You can grow plants under sunlight without algae. Try a glass bowl with some soil to provide nutrients and lots of plants on the window sill or outside somewhere. It won't get algae in most cases. Don't dose nutrients in the water column though. Or setup two pots, one being dosed, the other not dosed and you'll see that green dust will soon coat the sides of the dosed one, perhaps other algae. I am not saying the problem is nutrients. I am saying the problem is nutrients in the water column, as they are easily salvaged by algae which doesn't have roots in the substrate and can't otherwise survive for long unless the water column is polluted on consistent basis.
Same in natural systems I think like rivers and lakes. As long the waters are not polluted, they don't get algae outbreaks. I don't think light is a trigger. It can be an accelerator when other factors are not in check but on it's own it won't trigger anything. Light is a an energy source, not the enemy.