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What other hobby's do you have?

Cool I have been weight training most of my life but also suffer restrictions nowadays! Love art! I cant match your graphics though!

thanks mate 🙂 dont really have much time to do my art as much as I would of liked, final few months of uni now and I complete my course so lots on! I do art and logo design and tank builds mainly to fund my myself as I just dont have time to get a job! but will be over by may 🙂
No mate, Architecture, I worked in a practice in london prior to me going to uni and doing it properly, they funded some of my education in return for a full time job. I worked with them for 3 years, learned from very reputable architects indeed and they gave me the push to continue with my education 🙂 before I go back though, the girlfriend and I are going travelling for a few months! cant wait 😉
yes mate were thinking around that mark, were joining this thing you can sign up to where you go and live with families that need help at the home, child care & labour usually 🙂 you work 16-20 hours a week with these families and in return they offer food and a roof. its a great way to understand and learn about other cultures and ways of living. looking forward to it 🙂
I've recently (over the last 7 months) got into running and generally keeping fit with lots of body weight resistance training (press-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups etc). My 10km PB is 42 minutes and 5km 19 minutes.

I'm currently training for this bad boy - Dirty Weekend

Anyone else fancy it?!
I've recently (over the last 7 months) got into running and generally keeping fit with lots of body weight resistance training (press-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups etc). My 10km PB is 42 minutes and 5km 19 minutes.

I'm currently training for this bad boy - Dirty Weekend

Anyone else fancy it?!

Not to far from me, but I think I would actually die.
If someone would be kind enough to lend me two good lungs two good knees ill sign up now lol. Cross country wore my cartilage out some years back, I stick to running taps now,I try to keep the high impact to a min now. Since a miniscus tear (bucket handle) I'm more carefull or maybe lazy.? Go for it while your health permits. The biggest challenge I've ever done was lands end to johnogroats on a low profile road bike when I was stick thin at 10 stone and 17 yrs old. 🙂
hi,apart from my tanks I also do quite abit of photography and did do a lot of carp fishing.ijust love being outdoors.
Gaming gaming gaming for me, both on PC and PS3. Mostly offline stuff except for Gran Turismo 5 which I play online with a bunch of nice girls and guys in a club and Battlefield Play4Free online with a mate who's working overseas.

Suddenly quite interested in Minecraft too! Never got into the hype previously.
Hmm, my hobbies are pretty tame compared to some on here! I'm an avid reader (particularly science fiction and science fantasy, but I like a good crime novel too) and movie goer. I like gardening and walking in the countryside with the dogs, but I suppose my favourite hobby besides fish keeping these days is counted cross stitch. I used to work from bought kits such as these:


But recently with hubbys help I've started working from charts we've produced. This was the first:

and this is the current one based on Salvador Dalis Metamorphosis of Narcissus:

That's a lot of patience to sit and do tat kid of thing viv,how long did it take to do the tiger?.
Hi Viv, I am an avid reader too, even more so now I books are available!
All the classic fantasy books are there but the new line of unknown authors that are now able to afford to publish their books has made my reading a revelation!!
You can now find more dragon books than ever before & even see what other think before you pay the merger sum to purchase the book whoopee!!
I love the kindle app so much!!!!!!
Have you read the painted man, magicians guild, brisingr or the especially the thinblade series by David Wells?
Love your dragon stitchwork!
The tiger took about 9 months to do. It can vary a lot though as I do it in fits and starts - depends on what else I'm doing 🙂

Foxfish I've read the magicians guild books and Canavans Age of the Five books but not the others. Might give them a go though 🙂 I'm going to be getting a tablet soon so might give reading on that a go. I find reading on the laptop hard work - much rather have a book. But then a book's a bit easier to read in the bath lol Dragon books to me mean Anne McCaffrey (and I'm a fan with all her books!) - what others would you recommend?

I must admit I haven't bought many books for myself for years. Apart from pressies I tend to read whatever my daughter buys - she's developed quite good taste so provides me with good material 😀 I'll have to get her to buy the Thinblade books, they sound like her sort of thing, then I can read them too :angelic:
