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Wabi kusa - Spontaneous setup - unexpected visit - Ladybug

Hi guys,

I had a visitor the other day in the wabi kusa:

Lovely little creature this ladybug, probably she found a nice food source among the plants.. 🙂

Here a top view of the wabi - I have designed a new light and at the moment I have 23W of CFL on top(instead of 13W)....plants started growing in a very different way...more compact than before almost creeping. Slowish at the moment as the wabi is in not heated room and probably the temperature is about 15-16C. Amazing, how the light intensity changes the growth pattern!


And my Lindernia flowering:


It looks so nice.. 🙂 Amazing growth- saw the thread from the beginning. Lovely flowers as well. Is that an Alternantera Butterfly that is flowering?


Hi Antoni
Your "!Rotala mac. green" flowering, from july-photos.........is very defenitely Ludwigia palustris. Flowers of Ludwigia are very easily recognized, so I am absolutely sure (looks like small Fuchsia-flowers - same family (Onagraceae)).
The Rotala mac. green is on one of your very first pictures ( the short cluster on a spike - small, white-ish flowers).
- just so no-one uses these brilliant pic.s to do wrong determinations on their plants 🙂