It took me a year to get new growth on a rhizome and slowly make it take living room climate. It can be done, but it will be a multi year project to get a somewhat adult fern out of it.. And young leaves are so fragile, the slightest mistake burns the crap out of them. It will take months for it to come back again. Well lesson learned again, don't jugle with the fert bottles.I hear you! They are super difficult to emerse unless it's very high humidity and temperature. Makes sense though.
Thisw is what a fert overdose does to a Pogostemon stellatus..
And it does this with a java fern
🙁 just a little bit to much of Potassium phosphate..
The whole WK still is in good shape, flushed it out ASAP before to much damage was done..
But it wasn't enough for Java i'm afraid.. Not sure but deep in there there still could be a healthy leaf.. Dunno yet.. Need to dig in deeper for that..
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