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Wabi kusa - Spontaneous setup - unexpected visit - Ladybug

Thanks Robbie! The plant is Azolla caroliniana, very gentle and delicate. I love it! It actually ''house some blue green algae in its leaves. These algae are capable of absorbing nitrogen from the air, which can then be used by the plant. Azolla caroliniana is used as nitrogen fertiliser in rice paddies, and as animal feed.''

The last bit is a quote from Tropica's website
Thanks Robbie! The plant is Azolla caroliniana, very gentle and delicate. I love it! It actually ''house some blue green algae in its leaves. These algae are capable of absorbing nitrogen from the air, which can then be used by the plant. Azolla caroliniana is used as nitrogen fertiliser in rice paddies, and as animal feed.''

The last bit is a quote from Tropica's website
That's amazing, almost like a coral then. Will have to get me some when I start my Wabi Kusa. Could you recommend a step by step guide for creating wabi?
Yep, very nice plant, I recommend it highly!

From my experience for creating Wabi kusa I would recommend to decide on design of your choice, use active substrate, packed with nutrients (Aquasoil etc.) Use plants grown emmersed - it will be much easier to get them growing. You can still use submersed grown plants, but you will need to keep the humidity very high for the first few weeks, to give them time to do the transition from submersed to emmersed form.
It is much easier to use a tank or a bowl type of container for the wabi, as it is easier to keep the humidity high, without the need of special covers or constant misting.
After planting, cover the tank/bowl with clink foil or cover glass, to keep humidity high and spray 1-2 times a day. Use strong light, as here the plants are emmersed, they have access to unlimited CO2(don't forget to ventilate the tank at least once a day - remove the cover for few seconds, while spraying, so there will be air exchange). If you have a open water space, then do regular water changes to avoid algae.
After couple of weeks, you can start partially to uncover the tank, by leaving small opening on top and increase it every other week, until you remove the foil completely.
For spraying I use RO water - the plants like it and also it does not leave lime scale marks on the glass 😉.
I add fertilisers (weak solution) to the water for WC.

And enjoy 🙂
Hi guys,

Sorry for not being present lately! Have been abroad and the work is hectis, so not enough time for the hobby...

Here couple of pictures I dug out from the dust 🙂




I love the look of the Azola, wonderful little plant. Is not growing crazy, but it is creating nice carpet on the surface, with lots of detail and is reducing the light levels reaching the bottom, thus making it much easier to clean and maintain. This tank does not have a filter. Only 90% water change weekly.

Still expecting the plants to flower, but I think I will need to increase the light to achieve that.
Antoni please, don't ever buy Azolla anymore! Where I live there are 15.000 ha of rice paddies completely covered by this invasive weed. Just send a pm and I can post you.... several tones? 😉
Wonderful setup!

Thanks guys!

Antoni please, don't ever buy Azolla anymore! Where I live there are 15.000 ha of rice paddies completely covered by this invasive weed. Just send a pm and I can post you.... several tones? 😉
Wonderful setup!

Hah, thanks mate! Not available in our latitudes 🙂 Yes usually some of the plants we value so much in aquascaping are pest in their natural habitats.

Here is the plant list mate:

Alternanthera reineckii 'Pink'
Rotala Macranda '''Green'
Ludwigia sp
Lindernia rotundifolia
Pogostemon erectus
Hydrocotyle sp."Japan"
Monte carlo
Rotala Rotundifolia
Limnophila hipuridoides
Hygrophila sp. 'araguaia'
Ranunculus inundatus
Azolla caroliniana
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Hi everyone,

Haven't been around for a while, so time for an update on the wabi:

It is growing well, some of the plants are flowering, so happy days 🙂
I have drained it and decided to leave it emmersed as I didn't have enough time for frequent water changes.

This is how it looks now:

A view from above:



And the long awaited flowers:



Hi Antotet, Looking lush🙄🙄 The flowers are beautiful 🙄 One thing don't take all the water out or the DW will dry out 🙁 Looks cool damp🙂 Plus you could plant some moss here and there to give it a aged look . Just a thought 😉
Hi Antotet, Looking lush🙄🙄 The flowers are beautiful 🙄 One thing don't take all the water out or the DW will dry out 🙁 Looks cool damp🙂 Plus you could plant some moss here and there to give it a aged look . Just a thought 😉

Thanks mate! It is not completely dry, the substrate is always kept damp and I spray twice a day, so plants are feeling happy 🙂 It has been like this for almost a month now 😉
Looks superb mate, lovely to see flowers 🙂

Thanks Tim!

Antoni - you forgot Limnophila hipuridoides, Hygrophila sp. 'araguaia' and Ranunculus inundatus on your list 😉 .......and they all look great !!!:thumbup:

Ups... It has been amended 😉 Thanks Mick!

Here some more pics:




Hi guys,

very happy with the Wabi - almost every species of plants are flowering at the moment. Some shots I have taken recently:
Hygrophila sp. 'araguaia'
Proserpinaca Palustris (I think...?)

Rotala Macranda Green:


And another shot of the Hygrohila after the spray...