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Who's entering the IAPLC 2010 (ADA contest)?

I can safely say I won't be entering my latest 120cm. 🙁

It's got the worst algae I've experienced since I got into planted tanks with the exception of some BGA outbreaks a few years ago. Just shows how tough it can be to successfully run a hi-tech planted tank when you're not there most of the time.

I did consider entering an older 'scape but the rules are so ambiguous...

Should be ready for the AGA though, which in some ways I prefer as a contest.
Im gonna have to pull out peeps too, ive had bad algae issues and neglected my nano due to revision, coursework etc.

maybe next year eh!?

I might be pushing mime i hope my hc stats to carpet.
It'll still be good for me as a new aquascaper to know what i can improve on.
Next year aye. Always the case. The ada contest isn't as good as AGA's so I don't think it's much of a loss, I won't be entering since my tank took so long to arrive and house moving. I hope to have a nano ready for AGA though.
I was hoping to enter but...
... few of my background plants are not growing as fast as I was hoping never grew them before so it was a bit of a game 🙂

still.. there is next year 🙂

George Farmer said:
I can safely say I won't be entering my latest 120cm. 🙁

It's got the worst algae I've experienced since I got into planted tanks with the exception of some BGA outbreaks a few years ago. Just shows how tough it can be to successfully run a hi-tech planted tank when you're not there most of the time.

I did consider entering an older 'scape but the rules are so ambiguous...

Should be ready for the AGA though, which in some ways I prefer as a contest.

Sorry to hear that George, definitely a setback, these things happen though :? This hobby can definitely be a challange sometimes, especially at times like this. All steam ahead for AGA I would say, get yourself back on track. Good luck with the tank cleanup, look forward to seeing it when its done.

Im still on track here for ADA just hope all my final trimmings come together at the same time for the photo, bit of time left so should be ok.
George Farmer said:
Thanks, Peter.

I'm looking forward to seeing your entry. Any hints about the style? Wood and rocks? What size is it?

Hiya George, its a Wood rock scape on a sloping substrate, a woodygumi or something like that ! 😀 just posted in a different thread the wood was all collected from the beach, the rocks are seiryu rocks, the grey colour of the rocks contrast with the moss on the driftwood and the hairgrass foreground which is Eleocharis Parvula but they are not to dominent the scape is really about the wood arrangement. Planting is pretty simple really. Eleocharis parvula foreground, Java moss on the driftwood, Eleocharis vivipara in the background and a few other accent plants dotted around.

Not sure how it will go down, probably like a bomb like last years scape 😀 but not to worry we will carry on regardless, just doing my own thing really.
im in no matter what. my tank is not going to be ready, no way. but im still in. its all about boosting the profile in the UK. not your own selfish desires. i think people start to forget that....
Nick16 said:
its all about boosting the profile in the UK. not your own selfish desires. i think people start to forget that....

I think the UK profile is expanding anyway. UKAPS is by far one of the best forums worldwide, just because people don't enter competitions, it doesn't mean their selfish

would you like the UK profile to increase for better or for worse? :angel:
saintly said:
Nick16 said:
its all about boosting the profile in the UK. not your own selfish desires. i think people start to forget that....

I think the UK profile is expanding anyway. UKAPS is by far one of the best forums worldwide, just because people don't enter competitions, it doesn't mean their selfish

would you like the UK profile to increase for better or for worse? :angel:

I completely double that! Well said saintly!!!! :thumbup:
Now I realized a mistake on my side.. I only have shrimp on mine, but they are not visible on the pic.. :?

Let's see how it ends up.. 🙂, it is only a small tank. 20cm cube.

Good luck with your tank pics.. !!