the salt doing that sucking the leaves empty.. I checked and in a cloudy mental alzheimer light moment i switched a bottle and threw a stock solution in i use for the tanks instead.. Realy stuppid. :arghh::sour: When i saw it i immediatly flooded the bowl and draind it again, flushed at least 5 litres of clean water through. Only plants affected are the pogostemon and the java fern, they must have gotten the full load and highest concentration with pouring it in. That was all a week ago, it's safed for now, the pogostemon is growing again even making side shoots. 🙂 I'll cut it and replant it next week..

Well so you all know how heavy fert burn looks.. First they go soft weak and hang starting at the tips, slowly towards the stem and then dry out and turn imediatly brow... 😉

Share the glory, then also share the stupidity, no need for excuses or hide behind humidity.. :shh:

But this WK was all about the java fern.. That's a massive stuppid fail..
I only asked because I want to roughly get an idea of whether I can get a java to stay alive in my humidity....about 50%. 🙂 I am sure the quick damage was caused by you... 😛
I only asked because I want to roughly get an idea of whether I can get a java to stay alive in my humidity....about 50%. 🙂 I am sure the quick damage was caused by you... 😛

With an addult java from submersed cultivation you can shake it bellow 95% humidity, even at that humidity it might be a little in trouble... Your best changes are if you take a very tiny off shoot from a java leave or a very young rhizome and put this in a closed container with some easy mosses around it and a high humidity. And then slowly, very slowly if you see the java grow, open that container a bit so the humidity lowers.. Check it regularly you will notice leave coloration if the humidity becomes to low starting whit the edges getting darker. Then up it again whit closing it. I did this for a half a year and i saw it slowly take it longer and longer.. After a year it did good for weeks in room humidity, till i burned to crap out of it myself. In accompany with mosses or other more hardy plants you create a kind of microbubble of moist air, the plants around it breath it... Then the room is maybe 50% but in that bubble it is slightly higher. New developed growth in the lower humidity will also have a recognizable more leathery some what satin glossy leaf.

I'm sure mine will come back, as it did before it's the 3th time now it died on me the first 2 times the same rhizome came back. The second time it did that was in a rather very well ventilated little green house with a much lower humidity than 90% not higher than 60%.. Such a ikea socker thing with gaps all over, checked it long enough to know, somewhere up in this topic there is a pic of this greenhouse, it shows the permanent hygro meter in it. But empty bat now.. 🙂

Java can do it, but the first year is crucial to get through. 🙂
Hi Roy, yes it was very stupid 🙁 all the waiting and caring down the drain in a few minutes.. But they recover alright.. 🙂 I'm sure.. Still got another java cooking in the beerglas.. Actualy that is one you sended me last year from your Wabi, remember.. 🙂 It is already in there also for a year.. Kept the glass closed for months and then slowly let it get used to beeing without lid.. And when i decided to take off the lid permanently it got a fungus infection killing the java fern completely.. But the rhizome is still in there.. This glass is now open for over 6 months and look who's comming back. :woot:

You see it??
DSCF7701 (Kopie).JPG

Very up close it even looks like it is making prothaliums and one bigger new leaf.. And it's from a rhizome you sended me a year ago.. :thumbup:
DSCF7700 (Kopie).JPG

And this grew all in an open beer glass in the living room getting natural day light only, the only fern in there is a java i'm 100% sure of that..
Haha Marcel, your projects are awesome man! I reckon this Java fern alone will keep you out of trouble at least a few years.... 🙂
I'm not afraid, the Java is afraid of me. 🙄. I hope i don't do anything stuppid again.. When it comes to KISS the last letter is burned on my forehead.. :bored: A should wear a Superman shirt..
Indeed, they do good, it's the third cycle it is going through and keeps changing, i just let it be and only spray water few times aday.. And that little mysterious Rotala, realy wonder what it is, it stays tiny and refuses to flower till now, but keeps holding on strong.. For the rest it's mainly UG and unindentified mosses and 2 little stems of HC. The Mnium sp. (thyme) moss at the top of the pic does realy good and propagated through out the whole glass.. Took a long time but it finaly feels at home.

Looking at the last pic, note all those black fluffy tufs, looking like BBA, these probably are rhizoids (hairroots) from the ferns rhizome and or prothaliums.. I hope that's so, because it would be a very good sign it's developing and about to root and grow.. For now i can't get much closer with the camera, but have no other explaination for that black fluffy mass..

Very interesting all to witness develop.. 🙂 but it's very slow all..