Hiya mate, the fluval 205 is a small filter for a 200 ltr tank. Looking at the stats it runs at about 680 lph. When you put highish light and inject carbon dioxide into the tank you need to have good circulation around the plants. The general rule of thumb we use is 10x the volume of the tank. Manufacturers also show the turnover without filter media so realistically fully loaded your filter is turning the tank volume over about 3x per hour at best.Ceg any help?
Also I have seen some browning on the water wisteria leaves, this is what it looks like.
What is this and why is this occurring? Is it dying?
It grew great in a small 20 litre tank and moved it to the bigger tank as the plant was pretty large.
If your lights are lower you can get away with less circulation and no co2. Lowering lights and liquid carbon should brings things back on side and you can add another circulation pump if necessary.
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