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Why are my plants struggling to grow?

Hi Mate,
Yeah spot on! Or panda tetras Haha. And my Gouramis are like no other extremely peaceful I've had them for a good while before and they get on great with the tetras. Never seen any form of territorial action or fighting so great tank mates together.

Hey Siege!
yeah I'll dash over some photos of the tank. Currently running it at 21°c to keep algea at minimum. I noticed a year ago having higher temps I had no end of algae.
I set up this tank about 2 months ago now matey.

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Algae couldn’t care less about temperature until you start to get into single digits, but your Gourami’s might not be so happy. Seriously Fish suggests a minimum of 24 degrees:

Hi mate,
unfortunately I have to strongly disagree with you there.
I've followed alot of George farmers and not to mention Green aquas videos and George farmer keeps his pearl gouramis at around the same temp too infact I belive he keeps them at 20°c to ensure that algae is controlled.
Algae couldn’t care less about temperature until you start to get into single digits, but your Gourami’s might not be so happy. Seriously Fish suggests a minimum of 24 degrees:
I can confirm that they are more than happy. And they are feeding and over all they are Triving in their tank.

But thankyou for posting your thoughts 😊

Hi Darrel just had a delivery, 20201128_132926.jpg
Cant wait to get it in! As you mentioned if I felt better dissolving it in RoDi, is it important that I use that to dissolve it or can I just use some warm tap water?
So does it matter if I dose it on a macro or micro day ? Ideally I'd like to dose it on my WC Day and also on that day I add Macro nutrients once I've refilled the tank would I run into any problems ?

just tip it in, but you could dissolve it in a small amount of RO/DI water if you felt happier. With all the micro elements (trace elements) you normally just need <"some", rather than "none">.
Hi mate,
unfortunately I have to strongly disagree with you there.
I've followed alot of George farmers and not to mention Green aquas videos and George farmer keeps his pearl gouramis at around the same temp too infact I belive he keeps them at 20°c to ensure that algae is controlled.

I would be surprised if George had stated that relationship between temperature and algae, but I’m more than happy to be proven wrong, do you have a link and time stamp to the vid?

Certainly Green Aqua keep all their tanks at 22 degrees:

On recent visit to Green Aqua I was quite surprised to find they have all their tanks at 22 degrees, all their tanks looked amazing IMO very hard to find any algae at all

Either way it doesn’t change the fact that temperature - within the range we would typically keep aquaria heated to - has no direct bearing on the ability of algae to grow.

Sure you will get greater dissolution of CO2 and O2 at lower temperatures like 20 degrees, which could feasibly help a little, but that might be somewhat countered by slightly slower plant growth.

I can confirm that they are more than happy. And they are feeding and over all they are Triving in their tank.

Well if they are feeding, then they may well be fine then - watching the fishes reaction is certainly the best appoach, however I can’t see a single resource online that gives a minimum acceptable temperature below 22 degrees.
Hey @Wookii !
do you have a link and time stamp to the vid?
I cant remember the video that what it was to but The way I think of temprature it essentially speeds up processes and what I mean by processes is metabolic rates of fish ( requiring more food) what increases fish waste and not to mention bacteria most definitely is more active and breakdown of organics will happen much quicker. Now with this being a slight bit lower it can give you more leeway until your weekly waterchnage to remove the organics if that make sense and therefore before the algea has the chance to set in.
I am also very willing to learn new information and ensure that I am creating the best living environment for the fish I am keeping. I am very aware of our constant changes in understanding of how to correctly keep fish.

but I’m more than happy to be proven wrong
I'm not trying to prove anything just that I've seen multiple highly experienced fish keepers use this same method. And honestly somtimes it takes a little bit of experimentation as every fishtank is different.

Either way it doesn’t change the fact that temperature - within the range we would typically keep aquaria heated to - has no direct bearing on the ability of algae to grow.

Sure you will get greater dissolution of CO2 and O2 at lower temperatures like 20 degrees, which could feasibly help a little, but that might be somewhat countered by slightly slower plant growth.

They also used RO water which they remineralized, so they don't have to deal with the fluctuations in the contents of the tap water. Smart move if you ask me- the better the show tanks look - the better the product looks. You don't see dirty cars in a showroom, however in reality who cleans there car every week? Once in spring to get all the winter salt off once in fall with a valet as the inside of windows and in need of a clean for the low sun.
It's almost winter now. What will happen when the spring or summer will come? Everything will bloom, including algae.
Thats what happens in my pond once/twice a year and blanket weed then tadpoles feast on it
Hi @Witcher,

My house is Air conditioned. When it comes to the warmer months ovs it does get alot warmer . But I've not really had an issue to date when it comes to algae as I'm always ontop of my maintenance game.
It's almost winter now. What will happen when the spring or summer will come? Everything will bloom, including algae.
Hi Darrel, @dw1305
How reliable are the charts that show deficiencies in tanks ?

I think I might have a potassium deficiency. I'm starting to get small holes in leaves now.



Hi all,
How reliable are the charts that show deficiencies in tanks ?

I think I might have a potassium deficiency. I'm starting to get small holes in leaves now.
Yes they definitely still look like they're deficient in something. I'm not sure, it might be magnesium (Mg)? Which salts are you adding for your EI dosing?

cheers Darrel
Hi darrel,

So I'm just following the salts from the apfuk starter kit.
Although I have doubled the phosphates for GSA.
I know I am adding magnesium sulphate for sure. 20201221_103923.jpg
I'm just not sure what's happening to be honest.
Let me know what you think.