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Where plants go to die

nayr88 said:
C'mon guys ease up!

Unless your keeping shrimp then I think it's all abit over kill to turn your nose up at decent kept planted tanks containing fish.

It's simple common sense among us hobbyist that if you see a half dead fish or rotting plants don't buy
Same as walking in to a butchers and seeing one of those huge flies that's hangs around poo grazing on your pork loin and buying it.

Word of the day 'plantage' love it haha!!

The phrase "Hit the nail on the head" springs to mind :thumbup:
I think that when all said and done a lot of these horrible nasties - along with various algal spores - probably reside in our tanks already or will do at some point whether introduced with fish or plants; they usually only become a problem when tank husbandry isn't up to scratch. All we can do is try reduce the risk by not buying fly blown pork loin.
You never know what's lurking in your tank. My main tank at home I can honestly say I have never seen a snail in there ever and it has been running for years. I set up a little shrimp tank on my desk at work and snails are attempting to get the upper hand in there. All plants came from my original tank and the substrate and hard scape were either brand new or been out of the water too long for snail eggs to have survived.

Probably down to lack of predators, the snails had the tank to themselves while running in and uneaten shrimp food sinking and getting into the gravel. Either way I can be pretty sure there's plenty of snails in my main tank just they can't get a foot hold.
nayr88 said:
Troi said:
All we can do is try reduce the risk by not buying fly blown pork loin.

That's the ruddy spirit!!! Hahaha
😀 😀

Some cultures eat cheese that contain micro maggots ! Aint nothing wrong with a bit of fly blown pork loin that 200degreesC in the roasting oven won't cure, LOL>
I saw something on QI not so long back showing the bacteria on cheese through a microscope. Even without maggots there's still plenty going on in there.