Well you can only give dosing a try, it may work, but if it doesn't at least you can rule it out. I'd go with a complete macro/micro solution. And get some more vallis.
Nutrient deficiency is my bet too
I agree with Troi, and think that is probably the answer, you can't believe the test kit and you don't have any nitrate. Most nutrient deficiencies are either nitrogen (N) or potassium (K).the water runs through a nitrate filter first too, the level in the tank is 5-10 maybe if the test kit can be believed.
Same for me. I would stick the light right over the top of the plants, and additionally plant them much more deeply in the substrate. Vallisneria propagates via runners from the growing point at the base of the leaves, and this really needs to be below the substrate.One of the plants needs nesting back into the substrate a little.
I've moved the lights directly above the two areas of planting and running them at 50%
I was under the impression not to bury the vallis too deep....... I thought if the crown was under the substrate they would struggle?
Thanks chris
The small water changes wouldn't add any co2 as I keep 250/300 l of water ready at all times so the co2 would of out gassed long before the water change.This is mainly for the fishes need for high ph clean stable water. I've added some all in one ferts ill try and slowly raise the nitrate levels and see where that takes me. I'll add some new vallis when I can find somewhere that doesn't keep fish in their plant systems. ......
PM me your address. You can have as much as you like of both for p&p.I'd happily take some plants off your hands that's very kind of you