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What's in AE excel/easycarbo

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interesting information being passed on here.
David, i have been using excel & easycarbo for about 1.5yrs now, and not once have i smelt it in the air, or even smelling the tank water, i do know what it smells like because when i first bought it i had a quick sniff (oops). Didnt do any harm to me anyway.

Personally i think this hass gone past knowing what liquid carbon is made up of to its deadly and we should use it with extreme caution.

I doubt it is that bad othrwise it would of been banned years ago, and people would of been complaining about it,
I am not worried about it. We'll see what comes back from easylife, seachem and the lab before i declare myself as not using it anymore
When I've used Easycarbo as per Aaron. I can smell it from the bottle but not the tank.

Compare that to the Cajeput or Pimenta oils and the room stinks for days!!!

aaronnorth said:
I doubt it is that bad othrwise it would of been banned years ago, and people would of been complaining about it...

Sadely, this is not true
The good example is drugs undergoing deep testing before human phases and commercial launch, yet they can be removed because of their unsafety years later. This is with well permanent monitored/followed for adverse effects products. You'll never get a follow up for seachem excel... costs too much and no one is interested in it

Another example is many food additives that are not allowed in children food because of known neurologic/endocrine effects. Yet, those same additives are allowed in tooth paste for children starting of 6 months, despite we all know that at that age, they just swallow all the recommended tooth paste up to 3 years old maybe. Why it is allowed? Because tooth paste doesn't fall under the "food and drug" products rules. Seems incredible, yet it is true

I don't want to relaunch the debate, but just to say, that for me, there are many real concerns on the long term safety of this product (long term means +10 years). In infants, safety is a bigger concern because of the developping organism and small body mass. Until the manufacturs of these products don't give more info on the real composition/concentration of their products, careful advice is warranted in my opinion.

But like with cigarette, every one do what he likes 🙂
i,ve only used easycarbo,but what gets me is theres not even a warning on it not to inhale or wash your hands after use.
i deal with solvents at work and we get nitrile gloves,goggles and face mask.and 90% of the time i work outside.

As with all chemicals some people are much more susceptable than others. If you do use it then use a bit of common and keep the lid on when not in use and don't bung your nose in the bottle to see what it smells

glad this thread is on here so people can make a choice.i won't be using it anymore.
thanks guys for a great thread.
nelson said:
.i won't be using it anymore.

I'm shaking my head here...

A good thread?....in what way? because this stuff is seen as dangerous? so if it had a health warning on it, that would make it ok?....ermmm....paint stripper? meths?.....

it's common sense guys. i get it on my hands all the time...it does nothing!

blimey, and we all Bang pressurised fire extinguishers cylinders under our tanks....kept secure via TAPE!

it's things like this that will turn this country into a nanny state!
by saintly

nelson wrote:
.i won't be using it anymore.

I'm shaking my head here...

A good thread?....in what way? because this stuff is seen as dangerous? so if it had a health warning on it, that would make it ok?....ermmm....paint stripper? meths?.....
so people know what is in it and what it can do to you.QUITE SIMPLE REALLY.not that hard was it 😀
paint stripper? meths?.....try reading the warnings on them.YES THEY HAVE WARNINGS 😀
As with all chemicals some people are much more susceptable than others. If you do use it then use a bit of common and keep the lid on when not in use and don't bung your nose in the bottle to see what it smells
it's common sense guys. i get it on my hands all the time...it does nothing!
DID YOU READ IT 😀(edited)
blimey, and we all Bang pressurised fire extinguishers cylinders under our tanks....kept secure via TAPE!
i've had FE training when i was working in germany.they (FE'S)are designed to take some punishment.seen them THROWN around and still work,no explosions.not that i'm suggesting this. :lol: .it the tape came off what would happen :? .co2 would stop coming out 🙄
it's things like this that will turn this country into a nanny state!
i'm confused here :? .i thought we lived in a democracy :?: .i made my choice and expressed my views.
SORRY if i upset you.
by JamesM

Not to mention hanging lights over open top tanks!
now i'm no electrician,but if the lights fell in wouldn't it trip your fuse box :?:
nelson said:
.try reading the warnings on them.YES THEY HAVE WARNINGS 😀

exactly my point! you'd use those right?....but your careful yes? try it with AE excel 😉

nelson said:

that's another trick i can do! but guess what!...i still dont have any scars, burns and i have both hands!

nelson said:
SORRY if i upset you.

you didn't mate! but I'm sure Richards sales of this product may drop thus causing his business( in a downturn) to maybe suffer a little, if just a handful of people read things like this!

it's NOT a nuclear bomb!

nelson said:
i thought we lived in a democracy

me too, but it gets worse every day!

thats me done!
nelson wrote:
.try reading the warnings on them.YES THEY HAVE WARNINGS

exactly my point! you'd use those right?....but your careful yes? try it with AE excel
like i said.they HAVE warnings :?
nelson wrote:

that's another trick i can do! but guess what!...i still dont have any scars, burns and i have both hands!
i edited that.sounded too aggressive 😳 .glad you've no scars and both hands 🙂
you didn't mate! but I'm sure Richards sales of this product may drop thus causing his business( in a downturn) to maybe suffer a little, if just a handful of people read things like this!
i said i've only used easycarbo.i've nothing against AE.the other two products were there first.
it's NOT a nuclear bomb!
good to hear it 🙂
OK, I'm gonna lock this thread because everyone needs to sit back, relax and have a piping hot mug of reality juice.

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