I don't dose EI, but when I add iron at the same time as my weekly all-in-one, the water turns an ugly blackish colour. A couple of times I've dosed ferts, iron, and tannin tea on the same day and had the water turn black. Not "blackwater" tannin stained black, but straight up solid black, so that I could not see the fish or the plants. Attaching a photo as proof- you can barely see the bright blue Betta who is literally next to the glass, and you can see the reflection of my hands, the rest of the water is solid black- you can't see the back of the tank at all. I did not add anything unusual or in a larger dose than recommended.
Again I don't dose EI, but I thought that what you see in my pic is the reason for not dosing iron with the others.
Wow, that is bad! I suspect there must be something else going on there - it was my understanding that the reaction between iron and phosphate produces white precipitate, not black? Does your AIO not contain iron already?