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What's your reactions when.....

OK ...can't resist :twisted:

I received my first aquarium as an Easter gift when I was nine years old: a ten gallon “complete” kit…complete with undergravel filter, multi-colored gravel,

... an this is the guy's shop today 😉

Aquarium Zen
Small tanks full of plastic, birds in cages, dogs and cats waddling at a snail's pace with a long list of health issues at age 7-8 because they've been raised on corn, it's all sad.

Parents are to blame. Quite a few animals suffered under my rule when I was a child. I shudder at the way some of my pets lived. But I was a kid and didn't know better. I did what my parents and the pet shop said was okay.
Considering what site we are on and what the majority of the discussions are about, I am not sure if the fish care about Frozen or Spongebob etc.. anymore than they do about flower pots, lengths of pipe, feeding clips, twinstars, filters, co2 diffusers and drop checkers. I bet all of us on here use or have used some/all of these and never really batted an eyelid. All of these things and many more are so artificial and out of place in a "normal" fish life that whichever you use is largely irrelevant I would have thought, as long as you take proper care of the fish.
That's true. But the problem with toys in the tank is the focus is no longer about nature. If a child asks you why you have a diffuser in the tank, you have to explain to them how plants grow. If they ask you why you have a plastic toy in the tank, the answer will have nothing to do with the natural world.

An aquarium can bring a child closer to nature, or take them further away from nature, depending on the tank.
Small tanks full of plastic, birds in cages, dogs and cats waddling at a snail's pace with a long list of health issues at age 7-8 because they've been raised on corn, it's all sad.

Parents are to blame. Quite a few animals suffered under my rule when I was a child. I shudder at the way some of my pets lived. But I was a kid and didn't know better. I did what my parents and the pet shop said was okay.

I agree of course, but sometimes intervention is required. My parents rescued cats - at least tried to help the suffering. I found this insufferable at times but appreciate it now because at the point they acted the pet would have been put to sleep otherwise ☺ They homed blind, deaf & cats that had been injured in accidents & lost a limb. Kids can be shortsighted to the bigger picture...