I don't realy like ikea, to big to much and still to long waiting time at the register.. But their kitchen department is ace. Price and quality wise, it almost can't be cheaper. The stainles steel pots and pans i already use for many years and many years to come. The stainles steel teflon coated frying pans, the biggest €40, lasts about a year or 5 with every day use before i need a new one.. That would be €40/60= 0.66 cents a month worth of frying pan. I can live with that.. Even if i count the whole set i actualy easily could aford to by me a new set every 2 years but why?? Also have some cast iron stove pans, this is for the goulash and others that need to cook for hours.
My brother is a professional cook and owns a small restaurant, has top ace material. Everytime i visit him it's in his kitchen, he's always cooking or sleeping, but i do not see his pans being healthier. It lasts longer because it's used more frequently actualy constantly, so it's heavy dutty. If i would buy that stuff it would last me 6 life times with my amount of daily cooking.
But healthy cooking?? Blanche it, wok it.. If done properly a cast iron wok is perfect, if it sticks you're doing it wrong.
The unheathiest food is actualy restaurant food..
🙂 Why?? They use relative lot of fat and salt to give taste and flavor. Salt is a flavor enhancer and fat holds it in and makes texture. Realy tasty cooking is more oftenly not the healthiest way of cooking.
But than again i have an aunt, she's 96, smokes like a chimney and drinks a bottle of wine every day and can't cook.
