Marcel G
I'm quite sure they are phoshate limited. And not only by phosphate. It's possible that they are limited by more then one nutrient. But why should I care ... if all the plants are in excellent condition with no visible algae? That's maybe the difference between us: You think that whenever plants are limited, they suffer and algae get upper hand. I think that whenever plants are limited, they just slow down (adjust) their growth to the amount of nutrients available to them. I don't believe that at lower nutrient level the plants must suffer and begin to leach something into the water which attracts algae etc.How do you know this plants arent phosphate limitted? even if you add some phosphates its still possible. Dont you think?
I believe the nutrient uptake and growth follow this chart (in principle):

So you can add 90 ppm NO3 + 9 ppm PO4 to reach the full growth potencial of your plants ... OR you can add less, and enjoy your plants growing at say 50%, or 70% or 90%. Why should I want for my plants to grow at 100%? What do I gain by it (except frequent trimming and much more work required on my side)?
According to some studies, some plants require 9 ppm PO4 to experience non-limited growth. So even under EI these plants will be PO4 limited. So what's the point?