To go back to the question regarding daisy chainng your bottles when using DIY CO2, I run DIY and 'daisy chain' 2 x 2litre pop bottles. This does indeed help to keep a more stable output of CO2 going, however it is still nowhere near as easy to manage as pressurised CO2, so requires almost constant monitoring with steps taken when swing occur. The main reason it helps is because it allows you to stagger refills, start one bottle one week, the other the next and this way you always have at least one bottle going at full tilt. However it does nothing to reduce instability caused by things like temperature changes in the room they are kept in. for example when the room is colder CO2 production slows, when the temperature is higher it increases. I try to keep on top of this by having a Fluval 2 internal stuffed with filter floss in addition to my external (it helps with circulation as well), when the CO2 levels are getting too high I raise this filter higher in my tank, increasing surface agitation and so helping to drive more off. You also get a spike in CO2 with DIY when you first change the mix in a bottle. However 2 or more bottles is always better than 1, if it's a smaller tank just use smaller mixes in more bottles, just don't expect to be able to get perfect control of your CO2 levels.
DIY basically is better than no CO2, but it is very 'inconvenient' to use (read pain in the ...).
My advice would be that if you can scrape £66 together get yourself a JBL easy set1 off ZooPlus, it's the cheapest initial purchase price I have found but comes with the long term costs of having to purchase disposable 500g bottles at £10 a time, but at least you wont have to find somewhere to refill your bottles for you. My wife and I however have decided to find the money to buy a 500g refillable set from LunaPet on eBay, and at least with these you can always use a CO2 FE if it comes to it.
PS. Using DIY I currently get some green beard algae growing on wood and a bit on the substrate, but I find it does not detract from the looks of the set up, and my fish and shrimp love it! My dwarf gourami build their bubble nests out of the stuff! What it does do however is clog up the intake on my filter, thanks to the gourami dropping lumps of it everywhere.... I don't however get ANY cyanobacter or brown algae, and absolutely no algae on my plants.
DIY basically is better than no CO2, but it is very 'inconvenient' to use (read pain in the ...).
My advice would be that if you can scrape £66 together get yourself a JBL easy set1 off ZooPlus, it's the cheapest initial purchase price I have found but comes with the long term costs of having to purchase disposable 500g bottles at £10 a time, but at least you wont have to find somewhere to refill your bottles for you. My wife and I however have decided to find the money to buy a 500g refillable set from LunaPet on eBay, and at least with these you can always use a CO2 FE if it comes to it.
PS. Using DIY I currently get some green beard algae growing on wood and a bit on the substrate, but I find it does not detract from the looks of the set up, and my fish and shrimp love it! My dwarf gourami build their bubble nests out of the stuff! What it does do however is clog up the intake on my filter, thanks to the gourami dropping lumps of it everywhere.... I don't however get ANY cyanobacter or brown algae, and absolutely no algae on my plants.