Yep, very nice plant, I recommend it highly!
From my experience for creating Wabi kusa I would recommend to decide on design of your choice, use active substrate, packed with nutrients (Aquasoil etc.) Use plants grown emmersed - it will be much easier to get them growing. You can still use submersed grown plants, but you will need to keep the humidity very high for the first few weeks, to give them time to do the transition from submersed to emmersed form.
It is much easier to use a tank or a bowl type of container for the wabi, as it is easier to keep the humidity high, without the need of special covers or constant misting.
After planting, cover the tank/bowl with clink foil or cover glass, to keep humidity high and spray 1-2 times a day. Use strong light, as here the plants are emmersed, they have access to unlimited CO2(don't forget to ventilate the tank at least once a day - remove the cover for few seconds, while spraying, so there will be air exchange). If you have a open water space, then do regular water changes to avoid algae.
After couple of weeks, you can start partially to uncover the tank, by leaving small opening on top and increase it every other week, until you remove the foil completely.
For spraying I use RO water - the plants like it and also it does not leave lime scale marks on the glass 😉.
I add fertilisers (weak solution) to the water for WC.
And enjoy 🙂