Can you elaborate more on the problematic BBA covered areas? Is it all over the tank or just certain places? Is it happening on all species of plants or some are more succeptible?
What sort of fish do you have, what is the feeding schedule? What is your water change schedule although to be honest in a lightly stocked tank with or without water changes, with or without cleaning filters, etc... I haven't been able to cause BBA and I've tried 🙂 although unintentionally...
I get BBA only on slow growing plants like Anubias, Java Moss and Micro Swords. Also, on the outlet tubing as well as on driftwood. One thing in common: BBA appears only where the flow is strongest.
My livestock consists of tetra neon, rummy nose, bristle nose plecos, black mollies, and a lot of shrimp (Amano and Red Cherry). I feed them daily with flakes and micro pellets. Just once a day.
I am now testing by reducing micros a little bit, because I have noticed that some plants got worse lately and I might have given them too much of that. Maybe I have caused a toxicity of some sort? I will found out in 1-2 weeks... Hard to know though.