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Visiting The Green Machine.

I think it would be rude of me not to be there since I live a grand total of 1 mile away.
Ok.. how do I unsubscribe from email notification for this thread... (Joke) I'm fed up hearing you guys organise having fun without me 🙁

I think I'll have to go with ed since all you guys/gals hate me... (huff, strope, teenage sulk...)


ps. I havnt been a teenager for over a decade, but it was actually quite cathartic
George Farmer said:
5th is good for me.

Pity Eds can't do that though. Ed- you really want to see some big goldfish more than plants...!? :lol:

Ha ha! Max, we'll go and drink lots of beers somewhere when you're off holiday!!!

Unfortunately the Koi farm weekend is a then or never type of thing! All the new spring harvest is on sale for the first time and if you want some great fish then you have to be there that weekend. I'm after a nice Tancho Kohaku (White with perfect red spot on head) and a Yamabuki Ogon (Metallic yellow gold) this time! I may try and see if I can't sort something out though, there may be a way...
I was talking to Jim and Mark today, and from what they told me, its going to be abit of a good day, I go in for around 2 hours at a time, so its going to be an all day job there.
They are getting a guy in ( hopefully ) who Jim would rate as good as Amano to do a public demo on aquascaping, oh and possibly some beer too. What a shop, cant go wrong with that ahy, scaping and beer !!! :lol:

I can see a few wallets wimpering at the thought of the weekend, spend spend spend :lol:
George Farmer said:
Graeme Edwards said:
They are getting a guy in ( hopefully ) who Jim would rate as good as Amano to do a public demo on aquascaping...

Sounds cool. I wonder who it is?

He is a local artist, apparently. Iam hoping to get a look at his stuff some time, but he seems to shun the publicity of a forum a bit. It will be interesting to see how good he is.

I'm still down as a provisional yes for the 5th, and looking forward to it. Hopefully, I'll be meeting Tom in Brum to drive up together, but if anybody else wants to come that way I don't mind doing it.

If the date changes to much later I might be in doubt, as I have an exam around 14th so I'll need some study time before then.
Dave Spencer said:
George Farmer said:
Graeme Edwards said:
They are getting a guy in ( hopefully ) who Jim would rate as good as Amano to do a public demo on aquascaping...

Sounds cool. I wonder who it is?

He is a local artist, apparently. Iam hoping to get a look at his stuff some time, but he seems to shun the publicity of a forum a bit. It will be interesting to see how good he is.


Cool. Bigging him up, "as good as Amano", is a big compliment indeed. Let's hope he doesn't shun the publicity of a public show on April 5th...
The Green Machine demonstration

Hi guys, just a note on the public show we have lined up for you on the 5th April.

Art is of course by its very nature a subjective matter, one mans meat may be another mans poison. On a personal note however I would like to see the standard of planting in the UK find more of its own direction and indeed its own particular style, breaking away a little from its nevertheless brilliant Japanese roots.

I particularly like Andy Mac's work because subjectively he fulfills this criteria and I believe carries with him his own unique English style.

After all, which is the most beautiful garden, the Japanese or the English, or do they both have their own inherent and unique beauty, both to be appreciated in their different ways.

Andrew is by his very nature quite a modest lad but I would be a fool not to recognize a talent greater than my own and I freely admit to such.

I can as you will have all seen plant a fair to modest aquacape but if I am a raindrop then Andrew is a monsoon- if I am a snowflake then he is a blizzard. He will also be extremely embarrassed if he is to read this blog.

I do not go in for bigging up anyone as the art world already has far too much of this kind of self aggrandizement and frankly embarrassing behaviors, but credit where credit is due. I am at the end of the day a business man who is able to plant a decent tank. The standard of the work of many of you - George Farmer - Dave Spencer - Graeme Edwards - is second to none and I feel sure will one day be highly sort after, particularly in corporate circles.

I hope that UKAPS find it both exciting and refreshing to discover other dark stars out there who also have a deep love, passion and skill for this new and exciting art form.

Rest assured to allay your worries of any shunning of publicity on the day - Andrew is a man of his word and saving a disaster or a lack of support will be with us on the day.

I hope that we will all enjoy the demonstration in receptive feeling of good spirit. I have not yet met a human being who has nothing left to learn, the person who thinks this may be closing down the doors on their own enlightenment.

As I have said, art is a subjective business, at the end of the day we much each judge for ourselves how much we 'like' or 'dislike' something.

All I can say is that I sincerely hope that the spirit in which this demonstration is given is the spirit in which it will be accepted and that you all thoroughly enjoy the day which we at TGM are endeavoring to create for you.

Many thanks, and looking forward to seeing y'all,

Jim & Mark
The Green Machine, Wrexham