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What are these?

I purchased a new food for the snails and shrimp and they all decided to come out for it also! weird! had not seen one in ages and today caught a few more after that video!
I have come across reports that assassin snails will kill leeches, you have snails so maybe thats not an option for you. Are more shrimplets surviving now that you are catching the leeches?
I have come across reports that assassin snails will kill leeches, you have snails so maybe thats not an option for you. Are more shrimplets surviving now that you are catching the leeches?
Hard to tell, because I have hundreds of snails and shrimp in this tank, I thought most had gone but they seem to be coming again! oh well, gotta live with these now unless I tear down the tank and that is not going to happen any time soon!
I have got so good at catching them I don't even need the traps any more, just use the tweezers Mr Miyagi style!!

I am going to setup a quarantine tank. This situation would end my plans/tanks in about 1 wife-second.
Yeah the missus did say "next time warn me before you post this 💩on your stories!! LOL
But I have grown to them now! I am thinking of setting up a little contained ecosphere and see how they do in there long term! lol
This is an ecosphere I set up in March this year, I have not opened it since, anubias, buce, moss, couple of Ramshorn and couple of baby shrimp, this is how it looked yesterday and so far everything still alive and moss growing well, have seen some copepods in there also!

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What I was thinking for the leeches, setup another one of these!
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