Murf said:
By dosing profito x 5, will it not harm the fish ?
Have you been reading what I've been saying for the past two pages? What I'm saying is that there are only microscopic amounts of the required elements in these bottles. When you multiply a microscopic number by 5 or by 10, or by 100, the result of that calculation is still a microscopic number, so toxicity is not an issue.
The next time you're in a pub, ask the bartender to give you 1 teaspoon of your favorite brew, and then pour that teaspoon full into a 1 liter bottle. Then fill the bottle with water. Then, have a sip. How does this taste? Like water right? Will it make you drunk if you consume the entire bottle? The smart answer is "No", because it was only a teaspoon of beer. OK, try this experiment again, this time asking Jeeves to give you 5 teaspoons of brew. Fill the bottle again and take a swig. How does this taste? Does it still taste like crap? Can that intoxicate you if you consumed that liter?
My point is, what would you think if all pubs made it their policy to serve patrons a ratio of 1 teaspoon beer to 1 liter of water? Wouldn't you think it outrageous? If all pubs did this, wouldn't you try your best to learn about home brewing and to brew your own 100% beer? Well, this is exactly what companies that sell aquatic fertilizers do, but somehow, people seem to be OK with this policy. In order to make sure that people keep buying these watered down products, they cleverly devise a propaganda scheme in which they convince you that adding a higher concentration will cause algae, so you immediately forgive them their trespasses against you and keep buying their product. So their profit margin on a bottle of fertilizer is something like 10,000%. If you were in business wouldn't you do exactly the same? This is just business as usual on Planet Earth and I cannot hold it against them, but you and I have an alternative, which is the the same as the homebrew analogy. We can "brew" our own using the raw ingredients that they themselves use, and we can produce 100% nutrition for a fraction of the price.
People who are new to the planted tank scene don't realize the torturous history of fertilization, and how hobbyists have been painfully screwed over royally for years. I'm one of the last survivors of the Psychic Wars. A famous German company, who I will not name, pulled this maneuver in the 1990's. But their profit margin was something like 100,000% and they would sell the fertilizer in tiny 100ml bottles. A couple of clever hobbyists (Paul Sears and Kevin Conlin) who happened to have access to a mass spectrometer at their workplace, and who were outraged at the pricing policy, took samples to the lab, and they discovered that the bottle contained nothing more than KNO3 + K2SO4 + Epsom Salt + Chelated trace elements + water, stuff that you could find in any garden center. This is the same stuff that farmers purchase by the ton. This is exactly the same nutrients used to produce the tomatoes, potatoes, and all the other fruits and vegetables that you eat every day. There is no drama or toxic radioactive ingredients to worry about. It's the same active ingredients found in cow, chicken or pig manure, and it's in the dirt under you backyard lawn right now. You don't need to fear this stuff. It's fundamental to health and growth of every living thing on the planet.
jackrythm said:
Can I just ask what your background is? I'm just dying to know what do in life fella? Who the hell are u! When I read your posts I need to reed them a fair few times but damn once I have grasped it it's a better lesson than anywhere ever.
Thanks mate. I'm an international terrorist accused of stockpiling weapons of mass destruction. Some authorities claim that I'm the most dangerous man alive. 8)