Thank you Clive.
I wasn't trying to be obsessive about the agitation. I was just trying to find out how important it was and if a reduction in agitation would cause any problems with the delicate aquarium balances. I am growing increasingly weary that changing one thing can at times disrupt a load of of other factors that I wouldn't have even thought about.
Due to the position of spray bar i.e. it being really rather deep I have had to position the holes pointing more upwards towards the surface to get the surface agitation.which at the time and by your response you agree is important to some extent. If position them straight ahead, straight at the front glass, then there is no agitation at all. I cannot higher the bar due to hood constraints and spray bar construction.
As for the flow I am fairly confident that, that is ok. All plants in all locations are swaying in the breeze. I believe that is the indication of good flow besides what the plants will indicate, in time? I spent a lot of time reading your threads about flow and asking questions. My CO2 is disolved using an UP Inline diffuser. In the last couple of hours of the CO2 period there is a very fine mist in the tank. My drop checker is often turned yellow, I have no livestock at the moment. I am trying to reduce the CO2 to keep it limeade green.
Just out of curiosity and speaking hypothetically, if all agitation is stopped would a surface skimmer attachment on the intake pipe going to be good enough to break up bio film? But then again I guess this wouldn't address the gas exchange advantages during lights off?
All I am trying to do, as mentioned is provide shade for my Anubias as per your advice.