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Wilted plants


30 Oct 2022
Hi I have recently returned from holiday and all my plants have wilted.they have been without any lights for two weeks as my light unit failed the night we went away.my question is will they recover or do I need to replace them.
Hi all,
Welcome to UKAPS.
.they have been without any lights for two weeks as my light unit failed the night we went away.
That was really bad luck.
I have recently returned from holiday and all my plants have wilted.they have been without any lights for two weeks as my light unit failed the night we went away.my question is will they recover or do I need to replace them.
We will probably need a picture to be able to tell.

In the short term remove all the dead brown plant matter (all the leaves), if your stem plants still have green stems? Recovery is likely.

Slow growing, dark green plants, like Anubias barteri , Bolbitis heudelotii and some mosses are most likely to have survived, along with plants with rhizomes like Cryptocoryne spp.

cheers Darrel
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