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Visiting The Green Machine.

Dave Spencer

3 Jul 2007
N. Wales
I have opened this thread so that the one in the plants forum doesn`t become too bogged down.

I have a few ideas going around my head, which I have proposed to Jim. He seems quite keen on something along the lines of a practical demo on setting up a planted tank. We should be able to rustle up a pretty big, captive audience.

The thing to do is to decide on some dates for a UKAPS visit, along with accommodation arrangements.

Consider this to be the new alcohol tasting in the N.W. thread.

Sounds great. Let's sort a date so I can plan accordingly.

I'm pretty max'd all Feb. Can't do 15th or 22nd weekends in March either.

How about Sat 5th April?
Where is this place? Wrexham? Am I missing something about it being in the NW?
North west lol, is that southern geography 🙂

156 miles there for me, shame mind, looks a stunning shop!
Only 76 miles for me - if the date is right and I'm feeling especially brave, I may make the trip myself. If I do, I'll be coming from Brum so don't mind giving lifts if anybody is near me - will confirm when the date is sorted.
Its 88 miles from me 1 1/2 hours drive. I would like to be there, but it all depends on where im working. Might manage the shop but might not be able to sample the falling down water. When theres a more definite date i may be able to give you a more specific answer.
Its 229 miles for me and I'm still considering it... Could be cos I'm a nutter though!

Come on for us its very far north west!
I'm up for the trip, but 5th April I'm at a koi breeder's open day! Maybe another date? If that's the only one anyone can make no probs but the koi farm's only a twice a year thing and the only chance to buy some nice new 'little' koi freshly overwintered!
5th of April is good for me, can't do too much before then though. I think my lady wife will be coming along too.
The 5th is good for me, too.

The girlfriend reckons she could put up one or two people.

Unless Im wrong I think NW stands for Nort Wales not North West.

Alas I cant make it as I am literally pennies away from bankruptcy, have 2 young babies and an unsympathetic wife. lol

And I need those pennies to buy a couple of plants. I will get to one of these meets eventually though.


EDIT - Just read the other thread. maybe it is North West.lol
I would like to arrange to come, but I think that I'll be abroad on holiday around the beginning of April. I would hate to have to go on my own all that way 🙂

Is the date fixed?
Jim is workoing towards the 5th April, so I would say that this is the date everyone plans for. Hope you can make it, Bob.
