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What a mess this tank is


15 Jan 2014
West Yorkshire
Hi ppl
I've been playing around with planted tanks a good few months now .. I have got a 250 ltr going well which I have shared.. But this 85 ltr one set round a piece or red moor root is just a discrace.. I had it running probs 5 month of so It's a fluval full planted spectrum led light, I dose standard Ei along with full co2.
8hrs light & 12hrs co2
It is housing 5 rice fish, 5 danio and 100's of shrimps
The algae is all over the glass within a week of cleaning..
The plants are mainly simple ones and should be awesome by now.. So I thought ..
Any suggestions on what to do here please? c3b922da810e34c2be781bc5a5781a70.jpg


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Indeed, if you find your self cleaning the glass every week, you have too much light... I barely clean my glass once a month.
Lifting the lights will help. It's like when you hold a torch close to a wall, the closer it is, the brighter. further away, darker.

Reducing the hours may help in some regard, but in my experience it has little impact, finding a way to dim the lights is the best option.
Agreed. Intensity and PAR is always more critical than duration.

For best results stay in the blue zone:

Right ok ... So I need to see if there is a dimmer switch to fit the fluval led light strip ...

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I agree with the above, Id like to add that it's a nice tank too.🙂 have you tried you dropped checker lower in the tank at all? We have two in ours but at different heights one near the substrate. What is that dense carpet plant to the right may I ask? I cant tell on this phone🙂 cheers kirk.
I agree with the above, Id like to add that it's a nice tank too.🙂 have you tried you dropped checker lower in the tank at all? We have two in ours but at different heights one near the substrate. What is that dense carpet plant to the right may I ask? I cant tell on this phone🙂 cheers kirk.
I will drop it lower and see what the reading is as I haven't done that!
The plant is baby tears if I remember rightly well there is two different types mixed together one is tiny tears and the other is same with a bit bigger leaf.

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Tiny tears? Wasn't that an 80's doll😀 Ignore me I'm a clown. Cheers mate it looks like it's,doing well. If you want an identical drop checker I have one in the shed I don't use its your if you want it for Spare or additional?
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Maybe cutting back the plants would encourage growth. Also from articles * on this forum optimum plant grow is high light and high co2. Maybe you can increase co2 to match your light? If that helps the plants feed well then the fish should be fine from the plants O2. But I guess it's a fine line...

These 2 look quite conclusive...

http://prirodni-akvarium.cz/clanky/CO2, Light and Growth of Aquatic Plants.pdf
http://prirodni-akvarium.cz/clanky/CO2 in Planted Aquaria.pdf

The only other thing to do would be larger and more regular water changes...
Thanks for this ... Here is a pic of now .. I lifted the light as I don't know if there is a dimmer available... Tomorrow hopefully a major trim.. af990fe0b3b26910995e1fb110e2d6e7.jpg

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I've taken a different look on this ... I'm now back to square one....
I'm not sure where to go with this now ?
Any suggestions please?

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Well when it gets like that why not strip it down, clean it and start again with new plants. Create a new look 🙂
Well when it gets like that why not strip it down, clean it and start again with new plants. Create a new look 🙂
Well that's my intention.. I'm just looking round to see what other plants to add with this setup I've started

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Hi all, Get away with you! It isn't a mess in the pre-trim picture in fact it is lovely and just starting to grow in properly.

cheers Darrel
Thanks darrel .. I have sort of re-Scaped it now .. The plants was getting well out of hand .. When I trimmed them a lot of the bottoms of the stems was bald .. I think the light wasn't getting through.. My worry now is all that battling with algae will be back again as the plants in there now are not as fast growing .. I will post a pic later when the lights come on ...

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