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Whatever happened to ...

Ive often considered the reptile mats to go under my nano as it has a HOB so cant go inline. However dont seem to be able to find any that will get a tank to a consistant 23/24c and the propigator mats ive seen only go from 5-11c.

This seems like a no brainer for the nano market unless im missing something??
Yes, it is a no brainier. I've contacted the manufacturers of the mat I used for some advice.

Update: email I sent bounced back so I need to do some detective work. Maybe the company that made the Ultratherm mat I used is no longer trading.

The address on the website was: ecoheating.sys@btinternet.com

At the bottom of this page on the Flexel website it actually mentions Aquarium heating.

just spoken to owner of our local lizard lounge was says that Habistat make a heat mat that 11 inches square [£17 great size for a small cube] and it should keep an aquarium at a constant temperature 🙂
BUT he would advise the use of a thermostate [£30] 🙁
Don't know about the vivarium mats but I did see a low power "Pet pad" recently that does not require one. Guess it partly depends on the wattage?

My 30" x 14" 120 watt mat has arrived together with an STC 1000 Digital thermostat so all I need to sort out is a tank to put it under : 🙁 :lol:

Heat Mat was £17.99 (plus post) and the thermostat was £19.50. You can get identical thermostats from £12.50 on eBay but I paid the extra to get it a bit quicker from a UK supplier.