Estimative index absolutely prohibits the actions listed in your post #34
I have made some big waterchanges now, and I still cant get PO4 down below 1,8. (not so far)
Lights are reduced and CO2 is kept the same or slightly increased.
Im not ferting any extra K but what commes from KNO3.
Aiming on N= 5ppm, that should give K= 3,3 and some extra Mg.
More waterchages to come untill PO4 drops down below 0 ,5ppm.
EI does not tell you to manage your ppm. It tells you to dose the suggested amounts and specifically not to test. So if you are managing the nutrient loading by using test kits then you are in real trouble. The ppm values listed were calculated by molar analysis, based on the number of grams of powder added to the water column - NOT by using rubbish values from any delusional test kits. And believe me, NO3 test kits are completely delusional.
I'm assuming that you are using test kits to manage the nutrient concentration values based on the content of your posts such as the one I quoted above. That is the single worst procedure conceivable. Perhaps I assumed incorrectly, but in any case, the idea of EI, first and foremost, is to obtain unlimited levels of nutrients, NOT to strictly manage ppm. The dosing values are suggestions and are to be adjusted when needed. The appearance of BGA indicates that the NO3 levels are NOT unlimited so you need to make the simple adjustment and stop trying to micromanage ppm values, because that method only gets you into deeper trouble and is contrary to the methodology.
The thing is that it is so easy to make the adjustments. Just double the dosing. People get tunnel vision get totally wrapped around the axle with ppm numbers, almost as if adhering to the numbers were some kind of lifeline, and they don't pay attention to the basic principle of
maximum nutrition.
I don't measure millilitres, I don't weigh powders on an electronic scale for accuracy and I never have a problem. All these Matrix induced Potassium haters, ratio lovers and PO4 haters enjoy advising people to limit the nutrients due to some fantasy toxicity. I do just the opposite and I only stop adding more nutrients when I run out of spendable income. I just stick the spoon in the bucket and chuck a bunch of powder into the tank. And I NEVER......EVER...even think about lowering PO4. It's the 3rd most important compound for living things in the entire Solar System. Even the bacteria in your filter will do a better job with lots of PO4, so obsessing over these numbers and trying to lower the values to maintain some idealistic number is insanity.
I mean, look at this. I took those numbers you listed and threw them out the window. I added (by weight of powders) weekly doses of 60ppm NO3, 90ppm K, 10ppm PO4. Algae was non-existent and the tank became choked with weeds. There were 70 species in the tank but this photo is of the fast growing bullies: